News Updates and July-September, 2020 BrailleAudio Catalog (2024)

Hi Fellow Readers,

I hope all of you are doing well. I will number the news items for easier reading.Your new catalog release will be attached and will be placed below the news updates in the body of this email.


1. The monthly email release we called Download Ideas will be called Featured Titles beginning with the July, 2020 email release. It will serve the same purpose but will be more consistent with what we post

2. We have now made it possible for Read by Mail members to download titles. This change will eliminate the need for a Read by Mail member to change his/her Read by Mail status each time the need arisess for downloading a title. The purpose for this is to allow an occasional download or for times when someone can assist the Read by Mail person to get a desired title. When a person gets to the point where he feels comfortable downloading, we encourage the person to unenroll from the Read by Mail service in the event that a slot is needed for a person who is unable to use our download service. We hope this helps to improve the Read by Mail service.

3. I wish to thank Greg who developed the featured titles feature on the web site as well as the administrative feature for emailing the Featured Titles each month to the Read email list. Remember the featured titles are not titles recommended above other titles. These titles help you to get started with your reading for the month.

4. Let us know of features and services you would like for us to include in the BrailleAudio ministry. I do not know what we can include, but I do know that we will not know what you want unless we hear from you.

5. We want to expand the BrailleAudio service to include members who live outside of the United States. The first country we would like to include is Canada. Please pray for this possibility as we seek the best way to accomplish this goal. We need the Lord's help and direction. I also ask that you pray that the Lord would provide the resources we will need as we grow. Thank you for your prayers.

Happy Reading.


BrailleAudio Catalog

July-September, 2020

Unless otherwise indicated, titles are non-fiction.

Media formats in this catalog/number of titles:
ADB (Audio DAISY Book): 251
ADP (Audio DAISY Pamphlet): 1
ADT (Audio DAISY Teaching): 43
BRB (Braille Book): 2
BRP (Braille Pamphlet): 3
Total number of titles: 300

A group of asterisks, *******, appears at the beginning of each media format for easier searching.
A single asterisk, *, appears before each title.

When searching on BrailleAudio by catalog number, enter only the number, and not the media format prefix, e.g., 345, but not ADB345. Press enter and search results should appear. If pressing enter after typing in the search box does not work, tab to the Search Catalog button, and press enter. Anyone may perform a search, but you must be logged in for download links to be displayed. You can arrow down to find the download link, or if using a screen reader such as JAWS or NBDA, press insert-f7 to create a links list. If you then press the letter d, you should easily find the download link for the title. You will be told which media format you will be downloading, such as Audio DAISY Book, or Braille Book.


Titles added since the April-June 2020 catalog release:

* ADB171 Hansi's New Life (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Maria Anne Hirschman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
Hansi, a young Czechoslovakian girl, was enamored with Hitler. He was her God. When Hitler shot himself, it really tore her up to the point where she even contemplated suicide. Several years later, her husband and 2 young children arrived on the East coast. It took her at least 2 years to get over the culture shock between America and Germany. All the time, she confided in God. Finally, during an emergency ulcer surgery, everything clicked and Hansi started enjoying her new life.

* ADB172 Hansi, the Girl Who Loved the Swastika (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Maria Anne Hirschman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 40 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Historical
Read about Maria Anne Hirschmann's amazing life in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia, her blind devotion to Hitler and the atheistic Nazi system. Her story takes you through the horror of World War II, her escape from the Communists, her chance at romance, and the reawakening of her love for Jesus Christ. See the U.S. with her eyes when she immigrates to this country with her small family. Through it all, you will see the hand of God. Go with her to Belarus as she finds a new calling from God.

* ADB174 Happy Trails, the Story of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Rogers
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
With help from Carlton Stowers, this story of America's most popular western stars recounts their enormous success and happy times, the family tragedies they have endured, and the faith that helped sustain them. This is their own story in their own words.

* ADB175 A Haven for Carolyn (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Luella K. Williams
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 45 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Suffering and Persecution
This book is the moving and personal account of a mother's heroic efforts to win a normal life for her brain-damaged child. This book is filled with love, courage and faith. The author hopes to stir the consciences of her readers and strike down greed, ignorance, misunderstanding and unrealistic theories in the care of those with mental disabilities.

* ADB177 Hear My Confession (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Father Joseph E. Orsini
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 1 hour 53 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
This book is about a priest's journey with the Catholic Charismatic Movement. He wants to be part of a renewal in the Church, not a break from it. He likens the modern charismatic experience to what was experienced by the first century Church.

* ADB179 Hidden Rainbow (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Christmas Carol Kauffman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 11 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
In this true story, a Yugoslavian Catholic couple (John and Anna Olesh) yearns for more. One day a protestant preacher stops by their house and asks for food. Not knowing who he is, they let him in and feed him. In thanks, the preacher offers them a New Testament Bible. They refuse, knowing it would cause trouble and anger the priest. "Their courage, faith and suffering for the sake of soul peace will put many of us to shame for ever thinking our way was difficult."

* ADB202 Carol's Story (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Chip Ricks
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Comfort, Suffering and Persecution
Carol, a mother of three, may appear to be a wife and mother who has never known sorrow, but she has known suffering and sorrow in her life. She tells her story of being a victim of child abuse, a subject many find hard to reveal and discuss. She shares her story to bring understanding to those who have never suffered this crime and hope to those who have endured the undeserved suffering.

* ADB220 Surgeon of Hope (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ralph L. Byron, M.D. and Jeanette W. Lockerbie
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 7 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
This heart-warming, uplifting account weaves the story of the development of the renowned City of Hope Medical Center with the life and witness of its chief of surgery. This brilliant physician made the undying commitment to serve the Lord and stand in the gap for his patients.

* ADB221 Survival (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bob Friedman
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 1 hour 51 minutes
Subject categories: Suspense
A six-seater plane crashes in the Arizona desert, catapulting five people into conflict with a hostile environment and each other. A wounded cougar adds suspense to this drama of survival.

* ADB233 The Promise and the Plow (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mary E. Judson
Read by: Margo Little
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
Based on a true story, this novel leads the reader on the journey of a young girl, Kerry McCormick, who experiences the tragic death of her mother, responds to God's call to the mission field and lives a fulfilling life of missionary service. In 1936 she found herself on a ship headed for the Philippines. She had made the commitment and put her hand to the plow. Would God keep His promise?

* ADB236 A Man for All Nations, the Story of Clyde and Ruth Taylor, Book 20 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carolyn Curtis
Read by: Bud Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
In the 1920's while still a teenager, Clyde Taylor and three missionary colleagues penetrated the dark world at the mouth of the Amazon. They were attempting a daring adventure, never before survived alive by any white man. After marrying his wife Ruth in 1932 the couple endured stonings, death threats and other persecutions during their life of missionary service.

* ADB238 A Light to All Japan, the Story of Susan Dyck, Book 19 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Eugene Neudorf
Read by: Barbara Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
It's a long way from a Canadian prairie farm to the urban centers of Japan, but Susan Dyck made it through a leap of faith. Despite struggles from within, opposition from without, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, in 1953 she was launched into a 30-year ministry in Japan. Susan once prayed for the wickedest man in town to come to her door. He did and was saved.

* ADB276 An Ordinary Man Plus an Extraordinary God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Robert Rich
Read by: Arety Jordan
Approximate time: 7 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
An extraordinary God directed these ordinary people as they served the Lord as missionaries in the Amazon basin of Brazil. These recorded true stories, great and small, reveal the marvelous faithfulness of a loving, living extraordinary God.

* ADB335 Beyond the Mist, the Story of Donald and Dorothy Fairley, Book 21 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David C. Thompson, M.D.
Read by: Barbara Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 39 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
In the 1930's missionaries Donald and Dorothy Fairley traveled to West Africa. They plunged into the forests, befriended its peoples, engaged the evil powers, preached and taught. They constructed homes and churches from the raw materials at hand, built a hydro-electric plant, and turned 177 acres of the great forest into a place of physical and spiritual healing.

* ADB337 His Five Smooth Stones (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Herm Weiskopf
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 50 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort, Commitment, Suffering and Persecution
Five Christian young people die tragically in an automobile accident late one night after studying the Bible together. This account introduces us to those dedicated young people and to the various aspects of the responses to this tragedy. This account gives a snapshot of each family and others who were affected by their deaths.

* ADB348 Journey to Love (Audio DAISY Book)
By: June Masters Bacher
Read by: Martha Arney
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Romance
This is a story from yesteryear, of 2 pioneers migrating to the picturesque Oregon territory and their journey to love.

Total number of titles added since the April-June 2020 catalog release: 16


******* Media format: ADB (Audio DAISY Book)

* ADB2 God Calling (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Two Listeners and A. J. Russell
Read by: Ellen Brubeck
Approximate time: 6 hours 44 minutes
Subject categories: Devotional
Daily devotions written by two women, who chose only to identify themselves as Two Listeners, who believed that the Lord Jesus Himself spoke to them as they prayed and sought to hear His voice day by day. They do not claim Scriptural inspiration for these devotions nor do they seek to add them to the canon of Scripture; however, the Two Listeners published this book to prove that a living Christ speaks today and "He reveals Himself now as ever as a humble servant and majestic Creator."

* ADB4 Jesus Calling (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Sarah Young
Read by: Linda Murray
Approximate time: 6 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Devotional
Inspired by the book God Calling, author Sarah Young believes that she has received communication from the Lord Jesus which she presents in first person daily devotions spoken by Jesus. She does not claim Scriptural inspiration for these devotions nor does she seek to add them to the canon of Scripture.

* ADB5 The Adventure of Being a Wife (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 30 minutes
Subject categories: Marriage and Family
Mrs. Ruth Peale, wife of Norman Vincent Peale, discusses the various roles in a husband-wife relationship. Her view is that men and women are different and have different roles in a marriage and family. She also provides tips on raising children.

* ADB6 After the Last Heartbeat (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Tom Scarinci and Will Norton
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 23 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Tom Scarinci recounts his life as a successful antique restoration expert. This normal life, however, was filled with physical pain which finally resulted in a surgery that left him dead. What happened to Tom after the last heartbeat?

* ADB7 Alive Again (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bill Banks
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 5 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
One of the greatest healing testimonies in print. A healing from cancer lasting over 30 years. Bill Banks sought healing accounts in Scripture for strength and encouragement. Follow his story as he fights to live during 6 months of chemotherapy, radiation, and dialysis, and then is told he has only 48 hours to live! When the doctors gave up-God didn't. Find answers to the questions: Is It God's Will To Heal? Does God Want To Heal You?

* ADB8 Aloha Forever (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mark Yasuhara and Diane Yasuhara
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours
Mark Yasuhara gave up a potential career in opera to become, with his wife, Diane, one of America's most popular husband-wife singing teams. Here, Mark tells The Hawaiians own story with a little help from Diane, their adopted son, Fred, and their nanny, Ruby.

* ADB9 Angels on Assignment (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Roland Buck and Charles Hunter
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, End Times and Prophecy
In this intriguing book, Roland Buck describes his personal encounters with angels and what the Bible tells us about these messengers of God. You'll find out how God's messengers impact your own life and how God is using angels to help usher in the great end-times harvest of souls before the return of Jesus.

* ADB10 The Beautiful Side of Evil (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Johanna Michaelsen
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 54 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evil and the Occult
Johanna Michaelsen shares an extraordinary story about how she became a personal assistant to a psychic surgeon and witnessed miraculous healings, yet realized the true occultic source behind The Beautiful Side of Evil.

* ADB11 Another Day Another Miracle (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ceil McCleod
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Commitment
Peering into God's looking glass, the author discovers that, though she has lived a life she considered to be in service to God, she needed to give her whole heart into his tender keeping.

* ADB12 Appointment in Jerusalem (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Lydia Prince and Derek Prince
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 33 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Commitment
The riveting true story of a young schoolteacher and her courageous quest to know God's will for her life. She discovers how God can remarkably use those who trust Him!

* ADB13 Ashes to Gold (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Patti Roberts and Sherry Andrews
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 25 minutes
A popular gospel singer describes her eleven-year marriage to TV evangelist Richard Roberts and the problems that led to their divorce.

* ADB14 Because He Lives (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gloria Gaither
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Devotional, Marriage and Family, Music and Hymnology
Gloria Gaither shares the stories and inspiration behind more than thirty of the Gaithers' best-loved songs.

* ADB15 Betrayed (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Stan Telchin
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 14 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
In the 1981 edition of this classic, BETRAYED was the stunned reaction of Stan Telchin, a successful Jewish businessman, when his daughter said she had accepted Jesus as her Messiah.

* ADB16 Beyond Defeat (Audio DAISY Book)
By: James E. Johnson and David W. Balsiger
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 9 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
This is a moving autobiography affirming the unfailing support of God's love for three generations of black Americans. The character who is the focal point of this autobiography provides a provocative life story of an American patriot who used the weapon of love to conquer hate and live . . . Beyond Defeat.

* ADB17 Beyond Love (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Laurence Hammond
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment, Romance
A true love story by Laurence Hammond.

* ADB18 Black and Free (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Tom Skinner
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 42 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
This timeless classic on the depths of God's love is the testimony of a man who came from a history of gang violence to find faith, love and freedom in Jesus Christ.

* ADB19 Black Samson (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Levi O. Kiedel
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
As you travel to Zaire through reading this book, you will discover An African's Astounding Pilgrimage to Personhood. While spending years in prison, this man discovers that God faithfully leads him through great difficulties.

* ADB20 Bloom Where You Are (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carolyn Huffman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Devotional
speaker, writer, homemaker, poet, dynamic Christian - but it is also God's story. It was initiated by the death of one small boy, Carolyn sometimes walked, sometimes skipped along, and sometimes stood perfectly still. Her honesty with God and herself is a refreshing, hopeful message in a rootless age. Here Carolyn courageously unwraps the burlap and gently reveals a soul rooted in the power of God to do business with individuals.

* ADB21 Bright Promise (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Donita Dyer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 39 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Depicts the struggles of a blind Korean woman to overcome her handicap, become a doctor, and help the people of her country.

* ADB22 A Bright Shining Place (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Cheryl Prewitt and Kathryn Slattery
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Miss America 1980, Cheryl Prewitt was in a terrible automobile accident when she was young. She was horribly scarred and many thought she would never walk normally again. She not only overcame her physical injuries but she persevered to become a beauty queen.

* ADB23 Bright Valley of Love (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Edna Hong
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 12 minutes
Subject categories: Ethics and Morality, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
This is the story of Gunther, who was abandoned and abused by his family. He finds a place of love and safety among Christians. It is told from Gunther's perspective as he grapples with rejection and feelings of worthlessness. Pastor Fritz's love for him as well as all the others with disabilities is remarkable. The whole community embraces those society rejects. The events take place during Nazi Germany when the Nazis are killing all who don't measure up. Pastor Fritz protects them all.

* ADB24 Brimming Over (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Grace L. Sandness
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 11 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Grace, herself experiencing the ravages of and struggles brought by polio writes of her unusual life with an unusual family. Dave and she adopt children with various medical needs.

* ADB25 The Broken God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bonnie Thielmann and Dean Merrill
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours
Subject categories: Evil and the Occult
Bonnie Thielmann was the adopted daughter of cult leader, Jim Jones. She knew the man better than most. She left the cult three years before its cataclysmic destruction, and was with the ill-fated delegation led by Congressman Leo Ryan to Guyana the night 900 people committed mass suicide. Thielmann's perspective helps explain how such a tragedy could take place.

* ADB26 Bruchko (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bruce Olson
Read by: Arety Jordan
Approximate time: 7 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Evangelism, Missions and Missionaries
What happens when a nineteen-year-old boy leaves home and heads into the jungles to evangelize a murderous tribe of South American Indians? For Bruce Olson, it meant capture, disease, terror, loneliness, and torture. But what he discovered by trial and error has revolutionized the world of missions.

* ADB27 The Catch Me Killer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bob Erler and John Souter
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 13 minutes
Bob Erler is working as a policeman when he is charged and convicted of murder. The reader then follows Bob through his years in prison. Bob then turns to Jesus and claims to be a Christian. He then comes back to Christ and his guilt regarding the murder he actually committed makes him withdraw from the juridical process of having the trial's decision overturned. Bob Erler was eventually released and became a Christian evangelist.

* ADB28 Caught Up Into Paradise (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Richard E. Eby, D.O.
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife
In this book Dr. Eby reveals the tender care of God's protective love in three generations of his family through miracle after miracle which includes his visit to Paradise. Your heart will be stirred. A talk by Dr. Eby is included after the book.

* ADB29 The Chaplain of Bourbon Street (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bob Harrington and Walter Wagner
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 5 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evangelism, Sermons and Preaching
Many might think that preaching on Bourbon Street is not the way to win friends and influence people, but Bob Harrington spent 20 years in New Orleans, telling drunks, dancers and others to get right with God. The self-proclaimed Chaplain of Bourbon Street recounts how the Lord grew the ministry from a call to carry the gospel to a lost world to a ministry that reached around the world through revival meetings and crusades. Some language or descriptions may be objectionable.

* ADB30 Child of Rage (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Glen M Hester and Bruce A. Nygren
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 26 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
A former foster child recounts his boyhood, his experiences in correctional institutions and psychiatric hospitals, and his work as an adult, in a Christian program designed to help urban teenagers.

* ADB31 Child of Satan, Child of God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Susan Atkins and Bob Slosser
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 42 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity didn't satisfy her.... She was looking for more. When she met Charles Manson, she felt she had met the world's savior. Here is her eye-witness account of life and death with the Manson Family.

* ADB32 China Cry (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Nora Lam and Irene Harrell
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Discipleship, Missions and Missionaries, Suffering and Persecution, Suspense
Growing up in Shanghai in 1941, little Sung Neng Yee, now known as Nora Lam lived like a princess until the bombs dropped and Japanese soldiers seized her family home. Years later, threatened by the Communist regime that now envelops her country, Nora cries to God for salvation and miracles follow. This is a heroic account of one woman's courage, determination, and faith in God as she escapes communist China.

* ADB33 Clap Your Hands (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Larry Tomczak
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 31 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Larry Tomczak relates his quest for success in the world, his encounter with a real Christian faith and renewed interest in the church of his youth, the Roman Catholic Church. Although Larry's narrative is specifically applicable to Baby Boomers all catholics can relate to the events in his life, his disenchantment and rejection of the Church and his surprising return. Tomczak's book is refreshing with minimal Catholic bashing and his candid assessment of his own life and actions.

* ADB34 Come and See (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ken Medema and Joyce Norman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 10 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This autobiography with writer Joyce Norman tells the story of an accomplished blind pianist who has performed for thousands. His Christian witness is clearly seen through his concert performances.

* ADB35 Come Fill the Cup (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Lee Bryant
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 42 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Although reading like a novel, Come Fill the Cup is a true life account of one woman's journey from a world of alcohol intoxication and darkness to the light of life in Christ Jesus.

* ADB36 The Comeback (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jay Robinson and Jim Hardiman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
He was born in New York City, son of a dancer and a director of the Van Heusen Shirt Co. He became interested in acting after discovering a scrapbook of his mother's dance career.

* ADB37 Coming Back (Audio DAISY Book)
By: James Johnson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 54 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Comfort
This physical/spiritual true adventure begins with a choice - a brief life as a cripple, or the circ*mstances of a radical, quadruple open heart by-pass. This accounting is intended to offer evidence that 'death has no sting.' What is told here may encourage some soul caught in the bewilderment of life's values to know that all things are in His hands.

* ADB38 The Singer, the Song, the Finale, a Trilogy (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Calvin Miller
Read by: Ann Thompson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 5 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, End Times and Prophecy, The Church
The Singer is an extended metaphor depicting the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ. The Song charts the growth and persecution of the first century church. The Finale is a moving presentation of the possible chain of events which may take place during the end times. We have compiled these three books into one recording which is why it is not listed as a series.

* ADB39 The Reality of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 4 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines
In the foreword of this book we read that prayer was the great weapon in the arsenal of the Rev. E. M. Bounds and his pathway to the throne of grace. In this book author Edward McKendree Bounds addresses such topics as the sacred, princely privilege of prayer, prayer as the essence of earthly worship, the Lord Jesus as the Divine teacher of prayer and much more. This book helps the reader to capture the reality of prayer. 1924, republished 1978.

* ADB40 Purpose in Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: David Green
Approximate time: 4 hours 30 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Prayer
Bounds presents prayer as a natural, spontaneous communion with God which involves both listening and speaking to God. Prayer is the most natural outpouring of the soul to God. In this view prayer is not a compartmentalized activity practiced as a religious exercise. Prayer is not a meaningless activity but can and should be filled with purpose. 1920, republished 1978.

* ADB41 The Weapon of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Lora Waring
Approximate time: 4 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines
While many Christians think of the armor of God as essential for spiritual warfare, they may forget the weapon that assures the strength and effectiveness of the armor, prayer. Bounds calls all to pray both ministers and the laity alike and shows the emphasis the Lord Jesus places on prayer. Neglecting the weapon of prayer causes us to neglect our spiritual growth.

* ADB42 The Possibilities of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Janet Steele
Approximate time: 3 hours 39 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines
Prayer is the effectiveness of ministry though it is practiced in the secret closet. Prayer brings to mind the promises of God and helps us to live in them. Some possibilities of life can only be realized and experienced by continuing prayer. 1923, republished 1982.

* ADB43 The Necessity of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Joanne Browning
Approximate time: 3 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines
Author E. M. Bounds' passion for prayer which compelled him to write nine books on the topic shines through in this work, and cannot but help motivate those who read it to also see the necessity of prayer. republished 1982.

* ADB44 Power Through Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Joanne Browning
Approximate time: 2 hours 19 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Prayer
This is a very timely masterpiece by Dr. Bounds, which provides quotes from other admirable men throughout church history who have placed great emphasis on the power of prayer. There are quotes from such venerable Bible Scholars as Baxter, Cecil, Edwards, Luther, Brainerd, McCheyne, and many more.

* ADB46 The Essentials of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: E. M. Bounds
Read by: Joanne Browning
Approximate time: 3 hours 34 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Living, Devotional
What are the essentials of prayer? In his sixth book on the subject, E. M. Bounds answers this question as he discusses such topics as praying with humility and dedication, praying with a heart of thanksgiving and praise and praying with all of one's being.

* ADB47 The Seduction of Christianity, Book 1 in The Seduction of Christianity (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon
Read by: Lora Waring
Approximate time: 10 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Living, Cults, Doctrine and Theology, Ethics and Morality, Evangelism, The Church
Jesus told us that there would be false prophets and many coming in His Name, saying "I am He," and that they would deceive many. The new age movement is sweeping into the church, disguising itself as Christianity. It is essential that we understand these epocalyptic times, and have sufficient knowledge of Scripture to keep from being deceived. The authors have presented a superlative explanation and documentation of the deception that is invading the church, and how to recognize it.

* ADB49 Making Decisions (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles Turkington
Read by: Becky Peterson
Approximate time: 2 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Decision making becomes easier when we let God help. Part of the Growing Christians Series.

* ADB50 The Literature and Meaning of Scripture (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Morris A. Inch and C. Hassell Bullock
Read by: Lora Waring
Approximate time: 14 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study
This book provides an introduction to Bible study methods. Various contributors explain how to study and interpret each type of Scripture found in the Bible.

* ADB51 The Interpretation of Holy Scripture (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Walter Dunnett
Read by: Pat Cruison and Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 11 hours 14 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study
This book provides applications for effective Bible study by using a method commonly called hermeneutics. It helps answer such questions as: What does this text mean? How should one go about discovering its meaning? What is its significance for today? How can I apply this teaching to my own life? This book may serve as a helpful resource for the serious Bible student.

* ADB52 Beyond Seduction, Book 2 in The Seduction of Christianity (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dave Hunt
Read by: Lora Waring
Approximate time: 13 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Living, Commitment, Cults, Doctrine and Theology, Ethics and Morality, The Church
This is the sequel to The Seduction of Christianity.

* ADB53 How to Study the Bible (Audio DAISY Book)
By: James Braga
Read by: Louis Duke
Approximate time: 7 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study
There is more than one way to study the Bible. In fact the nature or purpose of a particular study may determine the method you use. Such methods include geographical, biographical, historical, etc. The author presents a look at different Bible study methods.

* ADB54 The Early Earth, revised edition (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John C. Whitcomb
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 9 hours
Subject categories: Bible Study
Many people scoff at the idea of a six-day creation, but this is what a literal reading of the Bible renders. The author presents an intensely researched study of Biblical creationism done by pre-eminent Christian scholars. Your view of God and His acts of creation may be altered or perhaps challenged upon reading this book.

* ADB55 An Introduction to Hermeneutics, Understanding and Applying the Bible (Audio DAISY Book)
By: J. Robertson McQuilkin
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 13 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study
Revised and updated, Understanding and Applying the Bible provides simple and scholarly principles for the interpretation of Scripture. It also examines the most common errors in Bible reading.

* ADB56 Egypt and Bible History, from earliest times to 1000 b.c. (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles F. Aling
Read by: David Green
Approximate time: 6 hours 24 minutes
Subject categories: Historical
This is a historical book covering egyptian history as it relates to the Bible.

* ADB57 The Cross of Christ (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John R. W. Stott
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 23 hours 53 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
Former rector of All Souls Church in London, England, and leading Christian theologian John R. W. Stott discusses how the cross of Christ changed the world forever. He presents the Cross of Christ as central in the Christian faith and theology.

* ADB58 Come Alive (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Frances Hunter
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 7 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Growth, Christian Living
Is your Christian life dull, dry and unexciting? Frances Hunter introduces you to a better alternative, the adventure of living an exciting and faith-filled Christian life. She urges you to begin by reading and studying the Bible and making your personal appointment to meet with Jesus each and every day.

* ADB59 Inside Out (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. Larry Crabb, Jr.
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 8 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
Have you been living a pretend Christian life? Can you, as a Christian, admit that you need the freedom that only Christ can bring? The author submits that if we are going to be happy Christians we must discover ourselves from the inside out.

* ADB60 Creative Family Worship (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dorothy Martin
Read by: Pat Cruison
Approximate time: 2 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Marriage and Family
Family worship is often overlooked in the Christian home. This book discusses the importance of the family, the role parents play and the benefits of regular family devotions to children and the entire family. The author gives Creative and practical suggestions for family worship.

* ADB61 The Gospel According to Jesus (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John F. MacArthur, Jr.
Read by: Vickie Lineburrier
Approximate time: 13 hours 48 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Commitment, Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology
What is the gospel as communicated by Jesus? The things Jesus said and did are just as important today as they were when they occurred. He still demands the position of total Lord of our lives.

* ADB62 Body Dynamics (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John F. MacArthur, Jr.
Read by: Volunteer Narrator
Approximate time: 6 hours 45 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, The Church
As we discover our place in the body of Christ, and as we perform our proper function, the entire body benefits.

* ADB63 Lifestyle Evangelism (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joseph C. Aldrich
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 9 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Discipleship, Evangelism
Evangelism is not something we do, it is what we are. The author\'s approach is biblical, practical, and natural. Lifestyle Evangelism is the definitive work in introducing people to the Savior in a way that displays God\'s authentic love for the lost.

* ADB64 Waiting Hearts, a Story of Extraordinary Love (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Tom Carr and Ginny Carr
Read by: Tom Carr and Ginny Carr
Approximate time: 6 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Marriage and Family, Romance
Tom has MS and Ginny had polio as a child. Both were waiting on God to lead them to that special someone, and God indeed brought this couple together. This is the story of their courtship and marriage, a true intertwining of romance and love.

* ADB65 Dam Break in Georgia (Audio DAISY Book)
By: K. Neill Foster and Eric Mills
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 3 hours 17 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort, Suffering and Persecution
When the dam broke early on the morning of November 6, 1977, life changed forever for all of those who were on this Bible college campus.

* ADB66 Eternally Named (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Maurice R. Irvin
Read by: Volunteer Narrator
Approximate time: 3 hours 7 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
The eternal Christ makes an eternal difference in our lives. While we are unable to comprehend the totality of God, understanding the aspects of His Name helps us to further appreciate our great one and only God.

* ADB67 Against the Gates of Hell, the Story of Glenn V. Tingley (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Judith Adams
Read by: Pat Cruison
Approximate time: 3 hours 41 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
Glenn Tingley has a mission from God. He is fearless in carrying out that mission. What people think of him or say about him does not matter. Being obedient to God is what matters to Glenn. He has vigorously fought corruption and frequently engaged in the political crusades against sin and vice.

* ADB70 Let My People Go, the Life of Robert A. Jaffray, Book 1 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 3 hours 29 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
This pioneer missionary to China did not let a heart condition slow him down. Canadian by physical birth, in a spiritual sense Jaffray was the citizen of no single country as he traveled the world to serve the Lord and accomplish God's will for his life.

* ADB71 God Tells the Man Who Cares (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Read by: Volunteer Narrator
Approximate time: 5 hours 38 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Commitment, Discipleship
The chapters in this book are messages of concern, warning, exhortation and hope for the church. One who senses a call to Christian ministry and service may find encouragement and inspiration from the insights given by Tozer.

* ADB72 Weak Thing in Moni Land, the Story of Bill and Gracie Cutts, Book 2 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: William A. Cutts
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 4 hours 3 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
Denominational leadership thought that Bill's birth defects should keep him off the mission field, but God had other plans. Bill and Gracie committed their lives to mission work in Indonesia, communicating God's love to the people they served and making a difference for future generations.

* ADB73 The Hiding Place (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Corrie Ten Boom and John and Elizabeth Sherrill
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 55 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
This is the well-known and captivating story of how Corrie and her family became leaders in the Dutch Underground, hiding Jewish people in a specially built room in their house and aiding their escape from the Nazis.

* ADB75 Hobo on the Way to Heaven (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Art Linkletter and George Bishop
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Opening with the news of the tragic death of Art Linkletter's 19-year-old daughter, this book is Largely about his spiritual journey. A fascinating biography of a man who, through his television program came into the homes of millions of viewers with wit and humor as he talked with children.

* ADB76 Holiday in Hell (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Chico Holiday and Bob Owen
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 23 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
What a difference a praying wife makes. Chico Holiday, performer and entertainer, gives credit to his wife Sally for praying for him and leading him to a deep relationship in Christ. Chico and Sally saw lives changed through their experiences of the ministry of the good news of Jesus Christ.

* ADB77 The Holy Spirit and You (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dennis Bennett and Rita Bennett
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 12 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study
Dennis and Rita Bennett tell how you can experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life that has been experienced in the lives of hundreds of thousands of others. Even in the middle of this frightening world and time, you can have the same peace, joy, and love that was such a part of the early Church. This book has been hailed as a key textbook on the Holy Spirit by leaders in groups as diverse as Roman Catholic and Assemblies of God.

* ADB78 Home Is the Sailor (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Robin Lee Graham and Derek Gill
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 9 hours
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Part Two of the story of Robin Graham, his wife Patricia, the life they dreamed of having together, and the real life experiences that challenged that dream. They are still together and now live in Kalispell, Montana, but for those looking for the simple, practical, peaceful, minimalist kind of life, these two tried it.

* ADB79 Home Where I Belong (Audio DAISY Book)
By: B. J. Thomas and Jerry B. Jenkins
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 16 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This is an honest account of the price of fame and fortune and drug addiction. It is an insight at the toll that fame, fortune, and drugs can take on a person, his life, and his loved ones. By all accounts this man should have joined the long list of others, but he survived addiction, conquered it, and has lived to tell it! The book is not glitzy or glamorous, but the cold, hard truth of his ordeal.

* ADB80 The Honeymoon Is Over (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Shirley Boone and Pat Boone
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 45 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living, Marriage and Family
After the marriage there is the honeymoon, and then there is life. Shirley and Pat discovered This truth and share with us their sorrows, joys, successes, failures, raising children and all that comprises life in a Christian family. Just as the honeymoon period ends in marriage, they assert that it ends in the Christian life which calls for continuing commitment on the part of the Christian.

* ADB82 Hostage (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Fausto Bucheli
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 11 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Suspense
This is the true story of an American's 47 days of terrorists captivity in Latin America. It is a story of intrigue, suspense and pathos.

* ADB83 How I Learned to Meditate (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Malcolm Smith
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 10 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines
Smith's honest, from the heart message describing his spiritual journey resonates, especially the chapter where he meets the Quaker and they have a discussion about the need to listen to God in the silence.

* ADB84 How to Heal the Sick (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles Hunter and Frances Hunter
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 53 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology, Evangelism, Evil and the Occult
The solid, biblically based methods of healing found in this book can bring you physical health, divine happiness, and abundant life.

* ADB85 How to Rule the World or Seek First the Kingdom of God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John Roy Bohlen
Read by: John Roy Bohlen
Approximate time: 4 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship
This book covers the Kingdom of God, discipleship training, the Great Commission and talks about Christian living. Review questions and a questionnaire are provided to help with your study.

* ADB86 I Believe in Miracles (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Kathryn Kuhlman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
Famous for her ministry in the area of healing, Kathryn Kuhlman believed the greatest miracle to be that of receiving salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. She was also a woman who cared for the physical and financial needs of others as she fed the hungry and helped students with school expenses. This autobiography recounts the life and work of this woman of faith.

* ADB87 I Believe in Visions (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Kenneth E. Hagin
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
Rev. Hagin describes in fascinating detail all of his major visions of Jesus. These visions have dramatically influenced Rev. Hagin's half century of ministry.

* ADB88 I Dared to Call Him Father (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bilquis Sheikh and Richard H. Schneider
Read by: Mearl Judy
Approximate time: 5 hours 13 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Supernatural events move a highborn Muslim woman to risk everything to become a Christian.
It is an enthralling story of faith and courage in the face of danger and difficult circ*mstances and a fascinating true story of a woman from another culture who faced those questions at the crossroads of her life.

* ADB89 I Gave God Time (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ann Kiemel Anderson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 42 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
The emphasis in this book is on trusting God to work out His plan for your life in His perfect time. It was also encouraging to see how neither Ann nor Will immediately recognized what God was doing as He brought them together; they didn't fit each others' mental pictures of what they wanted in life or in a spouse, but because of their openness to God's leading and their commitment to follow Him, they found joy and love beyond what they could have imagined.

* ADB90 I Love the Word Impossible (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ann Kiemel
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Living, Devotional
Millions of readers have been encouraged to dream big and believe that with God, they too, can make a difference in their world. God promises to be bigger than any impossibility because He is love?and love always finds a way through, in time. Some consider Ann Kiemel to be one of the most authentic voices in the Christian Community. Others regard her as a best-selling author of seventeen books, many of which have been passed on as inspirational classics over the past three decades.

* ADB91 Called for Life (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Kent and Amber Brantley and David Thomas
Read by: Jeff Green and Carol Green
Approximate time: 6 hours 14 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Commitment, Missions and Missionaries
Called for Life tells the gripping, inside story of Dr. Kent and Amber Brantley's call to serve their neighbors as well as Kent's fight for life against Ebola and Amber's struggle to support him from half a world away. Most significant, Called for Life reminds us of the risk, the honor and the joy to be found in serving God and others without reservation.

* ADB92 I Talked With Spirits (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Victor H. Ernest
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 19 minutes
Subject categories: Evil and the Occult
In relating his experiences with spiritualism, the author gives his insight into the nature and power of spiritualism and the greater power of Jesus Christ.

* ADB93 I'm Gonna Bury You (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gene Neill
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 29 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This is a five-star autobiography of Gene Neill, Miami mafia lawyer, who got a fifty-year sentence and met the Lord Jesus Christ
in an underground solitary cell in Springfield Federal Penitentiary.
After he was miraculously released from prison he spent the next forty years traveling the World telling everyone who would listen what Christ did in his life. It will touch the coldest heart and bless anyone who reads it.

* ADB94 I'm Out to Change My World (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ann Kiemel
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 50 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Through short experiences of life, Ann shares that we live life with a God who loves us and cares about what happens to us. God is really real, and we can experience a full, meaningful relationship with Him. In our ordinary living, God can use us to change the world in which we
live, sometimes stumbling but always overcoming. An unusual, interesting and inspiring talk given by Ann immediately follows the book.

* ADB95 If I Can, You Can (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Betty Lee Esses
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Marriage and Family
Betty gives her perspective of her marriage with the merging of the lives of a Texas woman with an Irish background and a man with Jewish, Middle eastern roots. She faces trials, tragedies and triumphs. You will read about a woman truly liberated by Christ.

* ADB96 If I Die At Thirty (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Meg Woodson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 54 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living, Comfort
The book is the story of two parents talking to their daughter, Peggie, between her thirteenth and fourteenth birthdays - after they discovered Peggie's limited life expectancy from Cystic Fibrosis.

* ADB97 Impossible Miracles (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles Hunter and Frances Hunter
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 55 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship
God is as real in the world today as He was 2000 years ago. The Hunters provide account of how a living God works in the lives of His people today. We learn that miracles did not end with the closing of the first century. He still works miracles today.

* ADB98 Improving Your Serve (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles R. Swindoll
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Devotional
The author presents a straightforward discussion of the prizes and perils of living with a servant's heart. He includes lots of scriptural references provided in full so that they are readily available to the reader. Topics that challenge the reader include changing your thinking, being a giver and employing the necessary power of forgiveness as you live as a servant of Christ and others.

* ADB99 In His Steps (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles M. Sheldon
Read by: Martha Arney
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 8 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Commitment, Discipleship, Ethics and Morality
A minister with a background in social work disguised himself as an unemployed printer. As he tramped the streets of his Kansas town, he was shocked by the indifference he experienced from the Christian community. Sheldon wrote this book in response to his shock, challenging each Christian to always ask the question: 'What Would Jesus do?'

* ADB100 In His Steps Today (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Marti Hefley
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 32 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship, Ethics and Morality
WWJD? In the classic book In His Steps, some Christian group members make this motto their guide for daily living. Their lives are glow for Christ. That was in 1890! Would this work today? WWJD in Solving the Problems of Present Political, Economic and Social Life? Hefley writes a modern version with Heather obsessed by her beautiful home as the central character. Her experiences and decisions interweave with and affect those around her.

* ADB101 In His Strength (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gwen Wilkerson and Betty Schonauer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
Gwen Wilkerson, the wife of David Wilkerson who founded Teen Challenge, gives her account from her perspective of their life together. She discusses Dave's call to minister to drug addicts in New York City, the founding of Teen Challenge and their life in Texas.

* ADB102 The Inside Story, Robert Schuller (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Michael Nason and Donna Nason
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 12 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This biography of Robert Schuller, the televangelist from California also tells the story of Garden Grove Community Church. Dr. Schuller wanted to touch the lives of people and believe that God would do what many would say was impossible.

* ADB103 Invitation to Joy, a Personal Story (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Eleanor Searle Whitney
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 43 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
Eleanor was born Eleanor Searle in 1908 in Plymouth, Ohio. She studied opera as a child and became an opera singer of some renown, which she gave up to marry socialite Cornelius "Sonny" Whitney. This personal story provides an account of struggles and difficulties and the challenges that marriage sometimes brings. In these difficulties, the author discovers and communicates the joy that can be found in Jesus.

* ADB104 Irregular People (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joyce Landorf
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 47 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Suffering and Persecution
The author helps the reader understand the nature of the relationships with other "irregular" people that cause frustration, endless striving and other types of suffering. These relationships are often the very thing that God uses to help us grow up in Him.

* ADB105 It's Incredible (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ann Kiemel
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship
Through a variety of topics, the reader gets to know a woman who is shy and often experiences feelings of insecurity. Nevertheless, she also experiences the victories that Christ brings her way as He teaches her to live the Christian life. She helps us to realize what life is about in its simplest form: you, me, love, and Jesus.

* ADB106 It's Getting Gooder and Gooder (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Hymie Rubenstein
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This story of a Jewish youth who converts to Christianity is not a simple story of conversion and success. The author's experiences range from being tempted with suicide to learning and growing to see the Lord provide successful and fruitful ministry.

* ADB107 It's My Turn (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ruth Bell Graham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 29 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
What a great little book full of the wisdom of a godly wife and mother. This easy to read, autobiographical book by the wife of evangelist Billy Graham is full of colorful anecdotes and fabulous snippets of wisdom drizzled between some hysterical stories and recollections.

* ADB108 Jeannie C. Riley, from Harper Valley to the Mountaintop (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jeannie C. Riley and Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 32 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Many have heard her country hit song that talked about a PTA meeting in the town the song called Harper Valley, but have you heard the story the singer has to tell? You will read of a tumultuous life of fame, fortune, and misery. Is there hope for this star who began with a life nurtured with faith in God?

* ADB109 Jesus Is Alive (Audio DAISY Book)
By: George Stockhowe
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Doctrine and Theology
Convincing experiences show that Jesus is alive through the power of the Holy Spirit. This pastor writes about receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and how that related to his church life and pastoral experiences.

* ADB110 Jesus World (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 44 minutes
Subject categories: Suspense
Could it happen today? Jesus World, a novel, is a fictional study of the differences between high profile Christianity, riddled with compromise yet justified by countless conversions, and simple Jesus-like discipleship. Can both exist side-by-side? Or will one overtake the other, in the name of God?

* ADB111 Jonathan You Left Too Soon (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David B. Biebel
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
Devastated by the sudden loss of the little boy he loved so much, David Biebel questioned his self-worth, his ministry, even his faith. His account of his struggle to reconcile the conflict is a moving documentary of human loss and divine grace.

* ADB112 Joni (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joni Eareckson and Joe Musser
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This is the award-winning story of a young woman who triumphed over devastating odds to touch countless lives the world over with the healing message of Christ. In a split second on a hot July afternoon, a diving accident transformed the life of Joni Eareckson Tada forever. She went from being an active young woman to facing every day in a wheelchair. In this unforgettable autobiography, Joni reveals each step of her struggle to accept her disability and discover the meaning of her life.

* ADB113 Joseph (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joyce Landorf
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 10 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters
Hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, imprisoned for years, and used to accomplish God's purpose, Joseph is seen through the eyes of his mother, aunt, sister-in-law, wife, and employer's wife.

* ADB114 Kim, I Will Make Darkness Light (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Hugh Steven and Kim Wickes
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 3 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Join Kim as she takes you on her journey. As a 10-year-old Korean blind girl, she was adopted and brought to the U.S. by Americans from Indiana. You will travel with her through many experiences including travel in Europe. Experience with her how a self-oriented woman yielded herself to a Christ-centered life.

* ADB115 L'Abri (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Edith Schaeffer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours
Subject categories: Christian Living, Evangelism, Missions and Missionaries
Francis Schaeffer's widow recalls their years at L'Abri, a retreat they founded in the Swiss Alps. Although they originally intended to serve as more traditional missionaries to Switzerland, the Schaeffers ended up opening their chalet to literally hundreds of visitors who came to ski the slopes and talk through difficult questions with Edith and her husband.

* ADB116 The Last Word (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Devotional, Humour
A refreshingly unapologetic great storyteller. A good devotional read for Christians and others who take themselves too seriously.

* ADB117 Latest Word on the Last Days (Audio DAISY Book)
By: C. S. Lovett
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 10 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: End Times and Prophecy
This is a very direct and informational book. It is organized with illustrations for almost anyone to be able to jump into the middle of end times prophecy and get a very descriptive and thorough understanding of what it all means, complete with bible verses to back up what he writes. While the passing of time may make the title itself outdated, the material is relevant for the reader's time.

* ADB118 The Seduction of Our Children (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Neil Anderson and Steve Russo
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Evil and the Occult, Marriage and Family
Noted spiritual conflicts counselor Neil Anderson, the bestselling author of The Bondage Breaker, and youth evangelist Steve Russo, know the deception at work in the minds of children.

* ADB119 On Call, the Story of David Thompson, Book 3 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David C. Thompson, M.D.
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 5 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
This medical missionary to West Africa candidly shares his heart for the people of that area.

* ADB120 To China and Back, the Story of Anthony and Evelyn Bollback, Book 4 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Anthony G. Bollback
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 3 hours 13 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
To China And Back describes the ministry of Anthony and Evelyn Bollback which affirms that God intervenes in the everyday affairs of those who love Him and habitually seek His guidance. Barely able to communicate in Chinese, the Bollbacks fled China to continue their missionary careers in Japan and Hong Kong. As always, there was the usual and unexpected.

* ADB121 Problem Kids, or Kids with Problems (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ministries C and M A Special
Read by: Volunteer Narrator
Approximate time: 1 hour 26 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, The Church
This book contains helpful hints on dealing with disciplinary problems in the Sunday School classroom. One of the roles of the Church addressed is helping people move from life-wasting behaviors to life-giving ones. The teacher learns to control disruptive behaviors, reshaping them in the context of love to become productive ones, enabling the person to contribute to the life and growth of the Body of Christ.

* ADB122 Please Leave Your Shoes at the Door, the Story of Corrine and Elmer Sahlberg, Book 5 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Corrine S. Sahlberg
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 4 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
This is a book about coping, particularly how a missionary wife and mother coped in the midst of loneliness, sickness, accidents, primitive surroundings, fear and the tragic martyrdom of her colleagues.

* ADB123 A Heart for Imbabura, the Story of Evelyn Rychner, Book 6 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles Shepson
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 4 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
The story of Evelyn Rychner whose ministry in Ecuador, South America, was plagued by persecution, violence and apathy until God broke through.

* ADB124 The People Time Forgot (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Alice Gibbons
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 11 hours 34 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
This is an excellent story of a dedicated missionary family who went to Irian Jaya, Indonesia, in the 1950's to tell the people there about God's plan of salvation. Alice Gibbons did a good job of showing the work that went into teaching the people how to read, and training them to teach others. It was a long, hard process. This would be a great story to read as a family.

* ADB125 No Sacrifice Too Great, the Story of Ernest and Ruth Presswood, Book 7 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ruth Presswood Hutchins
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 5 hours 5 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries, Suffering and Persecution
Ruth and Ernest Presswood were missionaries in the South Pacific before WWII. When the war broke out they were captured and taken to Japanese concentration camps. Ruth survived, but Ernest did not. Despite all of this, Ruth continued to trust God and live faithfully for Him.

* ADB126 Becoming a Woman of Excellence (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Cynthia Heald
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 2 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living
As you read this book, you are encouraged to discover your freedom to serve and please God. In this 11-week Bible study, learn God's perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands. Learn what God has to say about Becoming a woman of excellence.

* ADB127 Finding God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. Larry Crabb, Jr.
Read by: Shawn Gillogly
Approximate time: 5 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth
In today's world we are more preoccupied with solving our problems than with finding God. We've got things backward, says Dr. Larry Crabb. Instead of using God to solve our problems, we need to use our problems to find God.

* ADB128 Edge of Conflict, Book 8 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Harry Taylor and Miriam Taylor
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 4 hours 47 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
Cambodia, the Philippines, Lebanon, Harry and Miriam Taylorcalled all of these turbulent areas of the world home during their missionary service.

* ADB129 One Shall Chase a Thousand, the Story of Mabel Francis, Book 9 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mabel Francis and Gerald B. Smith
Read by: Joyce Carnifix
Approximate time: 3 hours 37 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
This is an inspiring account of one woman's journey with God as a missionary. This veteran missionary shares her experiences while serving in Japan which include being in a country at war with the United States, spending time in a "bleak but hallowed prison cell," and a "lifetime of service to Jesus Christ." Miss Francis relates some of her personal encounters with the Lord, and shows how she grew in her relationship with Him in ways that are inspirational and even personally applicable.

* ADB130 The Compassionate Touch (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Douglas Wead
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
A prostitute, a drug addict, a beggar, a hopelessly deformed child, a leper--all wallow in the wretchedness of life on the streets of Calcutta. They represent the drama of human misery enacted in this hell-hole of the world. But they are the lucky ones. Into their lives comes an angel of mercy in the form of Mark Buntain. He offers them medical attention, food, clothing, a home, encouragement and, best of all, the love and forgiveness of God.

* ADB131 Confessions of an Arms Peddler (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Don R. Grand Pre
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, money
This is the true story of one man's lust for power, success and fulfillment and the ultimate choice he had to make. Will he ultimately choose God or money?

* ADB132 Coping with Criticism (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Humour
This is a timeless and invaluable book for anyone in leadership. With the usual Buckingham charm and self-deprecating humor, the author lays out the thesis of his book: All criticism is valuable, even if it is wrong and mean-spirited. Then the author backs up his thesis with charming and sometimes painfully real anecdotes that make you laugh, cry, or at the very least, identify.

* ADB133 Corned Beef, Knishes and Christ (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Zola Levitt
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 40 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Jewish Christians
The Story of a 20th-century Levite describes this interesting account of this Jewish man. He tells the story of one who grew up as a jew, became educated and then met Christ.

* ADB134 Created for Commitment (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. Wetherell Johnson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 12 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Discipleship, Missions and Missionaries
This is the remarkable story of the founder of the well-known ministry Bible Study Fellowship. Journey with the author from her roots in England, through her life in China and to her life in the United States. You will learn what it means to be a committed Christian.

* ADB135 Daughter of Destiny, Kathryn Kuhlman, Her Story (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 9 hours 32 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evangelism
This book is a biography of Kathryn Kuhlman, perhaps the foremost woman evangelist of our century. Rather than presenting a perfect picture of a famous servant of God, the author presents an honest account of her life and ministry.

* ADB136 The Day the Dollar Dies (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Willard Cantelon
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 48 minutes
Subject categories: End Times and Prophecy, money
This book reveals behind-the-scenes information that is based on careful research. The Day the Dollar Dies will profoundly affect the way you feel about the future of the world economy. The development of our monetary system in the light of a one-world government and Bible prophecy are discussed.

* ADB137 Dealing with the Devil (Audio DAISY Book)
By: C. S. Lovett
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Evil and the Occult
It is only fair to warn you that Satan HATES this book. He doesn't want you reading it, for he knows what it will do in your life. Some Christians have said that this is the hardest book they have ever tried to read. This book takes seriously the belief that we can really resist the devil and he will actually flee from us. The author gives practical suggestions for incorporating this resistance into our daily lives.

* ADB138 Death of a Guru (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Rabindranath R. Maharaj and Dave Hunt
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Study of Other Religions
Rabindranath R Maharaj was descended from a long line of Brahmin priests and trained as a Yogi. He meditated for many hours each day, but gradually disillusionment set in. In DEATH OF A GURU he describes vividly and honestly Hindu life and customs, tracing his difficult search for meaning and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christ.

* ADB139 Debbie Boone So Far (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Debbie Boone and Dennis Baker
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
The popular singer recounts her strict upbringing, and explains the part faith has played in her life and career.

* ADB140 Crying Wind (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Crying Wind
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 19 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Historical
An ordinary native-American girl tells her story of growing up in her community and culture and finding the love of God in Christ. She honestly conveys the Indian struggle and finds the answers as prayer to God.

* ADB141 Deliver Us from Evil (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Don Basham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 57 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Evil and the Occult
This pastor and conference speaker recounts his experiences in ministry and his growing understanding of the devil, demons and deliverance ministry. He delves into the origin of evil and the abiding hope and victory we can have in Christ. He also helps us to understand that deliverance, after all, is more than freedom from evil; it is delivery into the freedom to love and serve the Lord.

* ADB142 The Devil and Mr. Smith (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Hershel Smith and Dave Hunt
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evil and the Occult
This is one man's dramatic encounter with the forces of evil and the victory that led him to a new life in Jesus Christ. It is a gripping and inspiring story, an apt illustration of just how much evil contends for our souls and our very lives each and every day. If you are a Christian whose life has been touched by Satan, reading this book will give you hope and open your eyes to what is authentic in this life.

* ADB143 Discovering How to Pray (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Hope MacDonald
Read by: Hope MacDonald
Approximate time: 3 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Devotional
In this practical and inspiring book, Discovering How to Pray, Hope MacDonald gives refreshing new insights into a perennial problem of Christians -- how, when, where, and why we should pray.

* ADB144 Discovering the Joy of Obedience (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Hope MacDonald
Read by: Hope MacDonald
Approximate time: 2 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship
Do you have trouble obeying God? Do you want to learn how to live a life of consistent obedience? Hope MacDonald talks about the joy of obedience and the joy it will bring in your life. She explores such topics as why Christians are called to obey, who calls them, and what the reality of obedience means in daily living.

* ADB145 Dorie, the Girl Nobody Loved (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Doris VanStone and Erwin W. Lutzer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 12 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
Dorie never knew love until a group of college students visited the orphanage and told her that God loved her. As she accepted that love, her life began to change. Dorie is the thrilling, true account of what God's love can do in a life. Doris Van Stone takes readers through the hard years of her childhood into her fascinating years as a missionary with her husband to the Dani tribe in New Guinea.

* ADB146 Dropping Your Guard (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles R. Swindoll
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 26 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Living
Dropping Your Guard portrays Bible teacher Chuck Swindoll at his best, delving into the treasures of God's Word to reveal strategic principles for building open and genuine relationships.

* ADB147 East Wind (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ruth Hunt
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 8 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Suffering and Persecution
Only one who has felt the nearness of death can truly be grateful for each new day, no matter how much suffering it might bring. This is The story of Maria Zeitner Linke who survived nine years of imprisonment in the death camps of Stalin's Russia following World War II. Historically, the scope of this book is broad; spiritually its impact is tremendous.

* ADB148 The Emancipation of Robert Sadler (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Robert Sadler and Marie Chapian
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 48 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This is A very powerful story of a young boy sold into slavery at age 5 in 1916 and his journey thru life. You will encounter heartbreaking tales of the loss of people around him, yet he always maintained a positive attitude.

* ADB149 Esther, The Star and the Scepter (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gini Andrews
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 8 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters
She was a beautiful, young queen, queen of an empire. Only one man knew her secret, a secret that could mean death. Learn more as you read this captivating Fictional presentation of Queen Esther.

* ADB150 Everybody Wins, the Story Behind the Ungame (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Rhea Zakich
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
She thought that she had achieved all of her goals and dreams, but she could not explain that empty, hollow feeling. She tried to find meaningful activities to fill this void. Finally, through beginning a most unusual project, she discovered that surrendering to God and His will and leading is the pathway to satisfaction and success.

* ADB151 Exodus II, Let My People Go (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Steve Lightle
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 34 minutes
Subject categories: End Times and Prophecy, Historical
This non-fiction book was written in 1983. It details the judgement of the Soviet Union and foretells of the exodus of the Jewish people and their going home to Israel. Details are given of preparations that were made through out Europe to help the Jewish people return home. Written long before the disintegration of the USSR, we have now seen it happen.

* ADB152 The Eye of the Storm (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joseph P. Bishop
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort, Suffering and Persecution
To get to the "eye of the storm" you must first go through the storm. This author went through the storms of life, one being his wife's battle with cancer before he arrived at that calm place in God, the eye of the storm.

* ADB153 A Face for Me (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Debbie Diane Fox and Jean Libman Block
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 44 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Debbie did not realize how different she looked from other children until she was eight years old and looked at her face in the mirror for the very first time. This is the story of how faith and courage triumphed over disfigurement and despair, a truly inspiring autobiography.

* ADB154 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. Paul Brand and Phillip Yancy
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
In Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, renowned surgeon Dr. Paul Brand and best-selling writer Philip Yancey explore various aspects of life and living. They use the human body as a framework for the discussion. The book is written from Dr. Brand's perspective.

* ADB155 Charles Finney (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Basil Miller
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 34 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Many Christians today may be unaware of the tremendous impact that Charles G. Finney had on the spiritual landscape of the United States. His years of revival work yielded valuable insights on the work of the Holy Spirit and timeless principles that many still find vital for advancing the kingdom of God. A truly fascinating record of a uniquely gifted and godly man, this autobiography is sure to enlighten and inspire Christians of any age or background.

* ADB156 Following Joey Home (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Meg Woodson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Suffering and Persecution
This book is a mom's diary of the last weeks of her sons life. he has cystic fibrosis. While the family experiences difficulties and suffering, the victory found in Christ is not forgotten.

* ADB157 The Fourth Dimension (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Paul Yunggi Cho
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
This book introduces the reader to the dimension of the Spirit. It is written for the "beginner" and covers six different aspects of the fourth dimension. It is written at a level of detail that would give the reader a good working knowledge of the dimension of the Holy Spirit. This could indicate that even though the topic is discussed at an introductory level, a certain level of spiritual maturity is required to appropriately integrate it into one's spiritual life.

* ADB158 Free Forever, the Autobiography of Anthony Zeoli (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Anthony Zeoli and Gerald Strober
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evangelism
Who would ever believe that a riotous living teenager who ended in prison would one day meet the president of the United States? The author describes himself as a "living miracle, a testimony of God's ability to save even the most rebellious and aggressive sinner." Anthony is yet another trophy of God's grace.

* ADB159 Free to Be Thin (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Marie Chapian
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Living
This book Emphasizes learning how to eat and how to live in a biblical, natural, and realistic way, offering a lifestyle approach to diet, nutrition, health, and body image More emphasis is placed on learning how to eat rather than learning how to diet.

* ADB160 Freed from Witchcraft (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Doreen Irvine
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evil and the Occult
Power, especially power promised immediately can be seductively tempting. Witchcraft, evil and the occult can have this type of draw for those without faith in Christ who are looking for more. This marvelous account is A story of such a conversion from witchcraft to Christianity.

* ADB161 From These Shores (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Helga Skogsbergh
Read by: Mary Skol and Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 5 hours 48 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Historical
This is a book about Scandanavian pioneers who settled along the Lake Superior shores: a cronical of the hardships they faced, yet, an uplifting book. This is a story of great faith and endurance which are a part of our common heritage.

* ADB162 Gaining Through Losing (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Evelyn Christenson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 16 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Commitment
God's love is proved by his ability to transform tragedy into blessing. Discover how such setbacks as death, separation, divorce, sickness, suffering, and financial loss can be used by God to make you spiritually richer.

* ADB163 Gathered for Power (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Graham Pulkingham
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology, The Church
With God's power working through them, churches can be used by God to change their neighborhoods and thus change the world. This is the story of a church. It is also the story of a man called to work in the Church. He was first humbled by failure, then strengthened by the Spirit, and then humbled again to live in and trust the grace of God in all situations.

* ADB164 The Gentle Breeze of Jesus (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mel Tari and Nona Tari
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Evangelism, Historical
In this book, Mel Tari adds to the documentation he began in Like a Mighty Wind . On his native island in Indonesia, he says Moslems and animists are still coming to accept Jesus Christ and many other miracles and spiritual awakenings are continuing to happen.

* ADB165 The Gift Is Already Yours (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Erwin E. Prange
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 5 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
This finds realities of the Bible began to be re-enacted in the tough world of the inner city. It has a feeling of stability about it, a sense of roots, or history; an appreciation of one's tradition and heritage, even as it moves out on the frontier of what God is doing in our own day. The author demonstrates that the vitality of the charismatic experience is a dynamic movement of God which enriches one's most cherished traditions and beliefs.

* ADB166 The Gift of Inner Healing (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ruth Carter Stapleton
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Comfort
As this title communicates, God's gift of healing not only applies to the healing of the physical body but also the healing and restoration of the mind and soul.

* ADB167 A Glimpse of the Sunshine (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Edith A. Reuss
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 44 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
A pastor's wife shows how she finds peace through God in dealing with her lupis.

* ADB168 God's Spy (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Chris Panos
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 36 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evangelism, Suspense
In this classic life-changing story, Chris Panos, American businessman turned evangelist, in James Bond fashion, brings the Gospel message into foreign lands. God's Spy chronicles amazing and miraculous events made possible only through the supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit. The action never ceases as Chris escapes close calls with the KGB, experiences God's supernatural provisions, and sees miracles and healings happen in those who now turn their allegiance over to Jesus Christ.

* ADB169 Gordon Takes a Wife (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Emily Binning
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 12 minutes
Subject categories: Marriage and Family, Romance
The maturing of an unconventional marriage gives the reader insights into how God can bring two people together in the union of the two becoming one. This uniting is experienced in the everyday happenings of life.

* ADB170 Guest of the Revolution (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Kathryn Koob
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 37 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Suspense
The Iran hostage crisis gripped the nation with the sobering awareness that ordinary Americans may face unexpected danger without warning. You will read a Christian's recollection of how she handled 444 days of captivity.

* ADB171 Hansi's New Life (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Maria Anne Hirschman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
Hansi, a young Czechoslovakian girl, was enamored with Hitler. He was her God. When Hitler shot himself, it really tore her up to the point where she even contemplated suicide. Several years later, her husband and 2 young children arrived on the East coast. It took her at least 2 years to get over the culture shock between America and Germany. All the time, she confided in God. Finally, during an emergency ulcer surgery, everything clicked and Hansi started enjoying her new life.

* ADB172 Hansi, the Girl Who Loved the Swastika (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Maria Anne Hirschman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 40 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Historical
Read about Maria Anne Hirschmann's amazing life in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia, her blind devotion to Hitler and the atheistic Nazi system. Her story takes you through the horror of World War II, her escape from the Communists, her chance at romance, and the reawakening of her love for Jesus Christ. See the U.S. with her eyes when she immigrates to this country with her small family. Through it all, you will see the hand of God. Go with her to Belarus as she finds a new calling from God.

* ADB173 The Happiest People on Earth (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Demos Shakarian and John and Elizabeth Sherrill
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Evangelism
The amazing life of the Armenian dairyman who founded the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, a unique ministry to men and women in the business world. It makes you laugh, makes you cry and builds faith. Today, with several thousand chapters around the world, the Fellowship reaches more than a billion people a year with the life-changing message of Christ's love. This book brings the story of its founder and those around him into vivid color and will inspire those who read it.

* ADB174 Happy Trails, the Story of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Rogers
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
With help from Carlton Stowers, this story of America's most popular western stars recounts their enormous success and happy times, the family tragedies they have endured, and the faith that helped sustain them. This is their own story in their own words.

* ADB175 A Haven for Carolyn (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Luella K. Williams
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 45 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Suffering and Persecution
This book is the moving and personal account of a mother's heroic efforts to win a normal life for her brain-damaged child. This book is filled with love, courage and faith. The author hopes to stir the consciences of her readers and strike down greed, ignorance, misunderstanding and unrealistic theories in the care of those with mental disabilities.

* ADB176 Hazel's People (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Merle Good
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 36 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Marriage and Family
In Mennonite country Merle Good discovered a lifestyle he thought existed only in books: barn raising, hay rides, worship meetings and warm, welcoming people. He relates the story of a New York University student, Eric. He visits the home of his Mennonite buddy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and falls in love with the community elder's daughter. Eric has to decide if he could turn away from his modern ways and live a new simpler, more peaceful life.

* ADB177 Hear My Confession (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Father Joseph E. Orsini
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 1 hour 53 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
This book is about a priest's journey with the Catholic Charismatic Movement. He wants to be part of a renewal in the Church, not a break from it. He likens the modern charismatic experience to what was experienced by the first century Church.

* ADB178 Hey! God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Frank Foglio and Howard G. Earl
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 37 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Mama Foglio, her cantankerous husband, and ten rambunctious kids were poor. One day the Lord burst into their lives, in the form of another, equally poor, equally large and tumultuous Italian-American family who
evangelized them. Thus begins a most hilarious, warm-hearted and frequently deeply-moving testimony given to the glory of God.

* ADB179 Hidden Rainbow (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Christmas Carol Kauffman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 11 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
In this true story, a Yugoslavian Catholic couple (John and Anna Olesh) yearns for more. One day a protestant preacher stops by their house and asks for food. Not knowing who he is, they let him in and feed him. In thanks, the preacher offers them a New Testament Bible. They refuse, knowing it would cause trouble and anger the priest. "Their courage, faith and suffering for the sake of soul peace will put many of us to shame for ever thinking our way was difficult."

* ADB180 The Kingdom of the Cults (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. Walter Martin
Approximate time: 32 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Apologetics, Cults, Doctrine and Theology
This classic work, first published in 1965, with this edition revised in 1997 after Dr. Martin's death in 1989, provides exhaustive and well-researched information on various non-Christian cults.

* ADB181 Brenning's Batty Bus (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Warren Brenning and Pat King
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
The story of a man who took his wife, children, and mother-in-law to travel around Europe "for God."

* ADB182 Divine Healing, the Children's Bread (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Keith M. Bailey
Read by: Lora Waring
Approximate time: 7 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Apologetics, Doctrine and Theology, Historical
Believing that every assembly of believers is seeking to be truly New Testament in doctrine and practice, Bailey presents a historical/theological view of Divine healing free of distortion or propaganda.

* ADB202 Carol's Story (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Chip Ricks
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Comfort, Suffering and Persecution
Carol, a mother of three, may appear to be a wife and mother who has never known sorrow, but she has known suffering and sorrow in her life. She tells her story of being a victim of child abuse, a subject many find hard to reveal and discuss. She shares her story to bring understanding to those who have never suffered this crime and hope to those who have endured the undeserved suffering.

* ADB203 Abigail (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Lois T. Henderson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 6 hours 24 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Romance
Based on 1 and 2 Samuel, this fictionalized account tells the dramatic story of a woman who eventually became the wife of King David. The author adheres to the biblical accounts for the basic facts but uses her rich imagination to develop this character and what may have happened in the life of her son.

* ADB204 Ain't God Good (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jerry Clower and Jerry Wood
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Humour
With his country flavor, comedian and humorist Jerry Clower tells his story as only Brother Clower can tell it. His self-portrait helps us to get to know a man who has not always had an easy life but has found peace and rest in his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is looking forward to spending eternity in a place where everybody laughs.

* ADB205 The Apostle of Norway, Hans Nielsen Hauge (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. M. Arntzen
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 38 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
This is the story of the farm boy from Thune Parish, Smaalenene Amt, who roused the people of Norway from a prolonged spiritual slumber and industrial inactivity to a vigorous awakening that culminated in the Declaration of Independence of May 17th, 1814.

* ADB206 Devil at the Wheel (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gordon R. McLean and Ken Pestana
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 32 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
Ken Pestana came from a wealthy home. Writing from prison, Ken tells how he came to know Jesus Christ after actually fighting Him off for a number of years.

* ADB207 Praising God on the Las Vegas Strip (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jim Reid
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 24 minutes
Subject categories: Evangelism, Missions and Missionaries
This is the story of a Christian minister who walked into an arena built to appeal to many appetites of modern society. This riveting account charts the development of this growing ministry, the simple trust in God expressed by Pastor Reid, and the undying conviction that Jesus Christ is the ultimate answer found even by people on the Las Vegas Strip. You will meet countless people working in various occupations on the Strip who experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

* ADB208 The Case of the Frozen Scream, Book 2 in Baker Street Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Thomas Brace Haughey
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 3 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
How can a man be seen alive after he is most certainly dead? Or, did he fake his own demise and simply vanish, for some mysterious reason of his own? Geoffrey Weston, Christian detective, and his Watson-like associate are up to their spyglasses in intrigue.

* ADB209 The Case of the Hijacked Moon, Book 5 in Baker Street Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Thomas Brace Haughey
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
A blank, stamped envelope is only the first in a series of clues. The investigation also leads to a blind safe cracker, an ex con-artist, a disappearing island, a missing destroyer with a NATO missile and more. Only Detective Weston is able to put together the clues that uncover this diabolical plot. Another in the Baker Street Mystery Series.

* ADB210 The Case of the Invisible Thief, Book 1 in Baker Street Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Thomas Brace Haughey
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 3 hours 58 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
Detective Weston had been inactive until reading in The Times brought up an intriguing case being investigated by Scotland Yard. Why would someone steal papers that had no apparent military or commercial value? Scotland Yard has been more puzzled with the how than with the why of this case. The papers were stolen from a room which was sealed and under around-the-clock guard by a high-level security team. Another in the Baker Street Mystery Series.

* ADB211 The Case of the Maltese Treasure, Book 3 in Baker Street Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Thomas Brace Haughey
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 3 hours 34 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
Once again Detective Weston solves the seemingly unsolveable. A missing diamond collection, a confused sailor, a lump of wax, a pair of unpolished shoes, a submerged sailing vessel with a murder in the mix: these are the components of the third mystery that Thomas Haughey brings to us in his Baker Street Mystery series.

* ADB212 Climbing on Course (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bernie May
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 1 hour 22 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
The author, who served as director of Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JARS), uses the ideas and principles of flying and aviation to share the lessons the Lord has taught him as a growing Christian. He shares his experiences with you hoping that you too will want to know the Lord better and learn what it means to mount up with wings as eagles.

* ADB213 Elijah, Prophet of Power (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Weldon Philip Keller
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 38 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters
The author gives us a clear perspective on how God's best for us at times might be in the desert being fed whatever ravens can bring. He presents the portrait of the prophet Elijah in his time and place providing lessons we can learn in these modern times. We must learn to trust God in desperate times, understanding that He is still in charge.

* ADB214 The Night the Giant Rolled Over (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jerry B. Jenkins
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 4 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Missions and Missionaries
This story begins in terror, when Dina Cole was startled awake by the violent rending of earth. She got up and groped for shoes to protect her feet. A support pillar of the house crashed through the floor and through her bed. This story ends in new life and hope. The people will listen to the news of a God who loves them, now that the fact has been proven.

* ADB215 Passport to Life City (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Sherwood E. Wirt
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Chris Anders is a reasonably successful computer salesman with a wife, four sons, and a mysterious nagging back ache. One Saturday morning he sets out in the family car on an apparently aimless search, destination unknown. His life-changing journey proves to be an allegorical journey of the soul. Sherwood Wirt's modern-day Pilgrim's Progress is a lively, contemporary tale of the adventure of a modern person in his search for the living God.

* ADB216 Peace Child (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Don Richardson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
Before 1962 the tribe featured in this story practiced cannibalism and held treachery as a high ideal. The struggle of the missionary and the intensity of jungle life are captured in this account of a tribe transformed by Christ using a figure in their own culture they called the Peace Child. Readers will be inspired by this unforgettable story and the lessons it teaches us about communicating Christ in a meaningful way to those around us.

* ADB217 So Long Joey (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dave Boyer and Sunny Schwartz
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 17 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
He was Dave Boyer; then he was Joey Stevens, and then he was Dave Boyer again. This is a story of the son of a revered clergyman. The son then became a successful nightclub entertainer. Alcohol and drugs were all that kept him going until just short of committing suicide, Dave met Christ and was transformed. Here is his story and the difference Christ has made in his life.

* ADB218 Collision Course, the Story of Del Storey (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Del Storey and Laura Watson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
He worked hard, lived hard and died early. This is an amazing account of a man reborn, who was able to do so much in such a short time. Del Storey was a fighter who lost many of his early battles, including the battle to keep his wife and children. He then began to win in life, becoming a man of faith and a preacher of the gospel for the Savior he loved.

* ADB220 Surgeon of Hope (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ralph L. Byron, M.D. and Jeanette W. Lockerbie
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 7 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living
This heart-warming, uplifting account weaves the story of the development of the renowned City of Hope Medical Center with the life and witness of its chief of surgery. This brilliant physician made the undying commitment to serve the Lord and stand in the gap for his patients.

* ADB221 Survival (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bob Friedman
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 1 hour 51 minutes
Subject categories: Suspense
A six-seater plane crashes in the Arizona desert, catapulting five people into conflict with a hostile environment and each other. A wounded cougar adds suspense to this drama of survival.

* ADB222 The Prophet and the Prostitute (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Marion Wyse
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 6 hours 59 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters
This fictionalized account of the lives of Hosea and Gomer communicates the relationship between God and His people Israel. Just as Gomer strays from Hosea, so is Israel straying from her God. The author brings to life their story in a way that shows how God's enduring love applies to us today.

* ADB223 I Was Wrong (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jim Bakker and Ken Abraham
Read by: Louis Duke
Approximate time: 28 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Christian Living
Jim Bakker provides a first person account of his journey from PTL power, to prison and beyond. We see a man who believed he was right in some ways, misunderstood in others but was enabled by the Lord to say those words many find hard to utter. "I was wrong."

* ADB224 Purged (Abridged) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gerald Mundfrom
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Suffering and Persecution
This Lutheran pastor recounts his experiences with depression and mental illness including his time as a patient in a mental hospital. This abridged version of the book is introduced by the author who shares truths he has learned from the Bible and from this experience.

* ADB225 Ruth (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Lois T. Henderson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 7 hours
Subject categories: Bible Characters
This book provides a fictionalized account of the life of Ruth the Moabite who, after the death of her husband, refuses to desert her mother-in-law Naomi and chooses to embrace the Hebrew religion.

* ADB226 Second Chance (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David Van Wade and Sarah Van Wade
Read by: Wayne Pederson and Norma Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 43 minutes
Subject categories: Marriage and Family
Is there hope when a marriage is destroyed and all seems hopeless? This husband and wife give testimony to the fact that through faith in God a broken marriage can be restored. This couple was given a second chance.

* ADB227 Stronger Than Steel, the Wayne Alderson Story (Audio DAISY Book)
By: R. C. Sproul
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 41 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living
This book recounts the life and work of a coal miner's son who became a corporate executive and an advocate of positive labor-management relations by developing Christian trust and responsiveness among workers and executives.

* ADB228 These Strange Ashes (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Elisabeth Elliot
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 53 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Missions and Missionaries
In her first year as a missionary to a small group of native women in the Ecuadorian jungle, Elisabeth Elliot faced physical and spiritual trials. Elliot captures the mysteries and stark realities surrounding the colorful and primitive world in which she ministered. More than a recounting of her early days, this is a beautifully crafted and deeply personal reflection on the important questions of life and a remarkable testimony to an authentic Christian commitment.

* ADB229 Through Gates of Splendor (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Elisabeth Elliot
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 6 hours
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
Through Gates of Splendor is the true story of five young missionaries who were savagely killed while trying to establish communication with the Auca Indians of Ecuador. This is the poignant story of their martyrdom told by the widow of one of the slain members of the group.

* ADB230 That Lydian Woman (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Winthrop Neilson and Frances Fullerton Neilson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 13 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Historical
She followed her heart and almost betrayed the truest love she ever knew. Lydia was beautiful, independent and prosperous. A Jewish convert, she was the first person in Macedonia to follow the teachings of the Apostle Paul. This fictional account of this biblical character calls her to choose between the paganism of her society and the living God.

* ADB231 Faith Despite the KGB (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Herman Hartfield
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 31 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
the remarkable true story of a dozen Christians in the Soviet Union, many of them young people, who triumphed for Christ despite imprisonment for their leadership in underground churches. Believers young and old, from many walks of life, from many denominations unite in their faithfulness to Christ. they learn to support one another, even though suffering. They learn to pray for one another, and for their enemeies. An exciting chronicle of God's power and grace.

* ADB232 Father Ten Boom, God's Man (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Corrie Ten Boom
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 3 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Christian Living, Marriage and Family
The author of numerous inspirational works emphasizes the strong influence her father, whose religious fervor served as an inspiration to his entire community, had in shaping her own faith.

* ADB233 The Promise and the Plow (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mary E. Judson
Read by: Margo Little
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
Based on a true story, this novel leads the reader on the journey of a young girl, Kerry McCormick, who experiences the tragic death of her mother, responds to God's call to the mission field and lives a fulfilling life of missionary service. In 1936 she found herself on a ship headed for the Philippines. She had made the commitment and put her hand to the plow. Would God keep His promise?

* ADB235 A Fountain Sealed (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Margaret A. Epp
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 7 hours 32 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Historical
Hendrick Neason, a giant in size and character, is caught between his love for Lisa and his pursuit of missionary service. Hendrick's story emerges as one of raw courage and tender love, of strong passions held in check and deep desires cast aside in pursuit of the highest calling. The story is set in a Mennonite Christian culture.

* ADB236 A Man for All Nations, the Story of Clyde and Ruth Taylor, Book 20 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carolyn Curtis
Read by: Bud Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
In the 1920's while still a teenager, Clyde Taylor and three missionary colleagues penetrated the dark world at the mouth of the Amazon. They were attempting a daring adventure, never before survived alive by any white man. After marrying his wife Ruth in 1932 the couple endured stonings, death threats and other persecutions during their life of missionary service.

* ADB237 God, Have You Got It All Together (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ethel Barrett
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 58 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Christian Growth, Christian Living
God had a plan for the redemption of man. There was only one catch, He chose to use MAN to carry it out. And from the Garden of Eden to Noah, man had blown it at every turn. But God wasn't finished yet, He had only just begun.

* ADB238 A Light to All Japan, the Story of Susan Dyck, Book 19 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Eugene Neudorf
Read by: Barbara Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
It's a long way from a Canadian prairie farm to the urban centers of Japan, but Susan Dyck made it through a leap of faith. Despite struggles from within, opposition from without, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, in 1953 she was launched into a 30-year ministry in Japan. Susan once prayed for the wickedest man in town to come to her door. He did and was saved.

* ADB239 A Heart That Yearned for God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. G. Frederick Owen
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 5 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
I now see as never before the preciousness of God's love in Jesus Christ, and now we are brought near to God as our Father by Him. These words set the tone for this biography, the life and faith of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

* ADB240 I Came to Love You Late (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Joyce Landorf
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 7 hours 24 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters
As her brother Lazarus lies dying, Martha wonders why Mary remains in constant prayer and does not assist with the many household responsibilities. From Martha's childhood through the ascension of Jesus, we join Martha, the sister of Lazarus, as she discovers Jesus and who He really is.

* ADB241 Into the Glory (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jamie Buckingham
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 18 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Historical, Missions and Missionaries
This book chronicles the miracle-filled story of the Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JARS) taking Wycliffe Bible translators to theEarth's remotest regions. These pilots could command handsome salaries with commercial airliners, but they have committed their skills and life to the service of others who need to hear the good news and to their Lord Jesus Christ.

* ADB242 John, Son of Thunder (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ellen Gunderson Traylor
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 16 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Historical
This is the epic story of the apostle who wrote about the beginning of time and the end of time. Travel with John down desert paths, through the courts of the Holy City, and to the foot of the Cross. Journey with him from his luxury as a privileged son of Israel to the bitter hardship of his exile on Patmos. This is a saga of adventure, romance and discovery -- of a man bigger than life -- the disciple John.

* ADB243 Margo, Book 1 in Margo Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jerry B. Jenkins
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 48 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
Margo is an intriguing tale of a girl with a dark past. As she digs deeper into her past she uncovers a secret that changes her life. A journey of redemption and forgiveness.

* ADB244 Jungle Pilot (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Russell T. Hitt
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 7 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
The author recounts The early history of Mission Aviation Fellowship, MAF, as expressed through The Gripping Story of the Life and Witness of Nate Saint, Martyred Missionary to Ecuador.

* ADB245 Karlyn, Book 2 in Margo Mysteries (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Jerry B. Jenkins
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 3 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Detective and Mystery
Margo agrees to investigate when her friend, Karlyn, complains that someone is entering her apartment while she is gone and purposely leaving subtle clues that he has been there. Sequel to Margo, ADB243.

* ADB246 Lords of the Earth (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Don Richardson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 8 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
Missionary Stan Dale dared to enter their domain and be an instrument to change their future. Peace Child author, Don Richardson, tells the story of Dale, his wife, his companions and thousands of Yali tribesmen in Lords of the Earth.

* ADB248 The Man Who Keeps Going to Jail (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John Robert Erwin and Dell Coats Erwin
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 58 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Missions and Missionaries
His boyhood included foster homes, reform schools, and trouble. Today he's a pace-setting jail chaplain. What happened?

* ADB249 The Light and the Glory (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Peter Marshall, Jr. and David Manuel
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 13 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Historical
Did Columbus believe that God called him west to undiscovered lands? Does American democracy owe its inception to a handful of Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth? Did God will the American Revolution to happen? If indeed there was a specific Divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today? These questions and many more are addressed in this fascinating perspective of the history of the United States of America.

* ADB250 The Five Love Languages (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dr. Gary Chapman
Read by: Barbara Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Marriage and Family, Romance
People express and receive love in different ways. Dr. Gary Chapman identifies these as the five languages of love: quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service and physical touch.

* ADB251 This Present Darkness, Book 1 in This Present Darkness (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Frank E. Peretti
Read by: Grinnell Almy
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 12 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Evil and the Occult, Suspense
Ashton is just a typical small town. But when a skeptical reporter and a prayerful pastor begin to compare notes, they suddenly find themselves fighting a hideous New Age plot to subjugate the town's people and eventually the entire human race. Using Ephesians 6.12 as a frame of reference, this novel provides insight into spiritual warfare and the necessity of prayer.

* ADB252 Piercing the Darkness, Book 2 in This Present Darkness (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Frank E. Peretti
Read by: Grinnell Almy
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 13 hours 33 minutes
Subject categories: Evil and the Occult, Suspense
The spiritual warfare continues, this time in a small farming town far from the interstate known as Bacon's Corner. These unseen beings, demons and warrior angels, fight, often unseen to the human eye, while both work in human situations for good or evil purposes. The warrior angels count on the prayers of the unified Christians to win this battle and drive the demons from Bacon's Corner. Will they accomplish their mission and win?

* ADB253 The Mantle (Audio DAISY Book)
By: William H. Stephens
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 8 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Historical
Thundering warnings to Ahab, defying Jezebel, putting Baal's impotent prophets to the sword, these are scenes from the life of the prophet Elijah. The prophet Elijah finds himself in one of Israel's darkest periods in which he is called to stand for and proclaim the words of Yahweh. We see in this man of God both fear and faith with his life culminating in ultimate triumph.

* ADB254 McTaggart's Promise (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bernard Palmer
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 8 minutes
Subject categories: Suspense
Captain Duncan McTaggart is wondering if he is skilled and courageous enough to navigate the turbulent waters of the James Bay in northern Canada. Others are keenly aware of the dangers and are dependent upon his success for their very lives. The fury of nature engulfs human emotion in this novel of faith, adventure and love.

* ADB255 Valleys and Vistas After Losing Life's Partner (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David Bogard
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 2 hours 13 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort, Marriage and Family, Suffering and Persecution
Here is one man's story of bereavement and the uneven road he traveled back to a faith deeper than he had ever before experienced. This author's honest, rugged, unpretentious but eloquent account is a poignant record of a journey toward a deeper and wiser understanding of the life experience of grief and loss.

* ADB256 The Vine Life (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Colleen Townsend Evans
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment
Jesus wants each of His disciples to have a fruitful, productive and trusting relationship with Him. Based on the 15th chapter of John, this book makes it clear that this relationship is also demanding and requires our complete dependence upon Christ.

* ADB257 Walking Through the Fire, a Hospital Journal (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Laurel Lee
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 2 hours 14 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment
In 1975, twenty-nine year old Laurel Lee was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease and told by doctors she was going to die. Her husband, unable to cope, leaves her and three little children to fend for themselves. While Laurel fights desperately for her life, she keeps a journal. That journal, sent to publishers by her doctors, became the best selling book and CBS Tapestry: The Journey of Laurel Lee movie.

* ADB258 What About Us Who Are Not Healed (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carmen Benson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment
With insight from the Holy Spirit, Carmen discusses the fact that certain people, including Saints are not physically healed, and gives scriptural references to aid in understanding and coping with such a situation.

* ADB259 What Happens When Women Pray (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Evelyn Christenson and Viola Blake
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment, Devotional
This is a practical and biblical book about prayer. Its teachings have been tested in hundreds of prayer seminars all over the world, as both men and women have learned to pray in more personal and believing ways. What Happens When Women Pray will show you how to move into the dynamic that occurs when people pray. It just might change your life.

* ADB260 What's a Nice Jewish Boy Doing in the First Baptist Church (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bob Friedman
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 1 hour 55 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Christian Living
A personal, humorous account of a Jewish conversion to Christianity.

* ADB261 Repair My House (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Glen Williamson
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Discipleship, Historical
This fictionalized biography of the youthful days of Francis of Assisi communicates the importance of Christian commitment as displayed in concern for fellow human beings. Being the founder of the Franciscan Order, the effect of the 12th century youth still makes its mark in our world today.

* ADB262 Junior Jaffray Collection of Missionary Stories (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Various Authors
Read by: Sherry Thompson
Approximate time: 6 hours 31 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
Published in separate books, these 18 books of missionary stories show how God's work is accomplished in many lands in various circ*mstances by His dedicated servants. These books have been placed in one recorded collection for easier reading by children and hopefully by parents and children reading together. 1991 through 1997.

* ADB263 Blood Brothers (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Elias Chacour and David Hazzard
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
Chacour blends his riveting life story with historical research to reveal a little-known side of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the birth of modern Israel. Touches on controversial questions.

* ADB264 Whatever Happened to Judy (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Sandra Judy Hampton and Lee Hultquist
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 33 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment
A true story of despicable child abuse and the following, incredible, forgiveness the child gave to her stepmother. The story also shows how the young girl became successful despite her past. Well worth reading and makes a person stop to think about the ever importance of character above all else.

* ADB265 When Your Money Fails, the SIX SIX SIX System is Here (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mary Stewart Relfe
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, End Times and Prophecy, money, Stewardship and Finance, The Church
The author targets many issues concerning, who, what, when, where and how the anti-christ will surface. She has done a thorough and extensive use of scripture in preparing this treatise.

* ADB266 Where Does a Mother Go to Resign (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Barbara Johnson
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 5 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Ethics and Morality, Marriage and Family
As a wife and mother, Barbara Johnson faced the crippling of her husband, the deaths of two sons, and the hom*osexuality of a third who disappeared into the gay lifestyle for over eleven years. She knew of no books or ministries to help Christian families deal with that devastating, painful news. Even through their pain, they set out on a journey of survival and restoration that included a diet of laughter, joy and hope. This story has served as an inspiration to many other hurting families.

* ADB276 An Ordinary Man Plus an Extraordinary God (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Robert Rich
Read by: Arety Jordan
Approximate time: 7 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
An extraordinary God directed these ordinary people as they served the Lord as missionaries in the Amazon basin of Brazil. These recorded true stories, great and small, reveal the marvelous faithfulness of a loving, living extraordinary God.

* ADB281 Tracy (Audio DAISY Book)
By: John Benton
Read by: Martina Postma
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 12 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth
Danger was a way of life for 16 year old Tracy. She was a junkie desperate to buy drugs. Danger stalked her in many forms until she found a way out.

* ADB285 A Divine Revelation of Hell (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mary K. Baxter
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 3 hours 28 minutes
Subject categories: Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife
Here is an account of the place and beings of hell, contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation. One may argue whether this experience is real or imagined, but none should say that given the horrors described, this subject should be treated lightly or not addressed at all.

* ADB326 Courageous Faith, My Story from a Life of Obedience (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Charles F. Stanley
Read by: William Horne
Approximate time: 6 hours 58 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography
Although not an official autobiography, this first person account of the life of the author, well-known leader of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and In Touch Ministries, delves into the deepest trials and triumphs of Dr. Charles Stanley. It should give many solace that there are ways out of and out from under life's challenges.

* ADB327 God Will Talk Through You (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bruce Van Natta
Read by: Caleb Van Natta
Approximate time: 48 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living
An account with scripture reference as to the importance of God's precise wording in communications from Him.

* ADB328 A Miraculous Life (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bruce Van Natta
Read by: Caleb Van Natta
Approximate time: 6 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment, Discipleship
Bruce Van Natta's life has been shaped by God's miracles. These amazing stories of healing, rescue, and hope will inspire you to live a supernatural life of victory every day.

* ADB329 Saved By Angels (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Bruce Van Natta
Read by: Caleb Van Natta
Approximate time: 6 hours 22 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Biography and Autobiography, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment, Discipleship
Taste and see that the Lord is good! The seven ways God speaks to us and the testimonies in this book prove that Christians today can still have a relationship, or covenant, with the living God found in the Bible.

* ADB333 How to Pray (Audio DAISY Book)
By: R. A. Torrey
Read by: Doyle Swinney
Approximate time: 2 hours 9 minutes
Subject categories: Prayer
Experiencing God Through Prayer! R. A. Torrey shares spiritual guidelines of answered prayer in this powerful, dynamic book, including: praying according to God's will, praying in the Spirit, hindrances to prayer, when to pray, and abiding in Christ. Torrey's teachings are illustrated with many true-life experiences. They are lovingly explained and will help you understand the components of a successful prayer life. Then you will see the powerful results of praying God's way!

* ADB334 A Man Called Norman, The Unforgettable Story of an Uncommon Friendship (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Mike Adkins
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 2 hours 54 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Little did Mike Adkins know, when he moved into his new house, that one of his new neighbors was "Weird Norman," the old eccentric every town seems to have. His first encounter with Norman confirmed that he was a strange character, to say the least. In the years that followed, however, the two men developed a warm and unusual friendship. And God used Norman to teach Mike what it means to obey one of the great commandments of Scripture: Love your neighbor as yourself. Mike also learned a simple trust in the Lord that was to change the whole course of his life.

* ADB335 Beyond the Mist, the Story of Donald and Dorothy Fairley, Book 21 in The Jaffray Collection of Missionary Portraits (JCMP) (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David C. Thompson, M.D.
Read by: Barbara Jacobs
Approximate time: 5 hours 39 minutes
Subject categories: Missions and Missionaries
In the 1930's missionaries Donald and Dorothy Fairley traveled to West Africa. They plunged into the forests, befriended its peoples, engaged the evil powers, preached and taught. They constructed homes and churches from the raw materials at hand, built a hydro-electric plant, and turned 177 acres of the great forest into a place of physical and spiritual healing.

* ADB337 His Five Smooth Stones (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Herm Weiskopf
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 50 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort, Commitment, Suffering and Persecution
Five Christian young people die tragically in an automobile accident late one night after studying the Bible together. This account introduces us to those dedicated young people and to the various aspects of the responses to this tragedy. This account gives a snapshot of each family and others who were affected by their deaths.

* ADB345 Angel Unaware (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dale Evans Rogers
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 1 hour 41 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Marriage and Family
Entertainers Roy and Dale Evans Rogers were thrilled when their little daughter Robin was born. But their excitement turned to concern when they were informed that Robin was born with Down's Syndrome and advised to "put her away." The Rogers ignored such talk and instead kept Robin, and she graced their home for two and a half years. Though Robin's time on earth was short, she changed her parents' lives and even made life better for other children born with special needs in the years to come. Angel Unaware is Robin's account of her life as she looks down from heaven. As she speaks to God about the mission of love she just completed on earth, the reader sees how she brought her parents closer to God and encouraged them to help other children in need.

* ADB346 Becoming a Woman of Prayer (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Cynthia Heald
Read by: Ann Thompson
Approximate time: 2 hours 10 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Prayer
We often think of prayer as something we do to get God to respond to us or do something for us. Prayer is actually initiated by God as His gift to us, calling us to intimacy with Him. These studies, covering various aspects of prayer, are for individual or small group Bible study.

* ADB347 The Face of the Enemy (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carol Balizet
Read by: Martha Arney
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 12 hours 57 minutes
Subject categories: Romance, Suspense
This is a hospital procedural, that shows how evil infiltrates the staff, featuring a specific nurse and a Christian author. Beginning with a stealthy and devious murder, this book will keep you in suspense until it's dramatic conclusion.

* ADB348 Journey to Love (Audio DAISY Book)
By: June Masters Bacher
Read by: Martha Arney
Type: Fiction
Approximate time: 4 hours 46 minutes
Subject categories: Romance
This is a story from yesteryear, of 2 pioneers migrating to the picturesque Oregon territory and their journey to love.

******* Media format: ADP (Audio DAISY Pamphlet)

* ADP198 Comfort for Those Who Mourn (Audio DAISY Pamphlet)
By: Chuck Smith
Read by: Kelly Wickham
Approximate time: 42 minutes
Subject categories: Comfort
Based on the Biblical account of David's grief at the death of Jonathan and Saul, this pamphlet describes a healthy way to grieve the loss of a loved one.

******* Media format: ADT (Audio DAISY Teaching)

* ADT279 The Divine Attributes of God (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Denny Kenaston
Approximate time: 15 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
In this series of 15 teachings, Denny Kenaston discusses the various attributes of God. We clearly learn that God is not the highest creation, but is uniquely other than the creation, being the Creator of creation and the self-existent one. These teachings were taught at the Charity Bible Institute, January 2 through January 20, 2006.

* ADT288 Christ in Early Anabaptism (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Denny Kenaston
Approximate time: 9 hours 17 minutes
Subject categories: Christian Living, Commitment, Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
On a cold winter night in 1525, the Spirit of God descended upon a group of twelve brethren in Switzerland and sparked what has since been called the Anabaptist Movement. Looking back at the lives of the men and women in the early days of this revival, we see a passion, a power, a depth of Christian experience that far surpasses that of American Christianity today. What drove them? What set them apart? What was the source of their power—a power that through martyrdom defied even death itself? In this series, Brother Denny attempts to answer these questions and others, always coming back to our Lord Jesus, who was their very life.

* ADT289 Genesis, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 1 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 26 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Prequel to Exodus, ADT290)

* ADT290 Exodus, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 2 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 13 hours 3 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Genesis, ADT289)

* ADT291 Leviticus, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 3 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 5 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Exodus, ADT290)

* ADT292 Numbers, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 4 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 8 hours 49 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Leviticus, ADT291)

* ADT293 Deuteronomy, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 5 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 11 hours 37 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Numbers, ADT292)

* ADT294 Joshua, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 6 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 6 hours 20 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Deuteronomy, ADT293)

* ADT295 Judges, Ruth, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 7 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 9 hours 5 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Joshua, ADT294)

* ADT296 1 and 2 Samuel, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 8 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 21 hours 35 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Judges, Ruth, ADT295)

* ADT297 1 and 2 Kings, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 9 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 21 hours 59 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Samuel, ADT296)

* ADT298 1 and 2 Chronicles, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 10 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 22 hours 7 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Kings, ADT297)

* ADT299 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 11 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 10 hours 53 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Chronicles, ADT298)

* ADT300 Job, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 12 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 12 hours 38 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, ADT299)

* ADT301 Psalms, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 13 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 50 hours 38 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Job, ADT300)

* ADT302 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 14 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 23 hours 56 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Psalms, ADT301)

* ADT303 Isaiah, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 15 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 34 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Proberbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, ADT302)

* ADT304 Jeremiah, Lamentations, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 16 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 36 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Isaiah, ADT303)

* ADT305 Ezekiel, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 17 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 24 hours 30 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Jeremiah, Lamentations, ADT304)

* ADT306 Daniel, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 18 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 12 hours 44 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Ezekiel, ADT305)

* ADT307 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 19 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 14 hours 2 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Daniel, ADT306)

* ADT308 Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 20 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 10 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Hosea, Joel, ... Micah, ADT307)

* ADT309 Matthew, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 21 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 28 hours 24 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Nahum, ... Malachi, ADT308)

* ADT310 Mark, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 22 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 16 hours 11 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Matthew, ADT309)

* ADT311 Luke, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 23 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 25 hours 6 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Mark, ADT310)

* ADT312 John, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 24 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 21 hours 27 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Luke, ADT311)

* ADT313 Acts, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 25 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 25 hours 54 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to John, ADT312)

* ADT314 Romans, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 26 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 18 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Acts, ADT313)

* ADT315 1 and 2 Corinthians, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 27 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 26 hours
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Romans, ADT314)

* ADT316 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 28 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 19 hours 26 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Corinthians, ADT315)

* ADT317 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 29 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 6 hours 51 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Galatians, ... Colossians, ADT316)

* ADT318 1 and 2 Timothy, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 30 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 9 hours 37 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Thessalonians, ADT317)

* ADT319 Titus, Philemon, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 31 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 3 hours 26 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Timothy, ADT318)

* ADT320 Hebrews, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 32 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 12 hours 19 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Titus, Philemon, ADT319)

* ADT321 James, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 33 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 4 hours 21 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to Hebrews, ADT320)

* ADT322 1 and 2 Peter, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 34 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 8 hours 25 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to James, ADT321)

* ADT323 1 2 and 3 John, Jude, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 35 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 7 hours 55 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 and 2 Peter, ADT322)

* ADT324 Revelation, Bible 3000 Commentary, Teaching 36 in C3000 Series (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 20 hours 40 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
This Bible commentary is part of a book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse series of teachings going from Genesis through Revelation. Taught by Pastor Chuck while he was pastor at Calvary Chapel, these teachings were originally given over a span of 15 years, 1985-1999. They were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. (Sequel to 1 2 and 3 John, Jude, ADT323)

* ADT325 Pastor Chuck's Most Requested (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 7 hours
Subject categories: Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, End Times and Prophecy, Evangelism
Titles from this series cover such topics as prayer, faith, doubt, the new birth and more. As the title indicates, this series is a collection of the most requested messages from The Word for Today taught by Pastor Chuck Smith.

* ADT330 The Making of Disciples (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Dale Gish
Approximate time: 4 hours 15 minutes
Subject categories: Discipleship
After laying a foundation of the need and call to discipleship, this series of sermons challenges leaders to be an example to those whom they disciple.
Many practical applications are given to aid church leaders, husbands, and fathers in discipling their churches and families.

* ADT331 That the World May Know (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Dale Heisey
Approximate time: 13 hours 1 minute
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship, Evangelism
Jesus says in John 17:23: "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that 'The World May Know' that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." Having a relationship with Christ, experiencing freedom from sin, being empowered by the Holy Spirit, ministering to parents of lost children are topics addressed in these teachings.

* ADT364 Romans, In-depth Commentary (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
Join Pastor Chuck as he teaches verse by verse the Book of Romans, allowing deep and profound interpretation. These studies are perfect for a serious Bible student, pastor, or anyone desiring a greater understanding of a particular scripture passage. This commentary on Paul's letter to the Romans comprises more than 90 studies.

* ADT365 The Sermon on the Mount (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Approximate time: 31 hours 52 minutes
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most important sermons Jesus ever preached. It is an expansive explanation of the commandment He gave us to love one another, as He loved us. Yet, how is it possible to attain such a high standard? It is impossible to do this in our own strength, but it only happens when we depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Chuck Smith conducted a full, in depth, verse by verse Bible study of Jesus' Sermon, Matthew chapters 5-7, at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California beginning in late 1998, for 44 weeks.
The messages were also presented on the nationwide radio program, The Word for Today, a ministry of Calvary Chapel.

******* Media format: BRB (Braille Book)

* BRB280 Daily Gospel Devotionals, the Story of Jesus from Incarnation to Ascension (Braille Book)
By: J. D. Hatfield
Subject categories: Devotional
In one year the author reflects on every passage of every gospel. This is more than a devotional, however. The ongoing narrative and doctrinal context are carefully considered. The devotional reading for each day is taken from one of the first four books of the New Testament. For the convenience of the reader, a list of the biblical location for each reading is provided at the front of the bookk.

* BRB287 Charisma Versus Charismania (Braille Book)
By: Chuck Smith
Subject categories: Bible Study, Doctrine and Theology
Christian doctrines on a variety of topics are explored and discussed for Biblical accuracy versus excesses or incorrect applications and use as seen in today's church. Topics discussed include: the person, work and power of the Holy Spirit, the love of God, and the trustworthiness of the Word of God. 1983

******* Media format: BRP (Braille Pamphlet)

* BRP194 How Can a Man Be Born Again (Braille Pamphlet)
By: Chuck Smith
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Evangelism
Do you really know what it means to be born again? And why did Jesus say it was necessary to be born again if you want to see the kingdom of God? This pamphlet explains the difference between physical and spiritual birth and why God created man in the first place, because in the end, it's not about religion. It's about relationship. Have you ever wanted to share your faith in Jesus, but weren't sure how? This pamphlet was designed for that purpose and is a compelling witnessing tool for any Christian.

* BRP198 Comfort for Those Who Mourn (Braille Pamphlet)
By: Chuck Smith
Subject categories: Comfort
Based on the Biblical account of David's grief at the death of Jonathan and Saul, this pamphlet describes a healthy way to grieve the loss of a loved one.

* BRP199 Calvinism, Arminianism and the Word of God, a Calvary Chapel Perspective (Braille Pamphlet)
By: Chuck Smith
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology
This pamphlet provides a brief summary of Calvinism and Arminianism as related to salvation. Pastor Chuck also provides a Calvary Chapel perspective on this subject.


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.