Momma’s Boy - Chapter 12 - bealovelylady (2024)

Chapter Text

Atsumu’s hands shook as his finger hovered over the button on his computer mouse, his eyes staring blearily at the two-weeks notice he’d written up. He didn’t want to leave the job, but it was almost impossible to look Alex in the eye without remembering his own embarrassing outburst. Why had he said anything? He should have known Alex would say no! And yet Alex had been so kind this past week, never saying anything, acting like normal. Still, Atsumu couldn’t do it, and he’d convinced himself it was better this way, so he hit the send button on his email and shut his eyes, praying.

Four minutes later, heavy footsteps stomped across Alex’s office, and the man’s door flew open. Atsumu could feel blue eyes staring a hole into the back of his skull, his shoulders sagging forward like he could hide away.

“Atsumu,” Alex called, and Atsumu pulled himself tighter to his desk, shrinking away. “Can I see you in my office?” He wondered if he was imagining the tightness in his boss’ voice.

Golden eyes turned over his shoulder, and Atsumu offered a meek smile. Alex, though, was not smiling; if anything, he looked distressed, and suddenly Atsumu felt a pang of guilt. As he stood up, he wondered why he had said anything about dating, but he also still wondered why Alex had said no.

Atsumu shuffled past Alex, and then the door was shut behind them. Atsumu moved to sit in one of the chairs opposite his boss’ desk, and he waited for Alex to take his seat, but instead the man took the other chair, turning it more to face Atsumu, pulling at Atsumu’s chair to do the same. Alex leaned forward, and Atsumu could smell him, the comforting scents of sandalwood and bergamot filling his nose, and it took everything in him not to lean forward, too. He felt like his insides were quaking as Alex slowly pulled back again, and Atsumu couldn’t meet his eyes, staring instead at his own hands, his legs pressed tightly together.

A heavy sigh was released into the quiet office, Alex crossing his leg and sitting slowly back. “Atsumu,” he called, but the Omega couldn’t look up. He hummed slowly, nodding instead. Alex sighed, voice a little softer next time. “Can I ask why?”

Atsumu let out a sarcastic laugh, but his heart wasn’t in it. He frowned slowly. “Ya know why,” was all he said. Alex leaned forward, but Atsumu raised his hands. “Ya don’t have ta explain yerself ta me-!”

“Atsumu, I didn’t-” Alex began, but Atsumu begged in a tiny voice, his face beet red, “Please. It’s f*ckin’ embarassin’, Alex.”

Alex sat slowly back again, clearing his throat. “Okay. So you want to… leave… because you’re embarrassed?”

“Don’t make it sound so trivial!” Atsumu said, his head jerking up, eyes meeting pretty blue without thinking. He froze, a million thoughts ramming through his head, and then a moment later, he covered his face as it turned bright red. “I feel like ya can read my mind every time I look at ya!”

“On the contrary, I wish I could sometimes,” Alex offered. “You’re a mystery to me, Atsumu. I certainly didn’t think you were thinking of… quitting…” There it was again, that sadness, his expression wistful. Atsumu swallowed roughly, begging himself to be strong.

“It‘s probably just best if ya find someone better-”

“Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it?” Alex interrupted with the softest smile, and Atsumu wondered why… why did the man still have to be so damn kind? “There isn’t anyone better than you, Atsumu.”

Normally, Atsumu might have agreed, flirting with Alex by touching his knee as he grinned, “I know, right?

“Then why don’t we date?”

Atsumu covered his face and groaned. The memory wouldn’t leave him! Why couldn’t Alex understand that Atsumu was mortified? He hid his face and tried to curl up into the fetal position, barely hearing Alex as he called the Omega’s name. It was only when a hand settled on his shoulder that Atsumu startled, reeling back like he’d been stung. The two stared at each other, both shocked, unsure of what to do. It was… new territory. Alex had always touched Atsumu, but now, it seemed that he shouldn’t… He slowly pulled back, nodding in understanding.

Still, he said, “I can’t let you quit, Atsumu. If it’s anything else you have issue with, I’ll fix it, but I can’t go back in time… Either way, there’s no need to be embarrassed, and Atsumu, I need you… here, in the office, I need you,” he clarified, and that was just it. Whether they knew it or not, they would always be walking on eggshells around each other. The Omega almost wished Alex would just keep flirting with him so Atsumu could be the bad guy, so he wouldn’t feel so… dumb.

“I can’t,” Atsumu whispered, but Alex leaned forward again, his hands folding as if he was begging. It startled Atsumu to silence, his eyes going wide as he watched Alex’s face morph into serious distraught.

“Atsumu, please understand. I can’t even quantify the number of deals you have helped me win. You’re the one who made the Tokyo office a success, and now we have three more offices across Japan- Atsumu, when I say I need you, I really mean it. Moving into the Japanese market might have very well been a failure if you didn’t walk into my office all those years ago. You’re a hard worker, a strict task master, and you keep me on track, but you’re also smart, the clients love you, and Atsumu, it would be… so lonely here without you.”

Atsumu’s whole face was red now, including his ears, down to his neck. He covered his face, unsure of what to say. Of course he didn’t want to put Alex in a bad spot, but he couldn’t believe the man was unable to find a replacement, let alone a few hundred…

“Atsumu, tell me what to do,” came an almost meek voice, and Atsumu peered out between his fingers, eyes wide. Alex was bowing his head, hands clasped. “I can’t let you leave me.”

“But I-” began Atsumu, but then he swallowed his words.

“That was all my fault. Just think badly of me if it helps. There’s no need for you to be embarrassed when I should have… controlled myself a little more from the start. I just couldn’t help myself around you, so that’s… that’s on me, Atsumu. Please.”

“Please don’t bow yer head,” begged Atsumu, his embarrassment turning into fear. Alphas never bowed their heads to Omegas, and yet here Alex was, begging. When the man didn’t raise his head, Atsumu yelped, his voice ringing shrilly, “Please, Alex!”

Alex slowly looked up, Atsumu shaking as he gripped at the edge of his armchair. His wide eyes stared at Alex, but the man didn’t back down or apologize again. This alone settled Atsumu’s soul just a little. He couldn’t listen to his boss grovel anymore, especially at the feet of someone… like him. He was just a dumb Omega who happened to be good at keeping a schedule and chatting others up! He wasn’t… anything all that special, and if he was, why had Alex said no?

Stop that. Stop obsessin’ over it, Atsumu. It’s done with.

“Don’t ever… bow yer head ta me again, Alex,” Atsumu chewed out, his whole body shaking as he ordered the Alpha. It felt so unnatural, and he could tell that even Alex wasn’t a fan as the man raised a stiff eyebrow. Still, Alex nodded.

“You’re right.” Blue eyes like a frozen lake stared at Atsumu, and finally, Alex said, “I won’t do it anymore if you stay.”

Atsumu froze. It wasn’t a threat, per say, but it was a weighty challenge. Atsumu clenched his fingers tighter at the arms of the chair he sat in. “Do ya really… want me ta stay so badly?” he whispered, and finally, Alex smiled big and bright.

“Yes,” he answered easily, shifting forward. He reached for Atsumu for a split second but seemed to instantly think better of it, his hands settling instead on his own knees. “Atsumu, I really do need you. You make my work life not only easier, but so enjoyable. I love having you on trips with me, and even around the office, you make the day go by faster. I feel like the last ten years have just flown by, because of you, Atsumu.”

“It won’t be the same…” Atsumu whispered slowly, and Alex nodded, his smile never faltering.

“Don’t think you were only enjoyable because of our flirtations, Atsumu. You are a genuinely fun person to be around, and I truly enjoy your company. Didn’t I make a promise that I would do whatever I could to help you out. I meant that, genuinely, as a friend as well as your boss.”

Atsumu flushed, but he slowly nodded. “Alright…”

“You’ll stay?” Alex looked almost like a little puppy, excited. Atsumu let out a rough laugh.

“Yeah, ya can… trash the email I sent ya.”

Alex let out a laugh like he almost hadn’t believed he could convince Atsumu, and then he clapped his hands. “Thank you, Atsumu. I think my stomach dropped out when I read that…”

Atsumu couldn’t help his small smile, reveling for a moment in the power he now knew he had. He was just wondering what to do with it when Alex stood up and said, “Alright, why don’t you take a few days off, paid, my treat, and then when you get back, we can discuss a pay raise and some added benefits for you that will make you feel more valued and ensure you won’t regret your choice.”

“Ya don’t have ta bride me,” Atsumu huffed with a roll of his eyes. He took Alex’s hand when the man offered it, the Alpha helping Atsumu to his feet. For a moment, they stared up at each other. It was hard to forget habits engrained over a decade, but Atsumu slowly pulled back, knowing he would only be dragging himself along if he kept up their old behaviors. He had to move on from this stupid little crush, for his own sake.

Alex slowly let his hand fall away, his smile a little wobbly for a moment. “It’s not a bribe, Atsumu. It’s a reward, for being an amazing employee. I want to do right by those who work with me and make my own job easier.”

Atsumu smiled, both of them knowing he wasn’t actually going to say no to a raise. “Alright. So I’ll see you…?”

“Monday,” Alex insisted, motioning back to the closed door like he’d personally see Atsumu out on his mini-vacation. “Tell Tetsuro I said hello.”

Atsumu laughed. “Alright. Don’t call me in a panic tomorrow ‘cause ya can’t remember if ya have a meetin’ or not.”

“I am capable of stepping over to your desk and looking at the calendar,” Alex replied with an offended huff, and Atsumu giggled.

“Well, it sounds like ya don’t need me after all-”

“No, you’re right! I can’t read the calendar, and I’ll probably call you in a panic, but don’t- don’t answer for the rest of the week, Atsumu.”

The blond just hummed, Alex’s tone too soft and kind to warrant any other response. Glancing up, Atsumu tried to relay that they couldn’t treat each other like they had been anymore. From now on, Alex was just Atsumu’s boss, a good acquaintance at the very most. Alex swallowed slowly and then nodded. He hovered just outside his office door as Atsumu gathered his things, and then he saw the Omega out the front.

“I won’t answer if ya call,” Atsumu confirmed, glancing over his shoulder, and Alex nodded, laughing lightly.


With a happy hum, Atsumu headed home, pulling out his phone to see where Tetsuro was. He never saw the way Alex’s face fell, the way the Alpha clenched the hand that he’d helped Atsumu out of the chair with and that had hovered just shy of Atsumu’s back as he’d walked the Omega out. There was only one person who would have a hard time letting go, Alex thought, and it was definitely him.


Tetsuro looked up as the front door burst open, his eyes instantly on his momma. Atsumu gave a crooked grin and shut the door a little more quietly, like a silent apology. He tugged his shoes off and then traipsed into the living room, his cheeks a little rosy.

“You’re home early,” Tetsuro observed, though he’d known as much from the text Atsumu had sent about twenty minutes ago.

Atsumu walked his fingers over the back of the couch, head tilted. “I tried ta resign today,” he said with a wry laugh, and Tetsuro sat up a little straighter.


“Alex wouldn’t let me… Typical Alpha, right?”

Tetsuro stared up at his mother, and then he sighed. "Momma…”

Atsumu slipped around the couch and dove on top of his son, demanding cuddles. Tetsuro smiled as he wrapped his arms around the other, pressing his nose to soft blond hair. “He kept sayin’ I’m great and he needs me, for the company, ya know, and I just… thought I wanted him ta need me a little more outside work, too. I thought he did… Stupid me…”

“That doesn’t make you stupid, Momma. Alex’s been good to us, but you don’t need to be strung along.”

Atsumu huffed, but he didn’t say anything. Tetsuro hugged him a little tighter, and then he said, smiling into the Omega’s hair, “I came up with a few ideas to help make you feel better.”

Atsumu sat up and let out a surprised chuckle, eyes following Tetsuro as he leaned towards the coffee table and picked up the envelope lying there. He was glad he’d been able to get the gift inside today, or at all. He handed the envelope to Atsumu with a smile.

“Just a little pick-me-up, and ‘cause you’re the best.”

Atsumu rolled his eyes, but Tetsuro knew better than that, watching with a crooked grin as his mother tore the envelope open in excitement.

“Careful, you’ll tear what’s inside-”

“Tickets?” Atsumu yelped, his eyes going big and bright, and Tetsuro had to mentally pat himself on the back.

“You were complaining the other day that I always brag on Omi and how good he plays, so I scored us some tickets to his next game. It’s a playoff game, too.”

“Ye’re takin’ me to a volleyball game?” Atsumu clutched the tickets to his chest, beaming brightly at his son. “Oh, ya know we have ta go all out!”

Tetsuro laughed. “Of course,” he replied as Atsumu gave a wicked smirk. He glanced back down at the tickets and squealed.

“Oh, I’m so excited! I haven’t been ta a game in so long.”

“Last time you went, I was playing,” hummed the Alpha, and Atsumu sighed sadly. Tetsuro just smiled. “It’ll be fun, Momma.”

“I can make us matchin’ t-shirts,” grinned Atsumu a moment later.

“You’re going to mortify Omi,” hummed Tetsuro, smiling. Atsumu laughed.

“Don’t tell him we’re comin’, okay? I wanna see the look on his face…”

Tetsuro laughed softly and rolled his eyes, and then he waved Atsumu back into his arms, kissing his mother’s forehead.

“Ya said ya had a ‘few’ ideas,” prompted Atsumu, peering up through long lashes. Tetsuro hummed, neither confirming not denying. Atsumu poked at his ribs and huffed. “Come on! Ya know I hate stretched-out surprises.”

“Just don’t laugh,” Tetsuro murmured, but he was grinning, pretty proud of himself even if the next idea was cheesy. Atsumu adored cheesy, though, especially when it was Tetsuro being the cheese ball. Tetsuro thought it was just the thing to boost Atsumu’s self-confidence, too. He’d been thinking about what to do for a few days now, and he thought he’d finally come up with the perfect solution.

He grabbed his phone off the coffee table, Atsumu’s back against his chest again as he unlocked the device. “So it’s this app, maybe you’ve heard of it,” he teased as he opened up Instagram, Atsumu rolling his eyes and smacking the Alpha’s arm.

“I know what Instagram is, butthole,” Atsumu huffed, and Tetsuro grinned.

“I went ahead and made you an account,” Tetsuro hummed, clicking to the new profile. Atsumu took his phone and examined it closely.

“So, what? Should I just post pictures of my food like everyone else? Outfit-of-the-day pics?”

“Whatever you want, Momma, but I think starting with some selfies wouldn’t be a bad idea. I wrote down some hashtags you can use, too, and I think you’ll be a hot topic on here in no time.”

Atsumu huffed, but now he was looking through Tetsuro’s photos to find a picture to post. Atsumu clicked on one, a shockingly good photo Tetsuro had taken of him one day at the park, wind in his blond hair, his skin almost glowing as he laughed.

Tetsuro leaned down and husked, “That’s a good one, Momma.”

Atsumu huffed again but posted it anyways, letting Tetsuro type out his hashtags. Then, as Atsumu explored the app a little more, finding people he knew to follow or just stalk their profiles, Tetsuro set up the app and his account on Atsumu’s phone.

“Oh,” Atsumu said after a while, humming. Tetsuro glanced over when the Omega didn’t expound, Atsumu scrolling through someone’s photos. Tetsuro didn’t recognize the person.

“Who is it?”

“Someone… I went ta high school with,” Atsumu murmured, his lips tugging into a frown. It looked like the person had been on the volleyball team, and Tetsuro wondered if he and Atsumu had played together. He was about to ask when Atsumu clicked back to the profile and instantly blocked them.

“Some things are better left in the past,” he muttered, and Tetsuro smiled softly. At least he didn’t have to worry about his momma in some ways, the Omega quite strong and independent after twenty years alone.

“Well, I think this’ll be fun,” grinned Atsumu, and Tetsuro watched as he typed in his boss’ name, searching for a profile. It was private, but it definitely looked like Alex. Atsumu grinned wickedly as he sent a follow request.

"Momma,” sighed Tetsuro, but Atsumu wasn’t one to let hurts slide idly by, and Tetsuro could imagine that the Omega meant to torture Alex just a little bit, whether it would work or not.

“Show him what he said no to,” huffed Atsumu, and Tetsuro just shook his head.

“You’re all set up,” he said, handing the phone back, Atsumu trading it for Tetsuro’s.

As he searched for more people to follow and perhaps terrorize, Tetsuro said, “Well, I figured this’d boost your confidence a little, and maybe you’ll even meet some people you like via the app.”

“What, like ta date?”

“It’s better than an actual dating app,” Tetsuro pointed out, and Atsumu groaned. The Omega had tried one for like 1.5 seconds before determining it to be a hellhole promising catastrophic failure.

“True,” Atsumu hummed, and then he whirled around and kissed Tetsuro on the cheek, grinning. “This is why ye’re my favorite child,” he teased, to which Tetsuro laughed, rolling his eyes.

“I’m your only child, as far as I know.”

“Yep. But still my favorite~ Now help yer momma with dinner!”

“Yes, Momma,” Tetsuro chuckled, leaning down to kiss Atsumu’s forehead, the Omega still wrapped up in his new account. “Just don’t get too attached to your phone,” he chuckled, and Atsumu chimed, “Yes, Pa~”

Watching Atsumu, Tetsuro was kind of glad that the Omega was easy to distract with new, shiny things.


Tobio Kageyama rode the elevator up to his older brother’s office in silence as he did every time he visited Tooru. He studied the safety placard on the wall and memorized the squiggly signature of the woman who had deemed this box of metal safe. He counted the ceiling panels above him and kept time with his foot to the soft hum of the lights. He tried to avoid staring at the reflective walls though he was sure his half-brother liked them, vain as he was. It seemed that Tooru had gotten his devilishly good looks from his father, whereas Tobio had gotten stuck with his own dad’s mediocre features, even their mother’s good genes abandoning him. It might also be that Tooru was an Omega, so of course he was prettier by default. Tobio just wished he was handsome, at least; his mother’s placating compliments of his attractiveness had always felt a little fake, Tobio finding himself average at best. He felt like an awkward teenager, still seventeen until December. He didn’t know how to smile right, and he’d never had a girlfriend. He was a little too into sports to be any good with his brain, and he was pretty gloomy according to the girls in his class. His closest friend was probably, sadly, the very half brother he was now going to visit, and then Tooru’s daughter, Aina, though Tobio was awkward with girls, no matter what their second gender was. Girls were just… hard to understand, but then again, so were Omegas, and girl Omegas… forget about it.

The elevator doors opened with the same chime they always did, one Tobio could hum in his sleep, and he stepped out into the big foyer, a pair of double doors on either side, one leading to Tooru’s assistant’s desk and his office, the other leading to the assistant and office of the president. Tobio had never met the latter, but Tooru made it seem like he probably wouldn’t want to, so Tobio avoided even glancing to his left as he stepped quickly towards Tooru’s office. The double doors on the right were propped open like they always were, and Tobio could hear the softest clack-clack of a keyboard and the occasional swivel of a chair from inside. He quickly strode past the assistant’s desk without a glance, though, not even greeting them nor caring to try. He had never actually met Tooru’s assistant for as many times as he came to visit, and that was totally on-purpose; Tobio was very socially awkward, and above that, he rarely cared enough to fake it. He knocked one time when he reached the second set of double doors before immediately pulling one of the doors open without waiting for a response. He shifted his heavy book bag on his shoulders, eyes on the back of his head as he slipped inside his half brother’s lavish office. The big room had a spectacular view of the city, tall glass windows lining two of the walls; Tooru’s desk sat in front of the one straight ahead. It was a big, black, modern-style monster with a fancy chair behind it, a huge, plush faux fur rug on the floor. Black and white photographs decorated the walls, showing off famous landmarks and architecture, nothing personal. Tobio was amazed that Tooru felt comfortable in an office like this, but he supposed he himself had always been the surprisingly sentimental one. He rarely got attached, but when he did, it was a nearly unbreakable bond, almost to the point of obsession. Yes, that was how Tobio would describe how he felt about his half brother: obsessed, unhealthily so.

Thankfully, or perhaps unfortunately, both of them seemed to like that. Tooru fed off of Tobio’s obsession, and Tobio’s obsession grew thanks to Tooru’s easy affections. For half siblings with such a huge age gap, they were shockingly close. They had barely anything in common, but Tooru was good at doting, and Tobio was fond of being doted on by the Omega. Speaking of, Tooru glanced up as Tobio stepped into his office, the Omega smiling as he waved the Alpha forward.

“Hi, Tobi~ How was school?”

“Fine,” Tobio replied simply, feeling no need to expound on the subject, making Tooru grin.

“You’re just like Aina in that way,” Tooru teased. “Teens.”

“I’ll be 18 soon,” Tobio pointed out, to which Tooru nodded.

“Of course,” the Omega replied placatingly, though his grin was devilish. It made Tobio wish he was still a little kid, if only so Tooru would spoil him with candy and no one expected him to know everything- “Aina told me mom’s looking at colleges for you to attend. Any you like, Tobi?”

Tobio would usually get mad at the question, but he knew that Tooru knew him better than to assume that the answer would be, yes, I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to study and major in and do with the rest of my life- Chocolate brown eyes watched Tobio knowingly as he set his bag down and sank into one of the chairs in front of Tooru’s desk.

“Tokyo U would be fine,” was all Tobio had to offer, and Tooru let out a short, wry laugh that translated to, If I know Mom, Tokyo U is anything but fine for her baby boy. It was hard being the first male Alpha in the family, though it seemed like the sibling’s parents had been no less hard on Tomiko or Tooru. Still, looking at his two older siblings, it was easy to think the two had had it all figured out at his age, but Tobio just didn’t know. He hated making concrete decisions. He hated change.

“I don’t want to move far away,” he said, and Tooru nodded. Tobio had grown up in Tokyo all of his life; it was what he knew, and unlike Tooru, he wasn’t a big fan of discovering anything, or anywhere, new. “It’s pointless to spend a ridiculous amount of money when I don’t even know what I want to study,” he pointed out next. Tooru nodded again; all rational, well-thought-out reasons, which was what Tobio was known for. “Tokyo U has a good volleyball team, too.”

Tooru hummed, and then he admitted, “I can see why Mom isn’t a huge fan of Tokyo U.”

“She wants me to focus on my studies,” Tobio huffed, the most emotion he might ever show. Still, it made him quite angry. He felt like his mother barely understood him.

“Sorry, Tobi, that’s probably me and Tomi’s fault. We dropped everything to do what Mom wanted and be successful. Tomiko because she was born to and me, well…” Tooru glanced off for a moment, his eyes drifting to the photo of Aina on his desk. He didn’t keep any pictures of his late husband at work, but Tobio wasn’t that stupid; he knew Tooru still thought of the man every single day. The accident had been so tragic, and perhaps in an attempt to escape the pain and sadness, Tooru had launched himself into his work like it might kill him if he didn’t. He’d always been smart, though, and driven. Tomiko, too. Tobio, once again, had missed those genes. It didn’t help that he was the baby of the family, either. He just wanted everyone to give up on him and accept that he was going to be the “failure”.

He just wanted to play volleyball. It came naturally, and it was fun, as much fun as Tobio thought he could have.

Unfortunately, he feared his mother might make other plans for him, and in the end, all of the siblings always did what their mother wanted them to. Tooru sighed softly, both of them knowing this all too well.

“I can talk to her,” the Omega offered, but Tobio shook his head, both of them knowing how useless that was. Still, he thanked his brother.

“It’s not like she wants me to do anything unreasonable,” Tobio murmured, staring out the windows to their right. He barely noticed Tooru’s attention pull away from him, barely noticed anything until a loud crash sounded and someone cursed.

“f*ck, Tooru, I’m sorry-”

“Be careful, Sho,” replied Tooru just as Tobio glanced over. The Omega laughed softly as he added, “It’s no big deal, but let’s not make it a habit.”

A folder lay open on the floor, documents scattered, and above it all bobbed a head of shockingly orange hair, tiny hands sweeping up the papers.

“Help him, Tobi,” Tooru said, and the Alpha nodded obediently, no reason to defy his older brother. He stood and walked over, bending down and efficiently gathering up the pages. He was so consumed with his task that he barely noticed himself creep up on the redhead, their heads just barely avoiding collision. Tobio held a stack of papers in his hands, ready to hand them over with a flat expression when something like electricity shorted down his spine. The scent of orange and cinnamon jammed up his nostrils, and the tang overwhelmed him, his whole brain feeling like it was tingling with the citrusy smell.

The second jolt came when hazel eyes met his own as he looked up, and suddenly the world tipped a little sideways, like Tobio had tilted his head except he was sure he hadn’t. Those eyes went wide as they stared at Tobio, but the Alpha was more annoyed at the wall of scent that was hitting him in waves.

He was annoyed but also perplexed as a shiver rattled across his skin. Staring at him was a very pretty Omega, almost aggravatingly pretty, and for the first time in his life, Tobio was looking at another Omega aside from Tooru, thinking, yeah, the pretty face must be an Omega thing.

Tobio felt like his body booted his brain out as it began deciding things on its own, like the crooked grin on his face that startled the Omega and the way he leaned closer, setting the documents he’d collected onto the open folder they’d come from. He couldn’t swipe the grin off his face either, and he wondered what he looked like.

He had his answer when Tooru whacked him gently over the back of the head and scolded, “Tobi, you’re scaring my assistant.”

Ah, so this was the assistant, the one Tobio had never once looked at and had always pointedly ignored. Vaguely, he was aware that he was still creepily grinning, but it wasn’t like he had any control. The scent of orange and cinnamon seemed to have clogged the synapses in his brain, leaving him no more useful than a bag of rocks. The assistant, Sho as Tooru had called him, glanced from Tooru to Tobio, and the Alpha wondered what he would do.

A laugh bubbled out of the small redhead as he stood up, and then he held his hand down, as if he might be of any help to the big, lumbering Alpha before him. Tobio simply set his hands on his knee and stood by himself, dusting off and turning away if only to shield himself from that smell and the way he was embarrassing himself. He mildly wondered if he’d been hit by too many balls in the head to be acting so stupid now.

“This must be your brother,” the redhead asked Tooru as the older Omega came to lean against the edge of his desk, Tooru crossing his arms. As always, he looked killer in the tight pencil skirt he wore, his tiny waist shown off, his legs-for-days on display thanks to the short skirt and heels he wore. Tooru laughed, and Tobio watched him stare at the redhead with affection. The Alpha blinked and slowly turned back towards the two. Hazel eyes were still staring at him, still wide, the redhead’s grin terrifying in the way it was so… wide. Tobio blinked, his own face feeling frozen now as he stared dumbly.

“He looks nothing like you, Tooru!” burst the Omega, and Tobio was actually genuinely offended. Tooru burst out into laughter, pointing out that Tobio was a half sibling, and the Alpha felt wounded again.

“I should go,” he said gruffly to no one in particular, the scent of two strong-willed Omegas making his head throb, so he turned to gather his book bag and head out.

“Tobi, I’ll call Mom tonight,” Tooru called out, while the redhead whispered far too loud, “Oh, is he in college?”

“He’s in high school, Sho, I’ve told you that.”

“Oh!” yelped the redhead, and when Tobio glanced back over his shoulder, he saw those same hazel eyes staring at him, the grin gone, the assistant’s face as red as a beet. Tobio knitted his brows together in confusion at the unreadable look. He simply shrugged a moment later, though, and headed out, desperate to clear his nose of the smell of oranges and cinnamon.

Behind a shut door, Shouyo whispered too loudly to Tooru, “He’s really handsome, Tooru-! Where did those genes come from?”

“What does that mean? I’m handsome!” Tooru huffed, offended as he stared after his little brother.

He smiled fondly when Shouyo replied, “No, Tooru, you’re gorgeous as f*ck. It really makes you realize… that we’re very different from Alphas, huh…”

“He’s still just a kid,” dismissed Tooru as he sat back down at his desk. “Wait until he realizes just how attractive he is and learns how to interact with Omegas…”

Shouyo laughed, but the humor was gone. No one, not even himself, realized what an impression the two had just made on each other.


Osamu had become hyper-aware of his phone these days. He made sure to always have it in his pocket, the ringer off. He deleted texts constantly for fear of Daisho snooping, though he had never showed enough interest to even make Osamu think he would. The only time Osamu felt he could relax was during the day, until about an hour before Daisho was due to come home. During the morning and early afternoon, Osamu was transforming into a totally different person, and Koichi was taking notice.

“Mama!” called the little boy as he turned from where he’d run ahead, the park just a few feet behind him. Osamu smiled brightly, tugging his sun hat down as he peered out at his precious baby boy.

“Be careful, baby,” Osamu called, to which the little boy beamed.

“Come watch me go down the slide, Mama!”

Osamu laughed. “Sure, Ko-chan,” he hummed. The park was surprisingly empty, but it was still early, and there was a chill taking to the air as the seasons turned. Tetsuro was working today, quite disappointed in being unable to join his aunt and cousin, but Osamu thought that the alone time would be good for them. He felt consumed lately by Shugo, by his big secret, but Koichi was still of utmost importance.

By the time he made it over to the slides Koichi favored, the boy was already at the top, standing tall and proud and beaming down. He was growing so much lately, and Osamu was beginning to think that the little Omega would be tall, too, maybe even taller than he himself was. His unique features were starting to come in, too, his slanted eyes growing a little less wide, his cheeks losing their baby fat as he started to shed his boyish features. He still had that cute, round face, though, and Osamu could tell that he would grow up to be a very pretty Omega indeed. Seeing the features on his little boy that had been inherited from him made his heart sing like nothing else, to know that part of Koichi would always be him, that this useless body of his had created such a miracle. For a moment, Osamu’s smile fell, his hand hovering over his barren stomach, but this wasn’t the time for melancholy like that. He and Shugo hadn’t really talked about kids yet, and Osamu was terrified to bring it up, too desperate to make sure that this bubble of happiness didn’t burst just yet. He wasn’t… satisfied yet, so he kept silent on an issue that could make or break whatever it was that he and Shugo were building.

Koichi called to Osamu again, pulling him out of his reverie, and he smiled up at his little boy, coming to stand at the end of the slide, phone out for a picture. He snapped one of Koichi at the top of the stairs, and then he switched to video mode to take one of the little Omega sliding down.

“Yeah, baby, you did it!” cheered Osamu as he swept down, Koichi bounding into his arms, and the two laughed giddily together. Osamu soaked up the hug his little boy gave him, his own arms wrapping around his tiny frame. This ensured that they both felt it when Osamu’s phone vibrated. Osamu guiltily and slowly let Koichi go, but the little boy was smiling at him. He cupped Osamu’s face and beamed.

“Mama, you’ve been smiling again.”

Osamu blinked. When had he stopped smiling? He’d barely noticed… Koichi smiled softly as Osamu’s features fell. “I’m sorry,” he began, but Koichi shook his head.

“Tetsu-chan told me that there’s someone like him who is making you very happy, Mama. He told me it’s a secret, though.”

Osamu let out a soft laugh, thinking he should have known Tetsuro and Koichi might have talked about it. “You’re so observant,” he hummed proudly to his son, Koichi beaming brightly as Osamu ruffled his hair.

After a moment, Osamu asked, “Koichi, do you like your papa?”

The little boy blinked, and then his face turned very serious, startling Osamu. “Papa has never made you smile, Mama. He makes your lips pull down, and he makes you smell sad.”

“I smell sad…?” murmured Osamu, but then he looked back up at his little boy. He rubbed at the eyes that were so like Daisho’s, the face that was like his own. “I’m happy that Papa gave me you.”

Koichi beamed, and Osamu pressed their foreheads together.

“I don’t want you to hate your papa, Ko-chan.”

“But, Mama, he makes you so sad.” Tiny hands patted at burning cheeks.

After a long while, Osamu admitted ever so quietly that it was true; Daisho had really only ever made Osamu sad. Aside from giving him the best gift in the world, though his involvement was minimal at best, Daisho had never strived to make Osamu happy. He was comfortable, sure; money made that easy, but when it came to his Omegan needs, Osamu had been horribly rejected at every turn. He wondered when he’d gotten used to it, when he’d started making excuses for his husband. He wondered when he’d grow complacent. Now, though, now Osamu had had a taste of happiness, and he wanted more, more-

“Ko-chan, Mama wants you to know that… what I’m doing isn’t nice to Papa, but I-”

“It’s okay, Mama, Tetsu-chan explained it to me,” the little boy nodded, quite proud and assured of himself. His face softened a little, and he said, “I want you to be happy, Mama.”

“Even if it makes your papa sad, or angry?”

“Mm,” hummed Koichi softly, his little features pinched together. It must be hard… being 6 and watching his whole world slowly fall apart. For all of Daisho’s faults and his own unhappiness, Osamu was desperate to keep his little family intact, if only for Koichi’s sake. Osamu grabbed Koichi a little closer again and promised the boy, “Mama will do everything to make sure that you’re happy, too, Ko-chan. Your happiness is just as important as mine.”

Koichi melted against his mama, and Osamu felt tears sting his eyes, though he bit them back. He didn’t want to feel guilty forever, but right now his heart felt rendered open, torn between what was “right” and what was “needed”. Staying with Daisho felt less and less right every day, and Osamu always gave into what he needed so easily, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be damage done in the process. He just wanted to make sure Koichi wasn’t touched by the messiness of what might one day come if Osamu ever decided to take that terrifying leap into Shugo’s arms. Right now, it was all still too early to be worrying about things that Osamu wasn’t sure he was strong enough to do, but the Omega’s heart had stopped listening to him long ago.

He was falling, despite his own fears and worries, falling madly in love with Shugo. It didn’t matter that he told himself to slow down, that it was still too early, that Shugo and he barely knew each other or even knew what the other wanted from the future… It didn’t matter when his heart beat like this when he thought of the Alpha, that he couldn’t stop smiling when he got a text or a call, that he was… happy for the first time in a long, long while.

Still, the repercussions of leaving Daisho, of the man even finding out about this affair, shook Osamu to the core, weak Omega that he was.

“Mama, I won’t tell Papa,” Koichi hushed like he could read Osamu, “so don’t worry. I just want to see you smile more and more.”

Osamu inhaled shakily, nodding slowly. “Okay,” he promised. “I will do my best.”

As the two pulled back, Osamu’s lips slowly pulled into an unstoppable smile as he held his little boy’s hands, and he whispered, “Should we take a picture and send it to him, to let him know you gave your stamp of approval?”

Koichi giggled even if he didn’t fully understand his mother’s words, and the two smiled for a photo. Holding Koichi, Osamu opened up Shugo’s new text thread and smiled at the Good morning, beautiful text. He was acutely aware of Koichi staring at him, grinning fondly.

Good morning, Osamu replied with a blushing smiley face, and then he sent the photo he’d just taken with Koichi. From both of us.

Wow, look at the two of you. Ko-chan is as pretty as his mama~ You look so happy, Osamu.

I am, the Omega replied, giggling softly as he reiterated Shugo’s compliment to Koichi. Why wouldn’t I be right now?

He watched Shugo’s little text bubble undulate, surprised when a photo popped up instead of a reply. Koichi leaned suddenly closer, crowding the screen.

“Oh, Mama! He’s the boy from the café!”

Osamu went beet red, both at Koichi calling Shugo a boy and at the fact that his son was so intensely staring at the object of his desires and affections. It was true that Shugo was still so young, but Osamu always forgot that when they talked together. Shugo was smart and charming, seeming so mature and much older than he actually was, and it was easy to forget he was only 22, Osamu nearly 38.

“He is,” affirmed Osamu softly, watching Koichi lean closer still, little hands to his cheeks.

“Mama, he looks so happy… like you!”

Osamu wanted to cry. Koichi leaned back, and Osamu looked at the photo Shugo had sent, enraptured. This man… this Alpha had decided on him, against all odds. Shugo looked so handsome with his messy bedhead and his goofy smile, his eyes a little cloudy still with sleep, his bare shoulders showing.

You look very happy, too, Shugo.

That’s because I am. Waking up from a dream of you to see your pretty face; I would only be happier if you were in my arms~

Even thought Koichi couldn’t read, Osamu pulled the boy’s head into his neck, his whole face flaring bright red. His thumb hovered over his keyboard, wondering what he was brave enough to say. I want that, too, Shugo, or Did we have a good time together in your dream?

Without looking, he typed out, I would probably burst if I saw your handsome, sleepy face up close. He immediately locked his phone and pulled Koichi back, giving the little Omega a wobbly smile.

“Want to keep playing? Mama’s going to go sit down on the bench.”

“Okay, Mama!” Koichi said with a twinkle in his eye, and Osamu wondered how much Tetsuro had “explained”. He turned and moved to his favorite little bench, taking a seat and smiling as he watched Koichi. He tried to ignore his buzzing phone for a while, but in the end, he gave in.

Really, you think my sleepy face is handsome?

Now I want to see yours…

Osamu, when can I see you again? Even if you just stop by the bar…

I miss you, darling.

Osamu covered his beet red face and the splitting smile there. He was so… so happy; Koichi was right. He cleared his throat and schooled his face a little more, and then he opened up the private photo vault he’d installed, saving Shugo’s photo there, along with all the other selfies the man had sent, as well as screenshots of sweet messages that Osamu wanted to remember. It was probably too risky, but Osamu couldn’t bear to part with these little gifts. The vault required his fingerprint and a passcode, so he felt it was fairly safe, hiding it at the back of a folder on the last page of his phone apps. He pressed his phone to his chest for a moment, staring out at Koichi. Across the way, his two little twin friends had joined him while their quiet and brooding mother sat across the park on a similar bench. Osamu gave a tiny wave and then turned back to his phone.

I miss you, too. It’s hard to come out at night, but I will try.

Come see me at the café, then. I will pick up a morning shift if it means seeing you. You can bring Koichi. I just want to see you, beautiful.

Osamu thought he might burst. He promised he would try with shaking fingers.

Osamu, I think about you every minute of every day, even when we’re not talking.

Me, too, Osamu replied with a soft gasp. He covered his mouth, hyper-aware of his surroundings. He wanted to see Shugo so badly. Are you working tonight?


Will you call me when you get off?

It’ll be late. It’s Friday night.

I don’t care. I want to hear your voice, Shugo.

There was a short pause, and then Shugo replied, Damn, darling. Now I’m hard.

Osamu was beet red again, but he couldn’t complain, not really. We can FaceTime tonight, he typed hurriedly, praying Shugo would agree. The answer came quickly.

Yes! Please!

Osamu covered his burning face with two hands, grinning so wide it made his cheeks ache. Oh, he was happy, really, truly happy. Two other moments stood out in his life as being as happy as this, and yet it was so different, a very different kind of happiness. This one made him ache, made him feel like he was falling, like he needed big strong arms to catch him and protect him. Even Koichi’s birth hadn’t been this terrifying. Instead of being a new mother, he was a new lover, a fawn on shaky legs.

Thank you, Shugo.

For what? :)

For… everything…

Hmm, okay :) You’re very, very welcome, my Osamu. I’ll see you tonight <3

Osamu shut his eyes, feeling like he was floating. He was in love, and he was sure he had been falling since the first moment those green eyes had met his own. Nothing else felt like this, leaving him so breathless. Osamu glanced back up at Koichi and then slowly down again at the phone in his lap. Yes. Tonight. he promised.

“I love you madly, Shugo,” he whispered to no one but himself. “Please don’t… abandon me. Don’t let me get hurt…”


Atsumu stared up at the huge college gym that he hadn’t seen in a long while, letting himself soak up the energy. It had always felt a little surreal to him to be standing here when he’d never completed high school and definitely never gone to college. To see his son standing beside him, knowing that somehow he’d still gotten Tetsuro here filled him with an insane amount of pride. He wished Tetsuro was still playing volleyball, too, but he would never begrudge the Alpha for choosing his own path when Atsumu had always rebelliously done the same.

A hand slipped to his back now, and he looked up, grinning in excitement at his boy.

“Ready, Momma?” Tetsuro asked, nodding towards the crowded entrance. Atsumu hummed as the pair moved to get their bags and tickets checked, the line moving blessedly quick. It was growing cooler, but the Tokyo heat was still oppressive, clinging to their skin. Atsumu was glad for the light outfit he wore, and despite the heat, he clung to Tetsuro with a proud smile. Atsumu would never not want to show his son off, he thought, especially when they looked this damn cute in their matching shirts, ready for Kiyoomi’s game.

Atsumu had spent an excessive amount of time making the two shirts for himself and Tetsuro, but nothing less would have done. He’d used gold paint on their teal shirts to match the school colors, making sure to add lots of glitter to his. The front featured the school’s favorite chant, while the back was emblazoned with Kiyoomi’s name and number, big enough to see from space. Tetsuro’s shirt fit him like a glove, which was definitely done on purpose, while Atsumu had knotted his up at the bottom, the material tight across his fat tit* and hitched up to show off the tiny bicycle shorts he wore. He’d even found some teal and gold thigh-high socks that he wore with his nice white sneakers, the pom poms in his hands rustling softly as the pair made their way through the line.

Atsumu grinned at Tetsuro as they made their way into the huge gym, the hallway outside featuring posters and trophy cases, pictures of teams past and headshots of all the coaches. The Omega made a bee-line right for the poster for the playoffs, staring up excitedly at the amazing artwork to promote the game, still in a little bit of disbelief that he was here again. He spun around to Tetsuro, who grinned at him.

"Momma, want me to take your photo for your IG?”

“Oh, good idea!” Atsumu proclaimed, handing over his phone and then rushing back to the poster. It hardly mattered to him that there were throngs of people just milling past; he stood in front of the big poster and grinned, striking one pose after the other. First, he raised one leg and his arms, shaking his pom poms like the cheerleaders did, and then he turned, peering over his shoulder, one pom pom over the other while the second hung by his leg, showing off his assets in his tiny shorts. Tetsuro was way too into it and even suggested a few poses, not stopping until he was satisfied that his mother would have enough content.

When he walked Atsumu’s phone back to him, he was grinning wildly, his golden eyes gleaming. He leaned down and gave Atsumu’s cheek a kiss, and then he husked, “We should go grab our seats, Momma.”

Atsumu proudly looped his arm through the Alpha’s, parading after him with a big grin. Tetsuro had dug out a pair of his old volleyball shorts, and he looked killer in his outfit, a few Omegas making it quite obvious that they were staring. Tonight, though, Tetsuro was here with Atsumu, which meant he was all about his momma; no one else even stood a chance of catching his eyes. Atsumu puffed his chest out and grinned like a maniac, so damn proud.

Tetsuro had gotten them amazingly good seats, and Atsumu was sure if he yelled loud enough, Kiyoomi might actually hear him. The din inside the gym was crazy, though, the fans of the two rival schools already calling taunts to each other across the big room. The teams weren’t out yet, but the energy was already electrified, and Atsumu wiggled in his seat, his pom poms rustling in his lap. He was so ready for this.

About fifteen minutes later, both teams started filing in, and Atsumu spotted him right away. Kiyoomi had his head down, most of his face covered with a black mask, headphones on. Even if Atsumu had shouted at the top of his lungs, the Alpha wouldn’t have heard him, but that was alright. Atsumu had never seen Kiyoomi so focused before. He actually looked pretty cool.

Atsumu couldn’t stop staring as Kiyoomi did his warm-up stretches, the whole team running through a few basic drills before the game. The air in the gymnasium had shifted, Alpha energy coasting throughout, and as an Omega, it was almost overwhelming. Everyone was scenting, the Alphas trying to show their dominance and athletic prowess by intimidating the other team. Atsumu had his hands over his mouth, just staring at all the handsome players on Tokyo U’s team. Teasingly, he whispered-shouted to Tetsuro, “Why didn’t ya introduce me ta any of yer teammates?! They’re all such hotties! I could have had a young boyfriend!”

Tetsuro just laughed, promising to introduce Atsumu later as he pointed out familiar faces. It seemed like a lot of new players had been added to the roster, Tetsuro mostly familiar with the older players, but everyone looked very capable and very attractive. Atsumu licked at his lips, grinning. Volleyball really was the best.

The coaches met up at the center of the court to shake hands, and suddenly the energy in the gym shifted, everyone hyper-focused on the victory and cheering their team on. Atsumu jumped to his feet as everyone in the stands stood, and he watched in wide-eyed anticipation as each team sent out their top players, everyone taking their positions. Kiyoomi, mask and headphones now gone but no less focused, took up the back left corner, his tall body shifting down into a defensive position as the other team started with the ball. Atsumu could just tell that Kiyoomi was watching it all with eagle eyes, ready to intercept the ball. As soon as the starting gun was fired, the whole gym came alive. Atsumu shouted at the top of his lungs, bursting with excitement like he hadn’t in a long time.

When the first set ended in a win for Tokyo U, the stands nearly shook as fans jumped, shouting. Atsumu waved his pom poms, and by now, Tetsuro was shouting, too, his face gleaming with pride as he stared down at his best friend. Kiyoomi didn’t once look up, but he looked so damn cool that it didn’t even matter. As the second set started, Atsumu found himself unable to take his eyes off the Alpha. When had that little snot-nosed brat become a man that could exude such masculine energy? Atsumu watched in awe, pom poms pressed to his gaping mouth as Kiyoomi played like he’d been made for this. Tetsuro hadn’t been joking; Kiyoomi was good. It left Atsumu speechless.

After the second set ended with the other team taking a close victory, Atsumu leaned over and whispered, “Has Omi-Omi always been that intense? I barely recognize him…”

“I told you, Momma. I never had the drive to be the best like Omi does. He’s on a whole other level.”

“He could make it pro,” Atsumu whispered, in total shock that he could have ever said those words about little Omi-Omi. It felt like just yesterday that Kiyoomi was a short, stoic child with very little to say and seemingly no energy. Atsumu almost thought this was a totally different kid, but there was no mistaking those two moles, those onyx eyes, that mop of curly hair.

Atsumu startled as Tetsuro hummed, agreeing, “He definitely will,” and Atsumu felt his stomach swoop, a strange sort of awe grabbing hold of him. He couldn’t believe he might soon know someone who’d sign with one of the big volleyball teams; this was almost more exciting than finding out that Alex was friends with Tetsuro’s childhood idol. The rest of the game, he watched in absolute silence, his eyes following every jump Kiyoomi made, every save he made. Kiyoomi was a totally different animal, and Atsumu was bursting with pride.

The game whistle blew, and Atsumu startled, looking at the scoreboard like he’d even forgotten it existed. 25 to 23, with Tokyo U taking the game. The stand erupted in screams, and Atsumu’s hands jerked up, his pom poms shaking.

“Omi-Omi!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. “Ya did it, ya brat!”

Tetsuro laughed beside him and then joined his mother, shouting down at his best friend, their voices mixing into an unintelligible jumble with the rest of the crowd. A few of the cheerier players looked up and smiled, waving their thanks to their fans, but Kiyoomi stared straight ahead, chugging down his water. The teams met again and bowed, shaking hands, and just like that, the domineering Alphas backed down and the air in the gym grew a little less electrified. Atsumu inhaled sharply, laughing in surprise. Being at games was a whole different high, something akin to sex but very different. Atsumu ran a hand through his hair, and then he spun to his son, beaming.

“Can we go see ‘im?” he asked, excited. Tetsuro glanced around as the crowds filed out, and then he nodded.

Taking Atsumu’s hand, Tetsuro called, “Come on. I’ll introduce you to my old team.”

Atsumu ran after Tetsuro and his long legs, unable to keep the giant smile off his face. They made their way down a level, towards the locker rooms and showers, towards the entrance to the gym floor where the players came out. Voices could be heard even before they rounded the corner, and Atsumu felt his heart kick up. He nearly ran into Tetsuro’s back as the Alpha stopped suddenly, a voice calling in surprise, “Kuroo-kun. Long time no see.”

Tetsuro bowed his head and greeted enthusiastically, “Good game, coach!”

The older man stepped forward, grinning as he replied, “You should thank your old teammates, not me.” Atsumu stared up in awe at the Alpha, green eyes turning and meeting his over Tetsuro’s shoulder. “And who is this?”

Tetsuro pulled Atsumu around proudly, beaming as he introduced his old coach to his mother. “He used to play, too, in high school.”

The coach shook Atsumu’s hands, his eyes crinkling as he received the Omega’s praise. “Ya’ve really got a fine team here! The game was amazin’!”

“Thank you very much. I drive those kids hard. Kuroo-kun, if you ever want back on the team, just let me know.”

“Ah, I wasn’t cut out for college-level volleyball. I can’t compete with the other guys.”

Atsumu refuted this statement immediately, and the coach laughed, saying to Tetsuro, “You’ve got a damn good support system at your back, so I think you could do it if you wanted to. No pressure though. Your heart has to be in the game.” To Atsumu, “Anytime you want to come watch a game, have Tetsuro call me and I’ll get you tickets, alright?”

Atsumu and Tetsuro watched the coach walk off, the Omega bouncing on the balls of his feet. He turned and stared up at his son with shining eyes, Tetsuro laughing softly. “He was just being nice when he said I could get back on the team. I’d definitely be benched every game.”

“No way!” griped Atsumu. “Baby, ya were always so good!” He clung to Tetsuro’s thick arm as the two made their way deeper down, Atsumu way too focused on Tetsuro to notice the players coming around the corner. He nearly ran into one of the setters, big hands grabbing his shoulders as a voice exclaimed, “Whoa!”

Atsumu’s eyes darted up, and he forgot everything he’d meant to say as he stared up at one of Tetsuro’s handsome teammates. The big Alpha grinned, calling, “Well, who is this hottie we have here?”

Atsumu let out a laugh, those big, warm hands sliding down his arms and making him shiver, but a moment later, the setter was looking up, his face splitting into a huge grin when he saw Tetsuro. “Tetsu! Where’ve you been? We miss you on the team, bro!”

Tetsuro shook the setter’s hand and introduced his mother, and by now, a few other players had gathered around, complementing Atsumu and teasing Tetsuro.

“You never brought your mom around before. Holding out on us!”

The air was thick with Alpha pride, and everyone was high from their win. Atsumu knew half of the flirting was just because these guys were pumped up and horny after their game, but that didn’t keep him from beaming proudly, eating it all up. Tetsuro even gave shameless promotions for Atsumu’s Instagram, and a few of the guys promised enthusiastically to follow the Omega. Atsumu was flying from all of the compliments, almost forgetting why they were here when Tetsuro called, “Omi!”

Atsumu’s eyes snapped up just as pitch black ones darted over, and Atsumu’s whole face broke into a grin as Kiyoomi’s gaze locked on his. He had his mask on again, so it was hard to see his expression, but that didn’t stop Atsumu from jumping out and spinning around to show off the back of his homemade shirt, the glitter catching on the lights from the gym beyond the hallway.

When he spun back, he called, “Omi-Omi, ya looked so cool out there!” He froze, though, when he noticed that Omi had tugged off his mask, the Alpha staring down Tetsuro and almost ignoring Atsumu.

“What are you two doing here?” was the first thing Kiyoomi asked, his voice tight and expression tighter, catching Atsumu totally off-guard. He’d almost forgotten that Kiyoomi was a brat. Still, the image of Kiyoomi on the court was fresh in his mind, so he rushed forward, grinning as black eyes flicked down.

“Sweetheart, ya played so well!” Atsumu cheered, reaching up to ruffle Kiyoomi’s curly hair. The Alpha dodged at the last moment, eyes darting around as a few of his teammates lingered, calling out to Atsumu or the spiker.

“Who’s the hottie wearing your number, Kiyoomi?” teased the libero, and Kiyoomi’s frown grew deeper. He turned back to Tetsuro, his gaze sharp, while Atsumu just stared up at the other in shock. Was Kiyoomi really going to ignore him? He looked a little pale; maybe he was tired. The scent of sandalwood and black pepper prickled Atsumu’s nose, and his own lips tugged down into a frown.

He was about to give Kiyoomi an earful about it when his phone rang. He glanced down, and if it were anyone else but Alex calling, he might have ignored it. He felt like he should let the two Alphas square up over whatever was irking Kiyoomi, anyways, so Atsumu gruffly excused himself and stepped around the corner, waving at a few of the players he’d been chatting up earlier as he raised his phone to his ear.

“Alex,” he greeted, surprised his boss would be calling him when the man had been the one to suggest Atsumu’s vacation.

“I’m so sorry to call you,” Alex said, his voice a little muffled and distressed. Atsumu covered his mouth as the corners of his lips threatened to rise, wondering why it sounded like Alex was stuck on the other side of a wall of paperwork. He chewed back a laugh. “I know I told you I wouldn’t bother you, but I can’t seem to find the file for our newest client.”

“The one we met with last week?” Atsumu hummed, really fighting back a giggle now. Honestly, Alex really hadn’t been lying when he said he’d fall apart without Atsumu. It hadn’t even been a week, and Alex sounded like his whole life was in shambles.

“Please don’t laugh, Atsumu,” Alex begged as a tiny little noise escaped the Omega. “I know you organized all my files just before you left, but I really can’t find it-”

“That’s ‘cause I didn’t file it yet,” Atsumu replied, unable to keep the amusem*nt out of his tone now. He giggled and then said, “Alex, I’ve worked with ya long enough ta know better than ta file a new client right away.”

Alex was quiet for a moment, and then he hushed, “Right…” Papers rustled, and then the Alpha asked, almost ashamed, “It’s on my desk, isn’t it?”

Atsumu couldn’t help but laugh aloud now. “It is,” he hummed, delighting in Alex’s groan.

“See, this is why I need you, Atsumu,” the Alpha huffed, and Atsumu’s smile went a little wonky.

“Ya’d be fine without me, Alex,” the Omega said, but his teasing tone was gone, and Alex sighed slowly.

“Come back soon,” was all Alex said, and Atsumu let out a soft laugh. When the line clicked, Atsumu slowly lowered his phone.

“Stupid Alpha,” he grumbled quietly, and then he sighed, turning to head back to where he’d last seen Kiyoomi and Tetsuro. The hallway was a lot quieter now, which was probably the only reason he heard them before he saw them. Atsumu froze, though he wasn’t really sure why. The scents in the air smelled charged. Atsumu heard Kiyoomi’s voice first.

“-Why would you bring an Omega down here? Half the team is probably jacking it off to your mom right now.”

“So? Why would it bother you?” Tetsuro replied, his own voice stiff. It made Atsumu wonder what he’d missed before this.

“It doesn’t! I’m just saying it should bother you!” Kiyoomi cut back, but Tetsuro scoffed.

“Stop lying, Omi-”

“Fine! Then why did you two come dressed like this? And your mom-” Kiyoomi’s voice seemed tighter now. “f*ck, Tetsuro, this sh*t is embarrassing. You know my parents were coming to this game.”

“What the f*ck, Omi? What’s wrong with the shirts? What’s wrong with your parents seeing me or mom-”

“Shut up,” hissed Kiyoomi, and a scuffle ensued, the spiker grunting.

“You deserved that,” seethed Tetsuro, and Atsumu wondered what his son had done. Kiyoomi just hissed.

Atsumu felt his knees go a little weak, and he sank back against the cool, tiled wall, his shiver barely registering. Embarrassing? He’d embarrassed Kiyoomi? It wasn’t like this was the first time Atsumu had gone all out for a game, though he’d always been cheering for Tetsuro back then, but his son had never once seemed embarrassed. No, as a matter of fact, Tetsuro had always proudly shown off Atsumu in his various little outfits. Atsumu’s stomach swooped down, and he wondered what this feeling was. Damn, and he’d just spent the last few hours thinking Kiyoomi was so cool… In the end, Kiyoomi was still just a bratty kid with mommy issues.

Atsumu sharply turned the corner, Tetsuro hissing something to Kiyoomi, right in his face and finger to his chest, but he pulled back as soon as he caught sight of Atsumu from the corner of his eye, stepping back and schooling his features. The smell of two Alphas facing off was still thick in the air, though, but Atsumu pretended like he couldn’t smell it.

“Well, I was gonna take ya boys out ta dinner, but looks like Alex needs me,” he lied so easily, smiling the whole time. Kiyoomi wouldn’t meet his eyes, while Tetsuro’s whole face fell. It was enough to make Atsumu pause for a moment. He glanced up at Kiyoomi, a smile tugging on his lips, but he could feel that it wasn’t reaching his eyes. Black eyes flicked to him, and for a moment, Kiyoomi looked shocked, almost panicked.

“‘m sorry that I embarrassed ya, Sakusa,” Atsumu said, biting back his anger and sadness. “Don’t worry, though; I won’t come ta any more of yer games from now on, so ya can relax.” He let his words hang in the air, and then he nodded, turning on his heels. “Tetsu-chan, have fun, okay? I’ll see ya later-” Atsumu’s voice fell away, and he muffled his forlorn sigh in one of his pom poms. Behind him, feet shuffled, Tetsuro fiercely whispering something to Kiyoomi, but Atsumu couldn’t make it out. He just kept walking, slowly gaining speed as his shoulders grew stiff, anger replacing his sadness. Damn, and he’d actually thought that brat looked a little like a real Alpha today, not just Tetsuro’s snot-nosed friend-!

"Momma!” called Tetsuro behind Atsumu, and Atsumu schooled his face back into a smile, spinning around with a laugh.

“Sweetheart, what’re ya doin’? Go have fun with yer old team. Do ya want my card ta pay for dinner-?”

"Momma,” Tetsuro begged, and he came to a halt in front of the Omega, breathing heavy. Atsumu stared up at his son, trying not to let his smile falter. Tetsuro was such a good man, but Atsumu had been given a harsh reminder that not every Alpha had been raised right.

If Tetsuro thought that Atsumu had overheard anything, he didn’t mention it. He just stared down at his momma for a moment longer before straightening up, smiling bright. “They’ve all got plans. Let’s me and you get some food, Momma. Come on, I’ll treat you to that nice little Italian place just off campus.”

Atsumu thought of a million different replies, but in the end he settled on, “Don’t get all big and mighty with me just ‘cause ya have a job now! I’ll pay, and that’s that.” See, Tetsuro wasn’t the least bit ashamed to be seen with him… Atsumu linked his arm through his son’s and let Tetsuro lead the way.

"Momma, you should post those pictures I took,” Tetsuro was saying, but Atsumu was distracted as the pair walked past an older couple, the two instantly recognizable though Atsumu had never met them before. Kiyoomi looked like the spitting image of his mother, with the same cold eyes and curly hair. Though she was an Omega, her stare was cold as she glanced Atsumu’s way, and Atsumu quickly turned, hurrying after his son. For a moment, he actually felt bad for Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi, though, was an Alpha, someone who could craft his own path and choose his own actions; Kiyoomi had simply chosen to live under his parents’ thumbs, revoking him of his Alpha status in Atsumu’s eyes.

Damn brat, Atsumu thought as he nuzzled his face into Tetsuro’s arm if only to hide the ugly frown that pulled at his lips. Those people could look down on him all they wanted, but at least his son was proud of his momma, protective and unrelenting in his fierce devotion. Kiyoomi could stand to grow a back bone, or maybe just some manners. Damn. Atsumu’s golden eyes glanced back over his son’s broad shoulder just before the doors shut behind them. Two pairs of eyes met his own, the derision quite clear in the way they stared at Atsumu and Tetsuro. The Omega barely held himself back from flipping them off. It wasn’t needed, after all; it was clear enough to see who had come out on top with the better Alpha son.


Kiyoomi was dragging his feet, his stomach twisted up in knots. He showered and redressed, knowing his parents were planning to take him out to eat after his game. He slowly tucked his striped button-up into his slacks, taking his time with the laces of his dress shoes.

“Got a hot date?” ribbed one of his teammates as he pulled on his own beat-up sneakers, looking unfairly comfortable in his torn jeans and baggy jersey.

Kiyoomi groaned at the libero, shaking his head as he slipped on a new black mask if only to hide the twisted frown there. He didn’t want to face his parents. He felt sick. Standing slowly, he gathered his crossbody bag and duffel bag with his uniform and towel inside. He’d stalled as much as he could, so he waved at his teammates and headed out in silence.

He could see them the moment his head crested the second floor, taking the stairs slowly. They stood together, perfectly prim and proper. People had told him he was the spitting image of his Omega mother, and Kiyoomi had always hated that growing up, but over time he had grown strangely okay with it. He knew why; after meeting Atsumu, looking like an Omega didn’t sound like such a bad thing. Unfortunately, it seemed like he had picked up his mother’s cold demeanor and cruel words, too. Clutching his duffel bag tighter, he made his way over to his parents.

“Kiyoomi,” greeted his father sharply, the young Alpha bowing his head to the older man.

“There you are,” scolded his mother. Kiyoomi gave a small, stiff smile that neither of them could see. “Let me see your face, darling,” she said next, a little kinder, though that wasn’t saying much. Kiyoomi schooled his features and tugged his mask down, giving his mother a wry smile.

“You played well today,” the eldest Sakusa said.

“Thank you,” Kiyoomi hushed, nodding gratefully.

The moment was over a second later when his mother asked, “How are your studies going? You’re not slacking, are you?”

Kiyoomi chewed at his cheek before replying very matter-of-fairly, “You know I don’t do that, mother.”

“There’s no need to talk back,” she huffed, though she nodded in approval. “You are a smart boy, Kiyoomi; no need to get too wrapped up in your sports and ignore your schooling. You know what is expected of you as an Alpha.”

“Yes, mother,” Kiyoomi replied, though his heart wasn’t in it at all. He thought he might enjoy studying more if it wasn’t forced down his throat at every chance, but even so, he would never dare disappoint his parents. They stood together for a few moments longer, and Kiyoomi was just waiting for the comments they were definitely withholding, but in the end, his father only said, “Let’s head out. Our reservation is in a half hour.”

“You took so long after the game,” his mother said as they walked out to the parking lot, fixing Sakusa’s curls so they laid neatly across his forehead. He had the incessant urge to swipe them back as he always did, but he kept his hands down. Being with his parents was like walking on eggshells, and it was best to just keep them happy. Even though they were headed to one of his favorite restaurants, Kiyoomi wasn’t sure he’d be able to eat, his stomach in knots. He kept waiting for someone to mention the elephant in the room; had his parents not seen Atsumu and Tetsuro?

The car ride was absolutely silent, and it only knotted Kiyoomi up more, staring out the window and feeling sick. f*ck, why had Atsumu and Tetsuro come to the one game his parents had also decided to attend? And you come like that… Kiyoomi had felt his stomach drop to the floor when he’d spotted Atsumu, his heart flying up and out of his throat. The Omega tore him up inside, always doing the most… inconvenient things, and yet Kiyoomi couldn’t lie and say that seeing Atsumu with his name and number on his back hadn’t done things, terrible things to him. He wanted to take back what he’d said, and yet… He waited for the bomb to drop so he could recover as quickly as possible from the aftermath.

It came in the front entry of Kiyoomi’s favorite restaurant as the hostess gathered their menus, just before they were to be seated. It was the worst timing, but his mother was excellent at picking these times on purpose. “Were those your friends?” she asked, and if someone didn’t know her well, they might think she was being kind. Kiyoomi, however, knew much, much better. His stomach lurched, and he swallowed past a thick lump.

“Tetsuro… Yes, I played volleyball with him in high school.”

Kiyoomi’s mother clicked her tongue, and Kiyoomi recoiled inwardly. As an Alpha, she emasculated him so easily every single time. He steeled himself for the comments.

“I wish you would stop associating with ruffians like that, Kiyoomi. You have to think of your future and the Sakusa name. Isn’t it best to make friends with people who have the same life goals and will help you in life instead of dragging you down?”

“Tetsuro isn’t like that,” Kiyoomi tried, but that was perhaps the worst thing he could have said. Cold, black eyes met his own across the table as the trio was seated, and even Kiyoomi’s father looked utterly disappointed.

“Anyone who doesn’t even have a father in the home and was raised by a single, Omega man can not have anything to offer you, Kiyoomi. They are low class people, and you will soon learn that associating with people like that will only make others look down on you, too.”

Under the table, Kiyoomi clenched his fist, head bowed, and he wished… f*ck, he wished he could say out loud that it wasn’t true, none of it was true. Atsumu had never… been anything but kind to a miserable brat like him, and Tetsuro had introduced him to volleyball and having fun and letting loose.

“Really, male Omegas can never be anything but a red flag…” she continued as she pored over the wine menu, and Kiyoomi had to physically bite his tongue. “And did you see what he was wearing? Kiyoomi, really…”

I thought Atsumu looked… gorgeous, Kiyoomi thought to himself, the knot in his stomach twisting tighter and tighter as realization dawned. Had he really been embarrassed because of his parents, or because… Atsumu had stolen his breath away, showing up like that with the Alpha’s name emblazoned on his back like it… belonged there. Kiyoomi wanted it to belong there, and yet he couldn’t say that, so he’d said something stupid in a flash of jealousy, seeing everyone so easily flirt with his beloved. He covered his eyes as he stared down at his menu, and he cursed himself, his cruel tongue, his horrid nature. Why couldn’t he just thank Atsumu, or even just say something nice?

Even now… even now, he was silent, relenting to the cruel things his parents said about the man he loved with all of his rotten heart.

The worst part of it all was that Atsumu had looked right at him with the saddest eyes and called him Sakusa for the first time ever. It had rendered Kiyoomi so speechless, unable to beg the Omega to take it back. Even that stupid nickname didn’t seem so abhorrent anymore. The distance using his last name put between them rended Kiyoomi’s heart open wide.

Was his mother really still talking? Kiyoomi stood up suddenly, sick as he mumbled he had to use the restroom. He walked as casually as he could until he was out of sight, locking himself into a stall. If he pulled his phone out, would there be angry texts from Tetsuro or would it be silent? Kiyoomi wasn’t even sure which was worse at this point. He covered his face. He had totally f*cked up.

It took him ten minutes to gather himself again and head back out to his parents’ table. Thankfully, the two had moved on to a different topic in that time, and Kiyoomi was able to order some food, praying he could force it down. He half-listened as his parents talked about his older siblings, as they discussed weekend plans and how the stock market was doing. Kiyoomi kept his head down, barely listening as his parents’ voices become nothing more than an annoying buzz in his ears. He wished he could just say what he was thinking, man up, be f*cking brave for once, but he had been raised to be quiet and to obey his parents, to never talk back and to always listen. In his own family, the rules served him well, but in the real world, it made him a coward, a lesser man. He knew that from watching Tetsuro, he knew that from Atsumu’s treatment of him. He knew he could do better; he was an Alpha, after all, and yet his best intentions always seemed to fall flat, nothing accomplished by simply thinking he could be better.

He had to actually do it, actually make himself be a better man, a good man.

Dinner passed Kiyoomi in the blink of an eye, and as the trio stood again to head out, he tuned back into the conversation, his mother calling his name.

“Kiyoomi, one of your father’s colleagues has a son at Tokyo University. He is a few years older than you, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to seek him out and develop a good relationship. The people you know can make or break you.” The thinly veiled threat was clear. Kiyoomi looked up and stared at his mother.

Something came over him. “There’s nothing wrong with the friends I already have.”

Black eyes stared at Kiyoomi in something akin to shock, and Kiyoomi almost wanted to laugh. Something electrifying curled up his spine; he was both terrified and elated at his own bravery. He swore he could hear Atsumu whispering in his ear. He stared back at his mother.

“Kiyoomi, apologize to your mother,” commanded his father, but Kiyoomi felt his head shake, his eyes growing slightly wider.

“Mother, there is nothing wrong with the friends I have,” he reiterated instead. He could see the backlash coming from a mile away, but before his mother could say a word, he turned on the sidewalk and said, “I’m going to the library to study, so I’ll be off. Thank you for dinner.”

“Kiyoomi!” decried his mother in shock, but the Alpha kept walking, mostly because he was too scared to face the music of what he’d just done. Holy sh*t…

He’d never felt like such a man before this moment. He straightened his spine and stared dead ahead. Once he was around the corner, he pulled his phone out, chewing back his rampant disappointment at the lack of text messages. He opened his chat with Tetsuro, fingers hovering over the keyboard. What did he even say?

I’m sorry. he typed out.

Can you tell Atsumu I’m sorry.

f*ck you, Omi. came the crisp response. Kiyoomi nodded slowly. You can’t talk to my momma that way. Seriously, what the f*ck is wrong with you?

I know. I can only apologize.

One day, an apology isn’t gonna be enough, Omi. Figure out how to make it up to him. Take some time. I need to cool off.


I’ll text you later. was Tetsuro’s final text, and in some ways it was very fair. Still, Kiyoomi cursed aloud bitterly, “f*ck you, too, Tetsuro.” It didn’t make him feel any better. He walked to a corner conbini and bought himself a bottled tea. He didn’t actually have his books with him, so he wasted time riffling through the magazines beside the cash register. Nicolas Romero was being featured on the front of Volleyball Monthly, and Kiyoomi wondered if getting a pro contract might make Atsumu happy.

It was a pipe dream.

His parents would never, ever let him pursue it.

Momma’s Boy - Chapter 12 - bealovelylady (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.