cpgenialixgames - naruto:the broken bond walkthrough en ingles (2024)

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| |
| Naruto: Broken Bond |
| Walkthrough/FAQ |
| Version 1.28 |
| |
| By Scott Wilson |
| (Rikuide_Furame) |




This guide is still a work in progress. The sections detailed below in the
contents guide are those that I wish to incorporate into this guide. To the
right of each section name will be a four character code contained in square
brackets. To quickly jump to a section simply press Ctrl+F and then enter
the four character code and select "find".

After the four character code for each section, you may find a letter. These
letters are to show how complete that section is.

Guide Key:

"D" - This section is complete
"S" - This section has been started but is not complete

If there is not a letter after the code, the section has not been started.

Note: I won't put a status next to the code of a section header such as
"Walkthrough"; I will only put letters next to the subsections of

Version History....................................[VE00]D
Game Information...................................[GI00]D
Rock Lee................................[CH05]D
The Last Stand..........................[WA01]D
In Defense of the Leaf..................[WA02]D
The Road to Tanzaku Town Part 1.........[WA03]D
Jiraiya's Big Date......................[WA04]D
A Comrade in Danger.....................[WA05]D
The Road to Tanzaku Town Part 2.........[WA06]D
Dojo Training...........................[WA07]D
Friends and Rivals......................[WA08]D
A Prisoner on the Loose.................[WA09]D
The Super A-rank Jutsu!.................[WA10]D
An Enemy Reappears......................[WA11]D
The New Hokage..........................[WA12]D
The Hidden Threat.......................[WA13]D
The Chip Conspiracy.....................[WA14]D
Restore the Leaf Village................[WA15]D
The Specialist..........................[WA16]D
Guys Mysterious Illness.................[WA17]D
Squad 7 Returns.........................[WA18]D
The Path to Power.......................[WA20]D
The Secret Triple Threat................[WA21]D
The Broken Bond Part 1..................[WA22]D
The Broken Bond Part 2..................[WA23]D
The Broken Bond Part 3..................[WA24]D
The Broken Bond Part 4..................[WA25]D
Rock Lees Rescue........................[WA26]D
The Broken Bond Part 4..................[WA27]D
Bounty Hunter...........................[MI01]
Hide & Seek.............................[MI05]
Tanzaku Town Festival Games.............[MI07]
Tree Action Sequences...................[MI08]
Golden Coins............................[CO01]D
Lovelorn Villagers......................[CO02]D
Ninja Cards.............................[CO03]D
Ramen Shop..............................[SH01]D
Scroll Shop.............................[SH02]D
Weapon Shop.............................[SH03]
Frequently Asked Questions.........................[FR00]S
Achievement Guide..................................[AC00]
Section 1 (Non-Spoiler).................[AC01]D
Section 2 (Spoiler).....................[AC02]D
Section 3 (Online)......................[AC03]D
Contacting Me......................................[CN00]D
Thanks To..........................................[TH00]D


Introduction [IN00]


Hello and welcome to my Naruto: Broken Bond walkthrough/FAQ. I've been an avid
fan of the series for sometime now and having written a walkthrough/FAQ for
the original (Rise of a Ninja), writing this guide was a natural progression.
This guide will cover every single aspect of the single-player mode for Broken
Bond from completing the story to collecting every gold coin, every
achievement, every Ninja card...you get the idea.

I welcome any kind of input so if, after reading this guide, you feel that
there is something you wish to add or correct feel free to contact me about
it. Check out the Contacting Me section for details.

If you want to see all my guides then simply visit:


I've never been good at these so lets just crack on then.

NOTE: This guide is still a work in progress. As such many sections are still
missing. Also, I have still to read over everything so I'm sorry for any
grammatical or spelling errors. These shall be dealt with once I'm ready
to upload the first version.

Version History [VE00]


Version 1.28 - 9 March 2009

Completed Ramen Shop section.
Completed Scroll Shop section.
Updated Character section.

Version 1.22 - 5 February 2009

Completed Ninja Card section.
Completed Lovelorn Villagers section.
Completed Golden Coins section.
Completed Achievement Guide.
Updated FAQ section.
Updated Character Section.

Version 1.00 - 30 January 2009

Completed the Walkthrough section.
Updated Achievement Guide.
Updated Character section.


Game Information [GI00]


Format: Xbox 360 (exclusive)
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
ESRB Rating: T
Release Date: 18/11/08 (US)
20/11/08 (AUS)
21/11/08 (EU)

Naruto: Broken Bond is the sequel the the Xbox 360 exclusive Naruto: Rise of a
Ninja. The game was released on the 18th November 2008 in North America and
the 20th of November 2008 in Europe. Developed by Ubisoft Montreal and
published by Ubisoft, the game features 30 playable characters as well as team
oriented gameplay and fighting. The game uses the Jade Engine.


Controls [CS00]


Journey Controls

|Left Analogue Stick |Movement |
|Right Analogue Stick |Camera Control, Centre Camera (Click) |
|A |Jump, Double Jump (Double Tap) |
|X |Talk/Action, Quest Log (Hold) |
|Y |Character Sheet (Hold) |
|B |Back (In Menus) |
|Right Bumper |N/A |
|Left Bumper |Inventory, Quick Inventory (Hold) |
|Right Trigger |Sprint |
|Left Trigger |Hand Seals, Slide (Whilst Sprinting) |
|D-pad |Team Commands |
|START |Main Menu |
|BACK |Map |

Fight Controls

|Left Analogue Stick |Movement |
|Right Analogue Stick |N/A |
|A |Jump |
|X |Horizotal Attack |
|Y |Vertical Attack |
|B |Block |
|Right Bumper |Kunai (If far away from opponent) |
| |Charge (If close to opponent |
|Left Bumper |Quick Inventory (Hold) |
|Right Trigger |Grab |
|Left Trigger |Hand Seals |
|D-pad |Team Commands |
|START |Main Menu |
|BACK |N/A |


To perform a Jutsu there are 4 steps:

1. Pull and hold LT.
2. Push the Left Analogue Stick and Right Analogue Stick in first indicated
3. Push the Left Analogue Stick and Right Analogue Stick in second indicated
4. Wait for the blue sphere of Chakra that engulfs your character to reach one
of the small markers that appear near their head and then release LT.

The directions in which you move the sticks can be found in your character's
Jutsu section, via the Main Menu. After this shall follow the minigame for the
Jutsu. This game varies depending on the Jutsu used however they all run along
the same lines such as pressinga button repeatedly or holding the characters
hand in the centre of a circle. The better you perform in these games the more
damagethat your character will do to the opponent. If you score and Excellent
or Perfect in the minigame a bar will appear to the right of the screen.
Quickly hammer A in order to fill it up. After a few seconds the bar will
disappear but not before multiplying the score of your attack by it's score.
The maximum multiplyer that you can receive is 1.20 in other words a boost of

For example to execute Naruto's Rasengan:

1. Pull and hold LT.
2. Push both Analogue Sticks up.
3. Push the Left Analogue Stick left and the Right Analogue Stick right.
4. Wait for the blue sphere to fill one of the markers near his head and then
release LT.

The Jutsu' that your character can use and their maximum power is affected by
their overdrive meter. Typically, a characters more powerful Jutsu won't be
available until their overdrive meter has reached stage 2. The overdrive meter
is explained below.

Overdrive Meter

Located at the bottom of the screen (in each corner) is each characters
overdrive meter. This bar allows your character to access more powerful Jutsu'
and even their Rage Mode. The bar will fill if one of 3 conditions is met:

1. You hit your opponent and damage them as a result.
2. Your opponent hits you and damages you as a result.
3. You block your opponents attack(s).

The bar is divided into 3 stages (refered to as Stage 1,2 and 3). Whenever a
stage has filled completely it will become orange indicating so. Based on
what stage your character's overdrive meter is at, your character will have
access to certain abilities.

Stage 1: Basic Jutsu can be used (this depends on the character)
Stage 2: Advanced Jutsu can be used (this depends on the character)
Stage 3: All Jutsu can be used up to their maximum level. Rage Mode is also

Rage Mode

When your characters overdrive meter has filled completely (in other words, he
or she is in stage 3) then you can activate their Rage Mode. To do so, simply
pull both RT and LT at the same time. Whilst in Rage Mode your character is
invincible. Their damage and speed also greatly increase. However, whilst in
Rage Mode you are unable to use any Jutsu. When you enter Rage Mode, your
character's health bar is replaced by their Rage Meter. This meter represents
how long left your character can stay in Rage Mode. It will gradually decrease
and once it empties, your character will revert to their normal form. However
inflicting damage on your opponent slows the rate at which the bar decreases.
On the flip side, receiving damage from your opponent will increase the rate
at which the bar empties.


Your main form of attack during a fight is by using combos. During a fight you
can have a look at your characters combo list through the Main Menu. To
execute a combo, you have to press each of the buttons within a second
(roughly) of pressing the previous one. A simply combo for all characters is:


So here you would simply press X three times and then Y. Some combos however,
will have directions at the start of them such as:


Now an important point to note is that the direction the arrow points to (in
this case, left) is not set, it's in relation to your opponent. In other words
this does not mean, press left, it means press away from your opponent. By the
same token a combo such as:


does not mean press right, it means press towards your opponent. To execute
these combos, you must first press the direction and the button right after it
at the same time. Then you can follow this up with the rest of the combo. So
the combo:


would be executed by pressing away from your opponent and X at the same time,
and then X twice more before pressing Y.


Characters [CH00]


The characters section will give you all the information regarding the main
characters that you can play as during the Story Mode of Broken Bond. This
will range from a brief description to their combo's, Jutsu and stats. Where
stats are concerned, characters fall into 3 seperate categories. For each
character, I will list the method (if any) to increase his/her stats.

A character's stats are divided into 4 categories:

Health - this represents how much damage the character can take before he/she
is knocked out. It's rated out of 10.

Chakra - this represents how much Chakra the character has at their disposal.
The more he/she has, the more Jutsu they may use. It's rated out of

Strength - this represents how much damage the character can inflict on an
opponent via combo, grab and Kunai attacks. It's rated out of

Jutsu - this represents how much damage the character can inflict on an
opponent via their Jutsu attacks. It's rated out of 6.


Choji [CH01]


People often think Choji is useless because of his weight, but those who know
him well know differently. All Choji needs is a little self-confidence, and
his best friend Shikamaru is determined to make him realise how strong he
really is.


Health - **********
Chakra - ********
Strength - ******
Jutsu - ***


Partial Expansion Jutsu (level 2): During fights, this will increase Choji's
combo damage. It will also cause him to
push his enemies further away. Outside of
combat, Choji can protect allies from
traps. If an ally triggers a trap, Choji
will pull them out of harms way.

Human Boulder Jutsu (level 3): During fights, this will allow Choji to do
massive damage to his opponents. Outside of
combat, Choji can use this Jutsu to destroy
large rocks will circular indents in them.


Clumsy Brawl - XXXX
Heavyweight Impact - XXXY
Belly Rush - left+XXX
Thick Skull - Up+XY
Pancake Maker - Up+YX
Meatball Torpedo - Right+XXY
Akimichi Fury Unleashed - Right+YYYXY
Hyper-Colaric Fist - AXXX
Dual Clamping Palm - AXXY
Ultimate Press - AYX
Throw Kunai - RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab - A RT


Kiba [CH02]


Kiba is wild in appearance, often acting like the attacks dogs that his family
fights with. His own Ninja dog is called Akamaru, and they're never apart.
Kiba can call on Akamaru to help him out of tight spots. Kiba never backs down
from a challenge, and always leaps before he looks.


Health - *********
Chakra - *******
Strength - ******
Jutsu - ***


Beast Mimicry (level 2): If used during a fight, Kiba will become faster and
his combos will deal more damage. When used outside
of a fight, Kiba will be able to see traps.

Fang Over Fang (level 3): When used in a fight, Kiba can deal massive damage
to his opponent. When used outside of a fight, Kiba
will transform into Akamaru in order to reach under


Savage Assault - XXXX
Inuzuka's Fury - XXXY
Predator Slash - YYY
Beast Barrage - YXX
Feral Rage - Up+XXX
Ferocious Swipe - Up+XYX
Unmatched Speed - Up+YX
Relentless Charge - Left+XY
Alpha Instinct - AXXX
Brutal Dive - AXXY
Preying Descent - AYX
Throw Kunai - RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab - A RT


Naruto [CH03]


Naruto used to have a reputation as a troublemaker, but he's changed his ways
and became a great young Ninja. He's even impressed Jiraiya, one of the
Legendary Sannin, who agrees to take him on as a student. Naruto is quick to
anger and often doesn't think before he acts, but he's a hard worker and
always succeeds at whatever he tries. Naruto's motto is "never give up" and he
never does - not when he's trying to learn a Jutsu, and especially not when
he's trying to save a friend.


Naruto, being the main character, has an upgrade system unlike anyone else.
Throughout the game, you will earn Friendship Points by completing various
tasks such as missions or minigames. These can then be used to buy upgrades in
Naruto's stats via the Character Menu. There are a total of 10,000 Friendship
Points in the game meaning that Naruto's stats can be maxed out completely.
His starting stats are as follows:

Health - ****
Chakra - ****
Strength - *
Jutsu - *

Below is a table representing the cost (in Friendship Points) of each upgrade
to Naruto's stats. A "X" symbol denotes that Naruto cannot buy this upgrade.

| Health | Chakra | Strength | Jutsu
| ------ | ------ | -------- | -----
Lv 1 | X | X | X | X
Lv 2 | X | X | 250 | 75
Lv 3 | X | X | 500 | 150
Lv 4 | X | X | 750 | 250
Lv 5 | 100 | 50 | 1000 | 375
Lv 6 | 200 | 100 | 1500 | 500
Lv 7 | 400 | 200 | X | X
Lv 8 | 600 | 300 | X | X
Lv 9 | 800 | 400 | X | X
Lv 10| 1000 | 500 | X | X


Rasengan Jutsu (level 3): During a fight Naruto creates a ball of chakra in
his hand hits the enemy with it for 1
hit for huge damage. Allows Naruto to
destroy walls of stone.

Shadow Clone Jutsu (level 3): Naruto summons several clones and each hits the
opponent. Deals damage via 3-7 hits (based on
level). Allows Naruto to cross gaps by creating
bridges from his Shadow Clones.

Sexy Jutsu (level 2): Naruto transforms into a naked woman (acutally) in order
to confuse his opponent for a few seconds. Outside of
combat, the Sexy Jutsu can be used to satisfy the needs
of lovelorn villagers.


Clone Slide - XXXX
Clone Assault - XXXY
Clone Smash - YYY
Twin Clones - YXX
Heavy Brawl - left+XXX
Sneaky Clone - left+XXY
Clone Ping Pong - up+XYX
Reverse Launcher - up+YY
Massive Pummeling - right+XXXXY
Killer Back Fist - right+XXXYX
Air Combo - AXXX
Hard Landing - AXXY
Double Stomp - AYX
Throw Kunai - RB
Aerial Kunai Throw - A RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab - A RT


Neji [CH04]


Neji has always been considered a genius, and one of the most powerful Ninja
of his generation. He used to believer that everyone's future was destined to
be, but when Naruto defeated him at the Chunin exam, he realised that people
can make their own destiny. He has a great respect for Naruto and is
determined not to let him down.


Health - ********
Chakra - *********
Strength - ******
Jutsu - ****


Byakugan (level 2): When used in combat, Neji's combo attacks do more damage.
His opponents Chakra also decreases. When used outside of
combat, Neji can see traps and hidden objects.

8 Triagrams Palm Rotation (level 2): Whilst in combat, this Jutsu will block
all attacks made against Neji. Outside of
combat, this Jutsu will allow Neji to
avoid Kunai traps.

8 Triagrams 64 Palms (level 3): Whilst in combat, this will allow Neji to deal
huge damamge to his oppoent. This Jutsu cannot
be used outside of combat.


Precise Impacts - XXXX
Neji's Barrage - XXXY
Neji's Grace - Up+XY
Hyuga's Skill - Up+YX
Rain of Strikes - Right+XX
Divine Fate - Right+YYYYX
Natural Genius - Right+YYXXY
Bird's Flight - AXXX
Bird's Landing - AXXY
Destined Takedown - AYX
Throw Kunai - RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab Attack - A RT


Rock Lee [CH05]


Rock Lee was born with no Ninjutsu talents whatsoever. This led to many of his
fellow Ninja teasing him. However, what he lacked in Ninjutsu ability, he more
than made up for in terms of determination. Lee constantly pushed himself to
prove that he can become a powerful Ninja. Under the watchful eye of Guy
Sensei, Lee focuses on Taijutsu and turns his flaw into a blessing. He is seen
as Konoha's Taijutsu specialist.


Health - ********
Chakra - ****
Strength - ******
Jutsu - *


Eight Inner Gates (level 2): Whilst used in combat, Rock Lee's speed and combo
damage increase dramatically but he'll constantly
lose health. This Jutsu cannot be used outside of


Stunning Backhand - XXXXX
Genius of Hard Work - XXXXY
Splendid Pupil - YYYY
Challenging Launch - YYXX
Valiant Beating - Left+XXYY
Pummeling of Youth - Left+XXYX
Leaf Hurricane - Up+XY
Sudden Uppercut - Up+YYY
Passionate Kick - Up+YYX
Dashing Fist - Right+XXXXYY
Lee's True Speed - Right+XXXYYYX
Bushy Brow's Juggling Act - Right+YYYXXX
DAring Roll Kick - Right+YYXXYY
Tornado Spin Kick - AXXX
Circling Kick - AXXY
Dynamic Heel Drop - AYX
Throw Kunai - RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab Attack - A RT


Sakura [CH06]


Sakura is in Squad 7 with Naruto and Sasuke. She's one of the smartest Ninja
of her age, but her skill is in book-knowledge rather than Jutsu, so she
usually lets Naruto and Sasuke take the lead when the fighting starts. She's
had a crush on Sasuke for years - but he doesn't seem to notice.


Health - *******
Chakra - **********
Strength - **
Jutsu - *****


Chakra Concentration (level 2): Whilst fighting, this Jutsu will increase
the damage that Sakura's combos deal. It
cannot be used outside of combat.

Healing Palm (level 2): Whilst used in combat, this Jutsu will restore
Sakura's health gradually. It cannot be used outside
of combat.


Haruno's Special - XXXX
Girl Power - XXXY
Brainiac Attack - YYY
Kunoichi Wheel - YXX
Tough Love - Left+XXXX
Angry Sakura - Left+XXXY
Mind Your Manners - Up+XXX
Deceptive Maneuver - Up+XXY
Nimble Ninja - Up+YYX
Heavy Blossom Attack - Right+XXX
Genjutsu Strike - Right+YYX
Sakura's Favourite - Right+YYYYY
Light as a Feath - AXXX
Mind Over Matter - AXXY
Multiple Air Impact - AYXXX
Throw Kunai - RB RB RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB RB RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab Attack - A RT


Sasuke [CH07]


Sasuke is in Squad 7 with Naruto and Sakura. On the outside, he's all uncaring
cool-kid, but he's hiding a tragic past: his entire family was murdered when
he was very young. Sasuke wants revenge, and he'll do anything to get it. He
and Naruto have always had a friendly rivalry, but when it looks like Naruto
is getting stronger while he's getting weaker, Sasuke thinks his plans for
revenge might be failing. He needs to make a difficult choice - stay and give
up on revenge, or betray his friends to get the power he needs.


Health -
Chakra -
Strength -
Jutsu -


Shikamaru [CH08]


Shikamaru has a natural talent for being a leader -- an IQ over 200, and the
brain of a trained general. It's too bad he's so lazy. He loves to play
strategy games like Shogi, but hates to do so much as pick up a pencil to do
schoolwork. The trouble is, everyone else has noticed his talent and they
keep putting him in the lead. He's determined to do his best, and protect his
friends.It's just that... responsibility is such a drag.


Health - *******
Chakra - ********
Strength - ******
Jutsu - *****


Shadow Possession Jutsu (level 2): When used during combat, Shikamaru can
freeze his opponent in place for a limited
period of time. Outside of combat,
Shikamaru can use this Jutsu to proctect
his team-mates from traps.

Shadow Strangulation (Level 3): When used during combat, Shikamaru can deal
massive damage to his opponent. Outside of
combat, Shikamaru can use his shadow to
reach items and levers under houses.


Laid Back Attack - XXXX
Blinding Slash - XXXY
Strategic Kick - YYY
Rising Heel - YXX
Kunai Devastation - Left+XYY
Lazy Man's Slide - Left+XYX
Hail of Kunai - Up+XXXX
Unexpected Back Breaker - Up+XXXY
Last Stand - Right+XXXXX
Nara's Surprise - Right+XXXYX
Kicks are a Drag - Right+YYYYY
Unwelcome Gift - Right+YYYX
Shadowy Projection - AX
Enemy's Downfall - AYXX
Throw Kunai - RB RB RB
Aerial Throw Kunai - A RB RB RB
Grab Attack - RT
Aerial Grab Attack - A RT


Walkthrough [WA00]



The Last Stand [WA01]

Watch the opening cutscene and then prepare for your first fight.

Sarutobi vs Orochimaru

Follow the on-screen instructions to get to grips with the controls. After you
have done so, your fight with Orochimaru will begin properly. This fight,
being the first, shouldn't be too difficult. Sarutobi's XXXY combo is really
useful. Try using his YYY combo and then following it up with the XXXY combo
for large damage.

Once Orochimaru's health has fallen to about a third he'll use his striking
shadow snake Jutsu. Don't worry about dodging it as it's a fixed event.
Simply allow him to hit you with it and then watch the next cutscene. Now you
will be shown how to use your Jutsu. Follow the on-screen prompts again in
order to stop Orochimaru. These are:

1. Press and hold LT
2. Push the left analogue stick right and push the right analogue stick left
3. Push both analogue sticks down
4. Now hold LT until the sphere of chakra that engulfs Sarutobi reaches the
marker and then release it.

After the cutscene you will have to fight both the First and the Second

Sarutobi vs First Hokage/Second Hokage

Not much is different here except that you have two opponents. Stick to the
earlier combos though beware of either opponent tagging the other in. Simply
keep using your combos to reduce both of their health to around a third,
another cutscene will begin. This action sequence will require you to press
whatever buttons appear on screen with in a certain amount of time. The
buttons are as follows:

B (press repeatedly)

Sarutobi vs First Hokage/Second Hokage/Orochimaru

Again, this fight shouldn't be too much trouble. Simply stick to your combos
in order to defeat all three opponents. After which comes another cutscene.
Here you must simply press A repeatedly in order to pull out Orochimaru's
soul. Once again, another cutscene will begin.

Afterwards you will take control of Naruto. Press the Back button to view your
map. Then exit it. Now you must go and meet Sakura. Simply head to the blue X
marked on you mini-map and watch the dialogue. Now you must head with Sakura
to meet Sasuke. Again, head to the the blue X marked on your map and watch the
*dialogue*. With your team together, proceed to the the final blue X and then
walk towards the large double doors.

Now you'll be on the roof of the Hokage's building. You can talk to a few
people here such as Neji, Kiba etc etc. When you're down head over the Kakashi
(the one with the icon above his head) and talk to him to trigger a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: N/A


In Defense of the Leaf [WA02]

This mission will automatically start after the previous one. Head to the tree
on your right marked with the blue X. Now you'll be shown how to walk on walls
and as such, trees. Approach the tree and repeatedly tap X in order to keep
the ball in the centre of the bar, whilst Naruto climbs the tree. Now you'll
experience your first Tree Action Sequence.

Here the idea is simply. You must jump from branch to branch. Each branch that
you can jump to is marked with a blue gate. However, avoid the red gates.
These represent traps and triggering one will result in Naruto taking damage.
When you land on a branch press A as the gate turns green in order to speed
Naruto up.

Note: The glowing objects are Ryou (currency in the world of Naruto). If at
all possible, you should try to collect a few.

After you complete the Tree Action Sequence you'll be treated to another
cutscene after which you will have to fight.

Naruto vs Renegade Ninja

You'll recieve another tutorial on fighting. After which the first will
actually start. At this point in the game you won't have access to your Jutsu
so you'll need to stick to combos, however that's all you need for such a low
enemy. Naruto's two best combos are XXXY and left+XXY. The first is the
quicker of the two whilst the latter is the more powerful. Once you defeat the
Renegade Ninja another cutscene will begin.

After the cutscene you will find yourself at the bottom of a pit. Follow the
on screen instructions in order to take a health pill.

Note: You can take pills during combat so make sure to use them if you're
running low on health.

Approach the wall infront of you and walk up it as you did the tree. Now head
forwards, over the log and through the mesh gate. Walk onto the bridge to
trigger a cutscene.

Now that Sasuke and Sakura are back with you head forwards. Double Jump
(A then A) over the pit and on to the other side. If you fall in, simply walk
up the wall to get back to the start of the pit. Follow the path round to a
small enbankment near the water. Head around to the left and jump on to the
wooden platform ahead of you. Then jump on to the other side. Continue
forwards until you reach another pit. Double jump on to the platform and then
double jump on to the other side of the pit. Walk forward to trigger another

Naruto vs Renegade Ninja/Renegade Ninja

At the start of this fight you'll be introduced to the quick invertory. Simply
hold LB to bring it up. However, beware that the fight will start as soon as
you do, so make sure that there's some distance between you and your opponent.
Not much different to your first fight with Naruto except that you have two
renegades on your hands. Once again, just keep beating into them with your
combos and they'll be defeated in no time.

After the fight follow the path forwards, hop over the log and turn left.
Double jump over the pit and on to the other side. Head to the bridge marked
with the blue X to trigger a cutscene.

Now the whole bridge is being blown up! Run with Naruto towards the screen
(and away from the explosions). Keep double jumping to cover ground quicker.
The bridge juts to the right and then back to the left so bare this in mind.
Once you reach the other side, another cutscene will begin. Now head to the
blue X to trigger another cutscene.

Naruto vs Renegade Ninja Leader

The leader is marginally more powerful than his subordinates and can take a
bit more damage too but he still shouldn't be too much bother. Just stick to
your main combos until he's defeated. Then there will be one final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 200 Ryou, 100 Friendship Points


The Road to Tanzaku Town Part 1 [WA03]

Talk to Jiraiya to begin this quest. At this point you will have 100
Friendship Points. I highly recommend that you put these into upgrading
Naruto's health. To do so, simply hold Y and then when your stats appear
select health and confirm the upgrade. After you have spoken to Jiraiya head
with him to the blue X on your map to trigger a cutscene.

With your path now clear, head forward and follow the path to the end. Take a
right and head down the path ahead, towards the blue X. This will trigger
another cutscene. After the cutscene head over to the blue scroll on your map
and talk to the fisherman. After the dialogue head toward the small shore and
a tutorial showing how to walk on water will appear at the bottom of the
screen. Now this is exactly the same as walking up walls so walk out on to the
water and keep tapping X as you cross to the small patch of land ahead of you.

Once you have crossed the water, continue forward a little bit and then turn
to your left to see the boat and two bandits. Walk over to the bandits to
begin a fight.

Naruto vs Renegade Ninja/Thief

When the first starts, you'll receive a tutorial on the substution Jutsu. The
command to perform this is simply Left+B. You don't actually have to perform
it properly. You need only input the command. Afterwards the fight will start
so, again, keep some distance between you and your opponent.

At this point, the Renegade Ninja should pose no trouble to you so just
dispatch him with your usual combos. The Thief is even weaker than him, so
again, he shouldn't be too troublesome.

Once you have defeated both opponents you will recieve your first bonus. The
bonus occurs after most fights involving basic foes and involves several Ryou
notes scattering all over the arena. You then have 5 seconds to collect as
many as you can for your wallet.

After the fight head over to the boat to trigger a small cutscene. After the
cutscene, turn around and follow the path back around to the right. Then
cross back over the water to the area where Jiraiya and the fisherman are.
Head over to the fisherman and talk to him.

Now you must collect 5 planks of wood for him to fix the boat. The first
plank of wood is located right behind him. You should be able to see it
floating in the air. Head over to the small alcove that it's located and
collect it. Now turn around exit the alcove. Turn left and enter the next
small area. Here the second plank of wood will be on your right hand side.

Now exit this area and head to your left again. Head past the stationary gate
trap and stop outside the gate trap that is moving (it's on your left). Wait
for the gate to lower and then double jump over it. Follow the path to the
right and double jump over the pit. On your right will be another gate trap.
Simply wait for it to lower and then double jump over it. The third plank of
wood will be right in front of you.

Jump back over the gate trap and head forwards. Double jump over the pit and
continue on. There will be a section of the path that leads off to the right
with a stationary gate trap. The fourth plank of wood is right next to it. Now
for the final plank. Head back on to the main path and follow it along. Jump
the gap and the fifth plank will be straight ahead of you. Grab it and then
pull the lever to lower the gate trap.

Head trough the gate that you just lowered and head back over to the
fisherman. Continue to the small shore and walk back across the water to the
island with his boat. Approach the boat to trigger a cutscene of sorts.

Jiraiya will now be back with you so head to the right and walk to the blue X.
Now you'll be given a tutorial on how to cross broken bridges using Naruto's
Shadow Clone Jutsu. Approach the bridge:

1. Pull and hold LT
2. Push both analogue sticks up
3. Push the left analogue stick left and the right analogue stick right
4. Release LT

A minigame will begin whereby you have to balance Naruto whilst his clones
climb on top of him. Much like the walk on water minigame the idea is to keep
the ball in the centre of the bar. Use LT and RT to adjust it's position. You
must keep Naruto balanced until the bar on the right of the screen has filled.
Once the bar has filled the clones will topple over forming a bridge.

Head over the bridge, hop over the log and then jump up to the higher ground
to your left. Once again, jump up to the higher ground on your left. Head
right to reach another broken bridge. Just use your Shadow Clone Jutsu to form
another bridge and then run across it. When you reach the other side, drop
down and hop over the log before carrying on down the stairs. You'll now need
to split up your group.

To do so, double tap Up on the d-pad. With Naruto walk forward and then head
left. Jump over the gate trap and then stand on the switch. Now switch to
Jiraiya (tap left on the d-pad). With Jiraiya walk forward a little and then
head right and pull the lever that is a few steps in front of you. Now regroup
you team by double tapping Up on the d-pad again. Proceed straight ahead
through the lowered gate. In the next area, continue forwards to the gate at
the end. There will be a Ninja standing in front of it, so walk over to him to
fight him.

Naruto vs Ninja

You'll be introduced to the overdrive feature in this fight. You need to beat
on the poor guy to rise your meter to level 1 at which point you need to
activate your Sexy Jutsu. Then beat on him again to raise the meter to level 2
at which point you can use your Shadow Clone Jutsu. Once again, you will have
to beat on the enemy until your meter is at level 3 where by you can use your
Shadow Clone Jutsu again. The fight will end automatically after this.

After the fight have Naruto stand on the switch to your right, near the house.
Split your team up and switch to Jiraiya. Head through the gate and pull the
lever on the other side. Now regroup your team to have Naruto run through the
gate. Just around from the switch will be a series of stairs. Follow them all
the way to the top to reach the centre of a small town. Walk toward the blue X
to trigger a final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 200 Ryou, 100 Friendship Points


Jiraiya's Big Date [WA04]

Head to the blue scroll and talk to Shikamaru to start this mission. After a
cutscene you'll already have found a fight.

Naruto vs Shikamaru

Shikamaru will try to use Jutsu whenever he can so don't allow him to put
distance between yourself and him. You'll also be able to use your Jutsu too.
However, I would completely avoid Sexy Jutsu - it's a complete waste as it
simply doesn't last long enough. By the time you have filled up your overdrive
bar enough to use it's higher levels, you'll also be able to use Naruto's more
powerful Jutsu making it surplus to demands.

By all means use you Shadow Clone Jutsu, though it really isn't necessary. So
long as you keep close to Shikamaru and use your typical combos he won't
present much of a problem.

After the fight is over, another cutscene will begin at the end of which,
Shikamaru will join your team. With Shikamaru on board, turn around and walk
forward a little until you can see some stairs on your right. Head down then
and then walk over to the blue X on the map. Speak to the young woman to find
out that she wants some chocolate. Luckily, you can get this from the local
merchant. In order to buy the chocolate you will need 10 gold coins and 50
Ryou. You will already have more than enough Ryou at this point however you
may well be short on gold coins. If you are short then just look about the
village. There are plenty floating about on rooftops, in barrels and under

Once you have all that you need make your way over to the trader (the brown
icon on your map) and purchase the chocolates. Then return to the young woman
and offer her the chocolates. However, she rejects and instead demands
flowers, so it's time for you and Shikamaru to leave the village. Start by
switching to Shikamaru and heading down the stairs to the left of the young
womans home. This will trigger a very shot cutscene. Now approach the house on
your right and walk to the area marked with the orange bands.

Activate Shikamaru's Shadow Strangulation Jutsu:

1. Pull and hold LT
2. Push both analogue sticks up
3. Push the left analogue stick left and the right analogue stick right
4. Release LT

This will begin a minigame whereby you control Shikamaru's shadow under the
house. Simply move it with the left analogue stick. Just follow the small
path around until you reach a lever. Pull it. Now head left and through the
gate that you just opened. Follow the stairs down to an open area and continue
forward to a raised gate trap and a switch. Have Shikamaru stand on the
switch. Now split up your team and take control of Naruto. Head back to the
stairs that you just descended to find a lever on the right hand side. Pull it
to lower the gate trap. Now regroup your team and proceed through the gate.
Continue on to the blue X to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene you will be in control of Shikamaru. Perform the Shadow
Possession Jutsu as shown onscreen. Now as Naruto bypass the gate traps as
usual (by double jumping). Your timing will need to be good in order to clear
both the gates and the gaps. Don't worry though - if you're about to fall
victim to one of the traps, Shikamaru will haul you back. Once you reach the
small end area step on the switch.

Control will switch to Shikamaru. Head to your left and follow the path
around, at which point you will be attacked by a Ninja.

Shikamaru vs Renegade Ninja

The basic XXXY combo works well for Shikamaru, if you get a chance, try using
his Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - it's devasting this early in the game dealing
over 250 points of damage! Collect as much Ryou as you can during the bonus
once you've beaten him.

Continue forwards until you reach the water. Now you simply have to jump from
one platform to the next. There are three which will lead you around to a
secluded section of land. As soon as you land on it, you'll have another

Shikamaru vs Thief

Just stick to the usual tactics and he'll be beat in no time. The only point
of interest is that you will receive a tutorial on Kunai and as such can now
use them.

With the thief beaten approach the house with orange bands above it and use
Shikamaru's Shadow Strangulation Jutsu again. Follow the path around under the
house as his shadow. Again, there's only one route so just follow it. At the
end there will be small walls that's rise and fall. If you hit any of them you
will have to start again. So keep on the right to avoid the one on the left
and then you'll reach a wall taking up the whole path. Wait for it to lower
and then travel over it and keep left to avoid the last wall on your right.
Then pull the lever.

With that down travel back across the platforms. Now switch to Naruto and
guide him back out of the small area that he was previously trapped in. All
the traps will now have ceased to work. Once you reach the open area with a
house in front of you regroup your team and then switch back to Shikamaru.
Approach the house in front of you and use your Shadow Strangulation Jutsu at
the orange area as per usual. Follow the path making sure to avoid the traps
and you'll pick up the flowers at the end. Then press LT to cancel the Jutsu.

As Shikamaru turn around and pull the lever located in front of you to open
the gate. Climb back up the stairs that are a little to your right and
re-enter the town. Head over to the young woman and offer her the flowers.
Once again she will reject them and send you out to get her pearl.

Turn around and head back downt the stairs that you came up. Keep heading
forwards in the direction of the blue X until you reach a blue X until you
reach another broken bridge. After the dialogue, form a bridge with Naruto's
Shadow Clone Jutsu. Now switch to Shikamaru and use his Shadow Strangulation
Jutsu. Guide his shadow over the bridge and under the gate. Then turn left and
head over to the lever before pulling it.

If you were quick you will now be able to run across the bridge as Shikamaru.
Follow the path along to the gate traps, making sure to jump over both before
heading right and round to the fisherman. You'll recieve a tutorial on fishing
before you start. When you begin a fish will have already bitten. The idea is
to keep pressing A whilst holding the rod (via the analogue stick) in the
opposite direction from the fish. You'll be able to tell becuase if you're
holding it away from the fish, then the fish will start to reel in. Otherwise
it will move further away indicating that you're holding the rod to the wrong

Once you reel the fish in, you'll have your pearl. Now double jump onto the
platform floating ahead and then double jump onto the next one before double
jumping back onto land. Walk to the right towards the gate trap. Stand on the
switch and then split your team. Switch to Naruto and turn around. Walk
forwards towards the log ahead of you. Jump over it and stand on the switch.

Switch back to Shikamaru and proceed through the gate you just opened.
Regroup your team before heading back up the stairs to the town. Head over
to the young woman and talk to her. Now you must tell Jiraiya. Turn around
and head back up the stairs ahead towards the inn. Head to the blue X to the
left of the Inn to trigger a cutscene.

Naruto/Shikamaru vs Brother

Now it's time for your first tag fight. It'll start by showing you how to tag
in you teamates. Afterwhich the fight will start. The brother will have more
health than your typical enemies at this point but with two characters to
fight with he is still rather easy.

Once you beat him, a final cutscene will begin.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 250 Ryou, 150 Friendship Points


A Comrade in Danger [WA05]

Now you can buy strength level 2 so I suggest you do so. Head back to the
Merchant Shop (the brown icon on your map) to top up on health pills if you
need any. If you have enough gold coins and Ryou it is well worth it to
purchase the Inner Fox attack scroll. This will increase the speed at which
your overdrive bar fills by 20%.

When you are ready to start the mission head to the inn and sleep. This will
trigger a cutscene.

Naruto vs Kisame

First off, you cannot beat Kisame. Your only goal in this fight is to survive
for 60 seconds. However, don't be too defensive. By all means keep your
distance from Kisame as he has some really powerful combos, but if he closes
in, don't try to dodge his attacks. Instead just unleash your only combos
- try using a killer such as XXXY to put more distance between the two of you
once more. If you're running low on health just take a health pill.

Beware that Kisame will really use the Subsitution Jutsu a lot! In other words
be ready for him to appear behind you at any moment. Once the 60 seconds are
up another cutscene will start. When the cutscene ends you will now be in
control of Sasuke.

Now a Ninja Race will begin. Run through the first two checkpoints in front of
you to the tree. After the small cutscene you will have another tree action
sequence. You will have over 108 seconds to complete it so don't worry about
time. Just make sure you complete it.

After the tree action sequence you'll arrive in the Hot Springs Resort where
another race will start. Your timer will start at 34 seconds this time which,
again, is more than enough time. Head through the first two gates until you
reach the wall of rock. You'll receive a tutorial on using Sasuke's Chidori.
Simply hold LT and rotate the left analogue stick in either direction, then
release LT once the Jutsu has charged sufficiently. This will begin the
Chidori minigame. Here you must use the left analogue stick to keep Sasuke's
hand in the red circle. This will increase the bar on the right hand side of
the screen. Once the bar is filled the wall of rock will be destroyed.

Walk forward a little and you will be attacked.

Sasuke vs Thief

Sasuke is faster than Naruto and packs a little bit more of a punch. Again,
just stick to combos. XXXY is always useful but for some real damage try using
his YXY combo.

Once the fight is over continue forward through the next checkpoint and use
Chidori on the wall of rocks. Continue forward again through the next to
checkpoints to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene head left through the
checkpoint to a series of gate traps. Now activate Sasuke's Sharingan Jutsu
(right+left, down+down). Whilst his Sharingan is active, traps will move much
slower than normal.

Head through the two gate traps and then jump onto the floating platform and
then jump onto the land ahead. Double jump onto the next rock and then double
jump once more back onto more land. Jump onto the next floating plaform and
then jump from there on to the patch of land on the right and then onto the
other patch of land to the left. Activate Sasuke's sharigan and continue
through the gate traps.

Sasuke vs Bandit Boss

Nothing new here. Just keep beating on him with your main combos and he'll be
down in no time.

Activate Sharigan once more and continue forward. Wait for the two traps to
start to lower and then double jump over both them and the pit. Use Chidori
on the wall of rock to your left and head through the next two checkpoints
towards Shikamaru. This will trigger a cutscene.

Here, another race will start. Just follow the checkpoints all the way up the
stairs towards the inn and Sasuke will enter it. Whilst inside the inn run
along the corridor to trigger a cutscene.

Sasuke vs Itachi

You will start off with a full overdrive bar so if you have the oppertunity to
use your Chidori on Itachi do so. Stick to your normal combos. Itachi has one
rather nasty combo that involves a clone of himself appearing behind you. If
this happens jump or dodge to either side to avoid the combo. Itachi will
waste no time in using his Sharigan (which will block your attacks for a
limited period of time) or his other Sharigan technique which will begin a
minigame. Simply move around to dodge his crosshair and after a while the
Jutsu will end.

Remember to use your health pills if Sasuke is nearing death. Once you reduce
Itachi's health to near zero his health bar will disapear. The only way to win
the fight here is to use Chidori on him so use XXXY to put some distance
between the two of you before charging Chidori. Don't worry about charging it
to its more powerful forms, the first level will suffice. This will trigger
another cutscene.

Now you will appear what I believe is Sasuke's head. Turn around to see a
white light. That is where you are headed. Turn to your right and head
forwards. Then head left and continue on towards the light. When you reach it
Itachi will use his Mangekyo Sharingan. This will begin another minigame. Here
you must use the two analogue sticks to move the blue and orange versions of
Sasuke so that they overlap his original body. Hold them there to fill up the
bar on the right hand side. Once the bar is full the technique will end.

Walk forward to the light again until you come to a red wall. Follow the path
all the way around to the left until it finally ends. Now run straight towards
the light to trigger another minigame just like the one before. Once it is
complete, walk into the light to begin a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: N/A


The Road to Tanzaku Town Part 2 [WA06]

This is a nice easy mission following the previous one. Head to the blue
scroll and talk to Jiraiya to begin this mission. Make your way to the blue
arrow and climb the tree that it marks to begin a tree action sequence. After
you have completed the tree action sequence you will find yourself in a field
just outside Tanzaku Town. Head straight across the field towards the blue
arrow, making sure to follow the path up to the right once you reach the gold
coin. This will lead you into Tanzaku Town and will also trigger a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 100 Ryou, 75 Friendship Points


Dojo Training [WA07]

This is another very easy and quick mission. You will find yourself in Tanzaku
Town. Now at this point you are free to explore most of what the town has to
offer such as the shops and the four currently available minigames. To begin
this quest head to the blue scroll on your map and press X at the large gong.
Now select Naruto from the list to trigger a small cutscene.

You will now be in the Dojo menu. Every item shall be locked except from the
first one entitled "Fight". Select it and then select the aerial challenge.
You will have 3 pratice attempts using Naruto's AXXX combo. Simply execute the
combo on Guy three times to end the practice. Now begins the real challenge.
You have 30 seconds to record 8 aerial hits using the combo on Guy. In other
words do the combo to guy three times to clear the challenge. Don't worry,
when you jump into the air, Guy does too.

Once you have cleared the challenge you can exit the dojo to complete the
mission, however it is well worth completing the other fight challenge, the 2
combo challenges and the first Jutsu challenge to aquire much more Friendship
Points. You can do these later if you wish.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 75 Friendship Points (this may be as much as 400 if you did the other


Friends and Rivals [WA08]

Before you begin this mission, make sure to stock up on health pills if you're
running low (you can get them at the weapon shop). If you haven't already down
so I'd strongly advise that you purchase the Inner Fox attack scroll from the
scroll shop. If you need gold coins there are plenty scattered around town in
blue barrels or on top of roofs. Head to the East side of the town (from the
entrance) and enter the building comprised of glass pannels. There are 10 gold
coins lying in here alone!

Also if you have done all of the available challenges in the Dojo you should
have 500 Friendship Points meaning that you can buy Strength level 3 for
Naruto. This will dramatically increase his general damage in combat.

Once you're ready to begin this mission head to the blue scroll and talk to
Kiba. Once you have done so make your way to the large gate marked with the
blue arrow and exit the town. Walk forwards towards Kiba and talk to him.
After the dialogue, you'll find yourself in a Ninja Race again. Now you use
the sprint ability though (hold RT). This really increase Naruto's speed
however when he is sprinting you will have very little control over him.

Simply head through the checkpoints of the race as normal. Use your sprint
ability for the straights. Avoid using LT to brake/slide as it wastes too much
time. Instead just release RT and then turn Naruto before sprinting again.
After quite a few checkpoints there will be a cutscene.

Naruto vs Kiba

The fight will start with a strength pill tutorial. Just press and hold LB and
then press Y to take one and start fight. Now for the first 15 seconds Naruto
will do much more damage.

Kiba is faster than Naruto, so it's important that you are good with your
combos and ready to block/subsitute at any point as Kiba will often beat
you to the punch (literally!) Don't allow him to use his Beast Mimicry Jutsu
as this will increase both his speed and power making him rather powerful.

Stick to your main combos and if you get the chance use your Shadow Clone
Jutsu for some large scale damage. After the fight comes another cutscene.

Head to the house straight ahead of and approach the orange bands. Now
activate Kiba's Transformation Jutsu. This will play out much like Shikamaru's
Shadow Strangulation Jutsu. You simply have to guide Kiba (in the form of a
clone of Akamaru) around the path underneath the house and then pull the lever
at the end. This will open the gate.

Now head through the gate and continue through the field to the tree marked
with the blue arrow. Climb up it to begin a tree action sequence. When you
begin you should notice a timer on the top of the screen with a gold medal
next to it. This is the best time recorded for completing the course. Beat it
to net some Ryou and 15 gold coins. Note however that you don't need to beat
it. Just complete the course.

Afterwards, there will be another cutscene which will culminate in a race
between Kiba and Naruto. You start off as Naruto. Just follow the checkpoints
as usual. The only thing that requires any timing really is a section where
you must double jump from one platform to the next in order to clear a large
pit. Continue to the end of the course and you will then be put in control of

Head through the checkpoints until you reach the gate traps. Once you jump
past the first, you will be attacked.

Kiba vs Bandit Boss

The fight will start with a dodging tutorial. To dodge an attack simply move
the left analogue stick up or down twice. Doing so will start the fight. This
is an enemy that you should be used to by now so there really isn't much cause
for concern. As always, the XXXY combo works well though for some real damage
try using Kiba's YXX combo. This will send the opponent into the air allowing
you to execute an aerial attack. If you get a chance, use his Fang over Fang
Jutsu. A perfect will result in over 200 points of damage!

As soon as the fight ends, the race will continue so clear the remaining gate
trap and follow the checkpoints to the end. After the cutscene turn around
and follow the path around to the right. Head to the house on your right and
use Kiba's Transformation Jutsu to pull the lever under the house as per usual.
Switch to Naruto and walk up the wall closet to you (the player) to escape the
pit. This will trigger a dialogue scene.

Walk to the broken bridge in front of you and switch to Naruto. Use your
Shadow Clone Jutsu to create a bridge for you and Kiba. Now use Kiba's Beast
Mimicry Jutsu (right+left, down+down). This will show all the hidden traps
over the river. Jump over the first trap then run under the second one before
double jumping over the final trap.

Once on the other side regroup you team and head to your right. If Kiba's
Beast Mimicry has stopped, reactivate it. Jump over the trap but do no double
jump otherwise you will trigger the trap higher up. Continue on a little and
double jump over the gate trap and the explosive trap. Jump over the next set
of traps before jumping through the set of explosive traps (again do not
double jump).

Once the cutscene is over, split your team and ensure that you are in control
of Kiba. Activate his Beast Mimicry once more and then walk out onto the water
to your right. Follow the path around that is formed by the explosive traps
until you are back on land. Pull the lever here to open the mesh gate. Now you
can simply run through the gate as Naruto and reform your team. There is a
merchant stall here so stock up on health pills if you need them before
heading to the broken bridge that is located on the shore.

Form a bridge using Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu and then run across. Don't
worry there are no traps here. Once you reach the other side approach the
house on the left and stand next to the orange bands. Use Kiba's
Transformation Jutsu to pull the lever and open the gate. Head through the
gate and you'll notice a small path that branches off to the left. Head
down it and jump through the series of explosive traps, again making sure not
to clip the trap above you.

Walk forward to the supplies and the two bandits to begin another fight.

Naruto/Kiba vs Thief/Bandit Boss

Nothing new here so this fight should be rather straight forward especially
with both Kiba and Naruto to fight for you. Try to use your double team moves
(hit LB after executing a killer combo) to do some extra damage. After the
fight comes a final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 300 Ryou, 150 Friendship Points

Exit the small alcove, head left and follow the path all the way back to the
tree. This will lead you back to Tanzaku Town.


A Prisoner on the Loose [WA09]

Return to Tanzaku Town and head over to the the blue scroll on your map.
You'll see two Ninja standing beside a pole. Walk over to them to begin a
cutscene and the mission itself. Kiba and Shikamaru will meet you at the main
gate so head over there (it's the blue arrow) and then exit the town. Kiba and
Shikamaru will automatically add to your team once you leave. Head across the
field to the the blue arrow on the map until you reach the tree that it is
marking. Climb the tree and then complete the ensuing tree action sequence.

After the cutscene, head a little to the right and then follow this main path
forwards past the gate trap on your left.

Naruto/Kiba/Shikamaru vs Thief/Thief

This should be all too easy by now. After the fight continue along the path
until you come to a junction with three branching paths. Head along the left
path but immediately turn to your right. In the next small area follow the
path around to the right and head into the smaller area that is the second on
your left. You'll now be in a little area with a fence ahead separating you
and the river. Turn to your right and sprint jump (A whilst sprinting) over
the gap ahead. Follow this small path to the end and turn left.

Jump on to the small patch of land in front of you and then jump on to the
floating platform to your right. From here jump on to another small patch of
land, this time on your left. There should be a formation of rocks in the
river that is slightly ahead of you and to the left. Jump onto it and then
jump onto the small pocket of land that's ahead of you. Finally jump onto the
floating platform and then jump onto the area of land ahead of you with the
three Ninja standing on it. Run forward to them to begin a final fight.

Naruto/Kiba/Shikamaru vs Genin Ninja/Chunnin Ninja/Genin Ninja

Your first 3 on 3 fight. Aside from this, though, there is no real difference
here except that your opponents have marginally increased health and damage,
but still not enough to be any real concern. Just stick to the usual tactics
and use your double team moves if you can.

With the fight over, simply retrace you steps back across the river towards
the tree. Climb up it and complete the tree action sequence to arrive outside
Tanzaku Town. Run across the field and back inside the town before heading
over to the blue X on your map and talking to the two Ninja.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 150 Ryou, 75 Friendship Points


The Super A-rank Jutsu! [WA10]

Head to the blue scroll and talk to Jiraiya to begin this mission. After the
cutscene he will send you away to get some water balloons. Luckily you can win
some by playing the Kingo Sukui game at the festival. Head to the stall marked
with the blue X and begin the game. You'll be given a basic tutorial on how
the game works.

The goal of the game is to use your small paper device to catch fish. Each
fish caught will award you points. You need to amass 15 points in order to
proceed to the next round where the fish will move faster. You have 3 paper
devices. You can move one by moving the left analogue stick. Press A and hold
A to put it under water and then release A to bring it back up, hopefully
catching some fish in the process. Now if you catch a turtle or hold the
device under water for too long it will break.

The point system is as follows:

Orange Fish - 3 points
Yellow Fish - 5 points
Black Fish - 10 points

Your obvious aim is the black fish so try to catch as many in the opening
rounds as possible because once their speed increases your chances of catching
them are reduced. Also try to catch more than one fish at a time. Aim for
large groups of fish to maximise your points score. Once you have a score
greater than 58 points quit the game to recieve the water balloons.

With your water balloons, head to the main gate and exit the town. Head to the
right hand side of the field outside Tanzaku and follow the thin path that
leads you to the blue X on your map where Jiraiya will be waiting. Talk to him
to view a cutscene. Now begins another minigame. The steps are as follows:

1. Pull and hold LT
2. Rotate the left analogue stick in either direction twice.
3. Now push the left analogue stick in the direction indicated to you on
screen and continue to do so until the prompts end.
4. At this point Naruto will store his chakra inside the balloon.

After your first attempt to pop the balloon which will be a failure
(regardless of how well you did) Jiraiya will take his leave. Repeat the
above steps a few more times and another cutscene will begin showing Naruto
popping the balloon and then passing out!

Once Naruto has awoken head back in Tanzaku Town and talk to Jiraiya
(the blue X). He'll explain that you now need rubber balls. Once again these
are being offered as a prize in one of the festival games. Head to the stall
marked with the blue X and choose to play Shuriken Toss. This game is probably
the most simplistic of all 7 festival games. Whenever one of the face buttons
(A,B,X,Y) appears on screen, press it unless it is taped up in which case do
not. Every one that you press correctly will increase your score by 20 (hence,
14 hits will be enough to beat the score of 260 and earn you rubber balls). It
will also increase your health bar on the left a little. Everytime that you
hit a taped one or press the wrong button, you will lose a chunk of your life.
The game will end when your life runs out.

Now with your rubber balls (I can't help but want to laugh) make your way over
to the hotel (the blue X) and sleep there for the night. Once you awake in the
morning head to the main gate and exit the town. Head back to the field that
you were in the day before with Jiraiya. Head over to him and a cutscene will

Now you have to pop a rubber ball. This plays out almost identically to the
balloon minigame except that now you need to move both the left and right
analogue sticks. Once again, you will need to do this a few times before a
cutscene should start, showing Naruto popping the rubber ball.

After the cutscene head back into Tanzaku Town, once again, make your way to
the stall marked with the blue X and elect to play Snake Smash. If you've ever
played Whack-a-mole (and who hasn't?) then this will be rather simple
otherwise it will still be rather simple. The goal is to hit each snake with
the mallet using the left analogue stick to move the mallet and the A button
to swing it. You get 1 point for each snake you hit however, for every four
snakes that you hit, your multiplier increses by 1 up to a maximum of 4
meaning that you can earn up to 4 points per snake. If you miss a snake you
will lose your multiplier. If you hit a frog you will also lose your
multiplier but in addition you will lose 5 points.

Note that the only way to lose a mallet (and as a such, a life) is to fail to
hit a snake before it dissapears. Beat the score of 112 to win the suffed
animal for Jiraiya. Once you have the animal head to the blue X and give it to
Jiraiya. After the dialogue, head back to the hotel and sleep again.

When you awaken in the morning head back to the field that you have been
training in and talk to Jiraiya. After the cutscene you will be tasked with
destroying 3 trees using the Rasengan. To do this, walk up to a tree, pull and
hold LT and rotate the left analogue stick to unleash the Rasengan. Now you
are in control of Naruto's hand. Using the left analogue stick keep his hand
inside the red circle until the bar on the right has filled up (much like
Sasuke's Chidori). Doing so will destroy the tree.

Do this twice more to complete the objective and trigger a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 100 Ryou, 75 Friendship Points


An Enemy Reappears [WA11]

Before you begin this mission you should stock up on health pills and also a
few chakra pills. Head to the field outside of Tanzaku Town and talk to
Jiraiya (marked by the blue scroll on your map). After the cutscene head
through to the new area and climb the tree to your right. After you have
completed the tree action sequence that follows, another cutscene shall begin.

Jiraiya/Tsunade vs Orochimaru

At the first oppertunity you should switch to Tsunade (left on the d-pad). She
has far more reach than Jiraiya and does more damage. Her combos are rather
nasty in fact. On top of that her Milotic Regeration Jutsu will regenerate her
health and a fully charge Acide Slime Jutsu can deal over 8000 points of
damage! Tsunade alone should be enough to take down Orochimaru but you've got
Jiraiya if things get tight. Once you get Orochimaru's health down to near
zero, another cutscene will play.

Naruto vs Kabuto

Start by laying into Kabuto with your combos. These will suffice until you get
his health down to around half way at which point he will begin to regenerate
health. Whilst he is doing so, he will simply substitute behind you if you
attempt any combos so either use Rasengan or if you don't have the chakra, use
a simply grab attack. Once you break his regeneration he will use his Chakra
Scalpul Jutsu straight away so be ready. Just move Naruto around so that he
cannot hit the centre points on Naruto's body. Don't worry if he does, as the
resulting damage is very low.

Afterwards continue to lay into him with your combos once more. Once his
health reaches near zero he will once again regenerate it. At this point the
only way to win the fight is to use Rasengan so do so. Remember to use your
chakra pills if you're low on chakra. After you succesfully use Rasengan on
him, yet another cutscene will begin.

This cutscene is also a quick time event so be ready to press the on screen
buttons as they appear. These are as follows:


After the summoning Jutsu are all complete there are a few more prompts:

A (press repeatedly)

You will now be in control of Tsunade atop Chief Toad's massive blade. Using
the left analogue stick you have to guide the blade down and through the mouth
of Orochimaru's snake. Use the shadow of the blade on the snake's head to see
where you are going to land. Note that it has to be the mouth of the snake,
not simply the head.

A (press repeatedly)

This will trigger a long cutscene or two.

Mission Complete

Rewards: Rasengan Jutsu


A New Hokage [WA12]

This mission will start automatically after you have returned to Konoha
following your encounter with Orochimaru. Once again, it's a nice and short
mission. Start by making your way into Konoha and then across to the hospital
(the blue X on your map). Once you reach the hospital, walk up to the main
doors to enter and trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene has finished, head
to Naruto's apartment (it's normally marked by a white bed icon however it
will also be marked by a blue X seeing as how it's an objective).

Locate the flashing staircase there and walk up it to enter his apartment.
When inside (and after the cutscene), head over to the bed and select the
sleep option. Once Naruto has awoken walk over to the door to trigger one more
cutscene. Told you it was short!

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou, 245 Friendship Points

After completing this mission a host of new items shall be made available at
the shops located around Konoha so check them out. At this point you can now
fully upgrade both Kiba and Shikamaru. Whilst it's not too important now, it
will make latter sections of the game much easier.


The Hidden Threat [WA13]

Head to the blue scroll in Konoha and talk to Neji to begin this mission. It
will, as always, start off with a cutscene. Soon you'll be shown a flashback
in the form of a fight.

Naruto vs Neji

This is meant to be a memory of the fight that Naruto and Neji shared. Beware:
because this fight is set in the past Naruto cannot use his Rasengan Jutsu so
your main offensive Jutsu is your Shadow Clones. Stick with your usual combos
and try to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu on Neji if you get the chance. Watch out
for his rotation Jutsu. It has an extremely short charging time and so Neji
can unleash it out of nowhere. Aside from that this really isn't too
difficult. If you've been upgrading Naruto you should be much more powerful
than Neji.

Following the fight is another cutscene. Now you are in control of Neji. Start
by using his Byakugan (right+left, down+down). A small circular dial shall
appear at the bottom of the screen. Those who have played Rise of a Ninja
(the original) will be familiar with its use. For those that have not played
the original, the dial shows you in which direction the object is and also how
far away it is from you. The idea is to follow the dial until the central
circle is highlighted meaning that you're standing right next to the object.

From where you are standing, turn right and jump over the fence in front of
you. Now on a small path, turn left and follow the path straight forward until
you reach the glowing object ahead (the paper bomb). Now you will have to find
6 more of these paper bombs.

The first paper bomb is on one of the highest rooftops next to Naruto's
apartment (the white bed icon on your map). Look for a small bridge.The second
paper bomb is on another small bridge on another set of rooftops near Naruto's
apartment. The third paper bomb is inside the bridge closest to the Ramen

The fourth paper bomb is on a lowered section of the hospital roof. The
hospital, if you remember, was the building you went to at the start of
the previous mission. If you cross the bridge where the third bomb is
located, it'll be just on your right.The fifth paper bomb is right next next
to Kiba (Kiba icon).

For the final bomb, locate the fishing challenge that's in the South-West of
the village (near the Sasuke icon). Right behind the challenge are a set of
very low roofs. The paper bomb is up there. Once you have found all six bombs
you must report to the Hokage so head to her office, the blue X on your map,
and enter via the main doors. Once you are inside her office, simply walk over
to her and talk to her to trigger a cutscene.

With the cutscene over you will find yourself outside the front of the
Hokage's building. Activate Neji's Byakugan and then head back round to where
you found the final paper bomb (near the fishing challenge). On the same set
of roofs hides the spy. He'll be hiding behind one of the water tanks.
Approach him for a short cutscene.

Neji vs Zenigoke

Neji won't be upgrade in any way so your damage along with your health will be
much lower than you may be used to when using Naruto. The only real problem
that Zenigoke creates is that he will dodge your killer attacks quite often
meaning that not only does he not take the extra hit of large damage, but also
that you're chances to use your Jutsu are scarce.

Neji's XXXY combo is good though it won't do much damage. However, many of his
combos won't do much damage so you'll just have to grind Zenigoke's health
down. If he activates a healing Jutsu, grab him quickly to end it.

Once the fight is over, Zenigoke shall disappear so activate Byakugan again
and head towards the Southern gate. Exit out into the small area and you'll
see a small bush in front of you. Zenigoke's standing behind it so approach
him again for another cutscene. With the cutscene now over, you'll be back
in control of Naruto. Proceed to the tree marked with the blue arrow. Climb up
it and complete the ensuing tree action sequence.

Once you arrive in Hot Spring Resort, just head straight forward until you see
a mesh gate on your left with a wooden bridge following on from it. Head
through the gate and then across the bridge to the large area of land on the
other side. Double jump over the pit and follow the path to the right.
Continue along the small embankemnt (whilst turning to your left). When you
reach the pit, double jump onto the wooden platform and then double jump again
back onto land.

Follow the path along until you reach another pit. Simply repeat the same
steps as above by double jumping across it. Head forwards a little and then
turn right and you should see another path. Head along it, past the worker
with the pick-axe and hop over the log at the end. Turn to your right and have
Naruto use his Rasengan on the wall of stone in front of you. Head through the
newly formed gap and turn right. Jump over the gate trap and then immediately
hug the left hand side of the area you find yourself in.

Hiden behind a bush here is a switch, so stand on it to open the mesh gate.
Now jump back over the gate trap you just cleared and head forwards to the
mesh gate you just opened. Switch to Neji and walk through the gate onto
the small crater. You'll now receive a tutorial on Neji's Rotation Jutsu.
Just like Naruto's Rasengan, simply Hold LT and rotate the left analogue
stick. Now keep tapping A to hold the bar in the centre of the bar (kind of
like the minigame that occurs when you walk up trees) in order to keep Neji
spinning. Once the trap has stopped throwing junai at you, continue forwards
into the small area. Stock up on pills from the Merchant Shop if you're
running low before climbing the tree marked with the blue arrow.

After you complete the tree action sequence you will find yourself in the
Temple Ruins. Head left and use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to build a bridge
over the large gap. Run across it and then continue forward until you drop
down in a small area with a switch, a gate trap and wall of stone. Split your
team up and have Neji stand on the switch. Now, as Naruto, use Rasengan on the
wall of stone. With it out of the way, jump over the gate trap ahead before
calling Neji back to you.

Follow the path around to the left where both Naruto and Neji will alert you
to danger. Switch to Neji and use his Byakugan. Much like Kiba's Beast
Mimicry, Neji can now see all the traps in the area. Head forward and jump
over the explosive trap making sure not to jump into the trap above. Follow
the path around to another small crater. Use Neji's Rotation Jutsu again to
deflect all the kunai away before activating Byakugan again. Continue forwards
and jump through both sets of explosive notes. Stick on the path as it bends
to the right. Jump over the gate trap and you'll be in an area with a few
stone columns.

Make sure that Neji's Byakugan is active before continuing! Jump over the
single explosive trap to the right side. Walk forward a little and wait for
the kunai trap to stop, before jumping over the explosive trap. Run forward a
bit more and, once more, wait for the kunai trap to stop before jumping over
the explosive trap. Turn right and have Naruto use Rasengan on the wall. Run
on through to trigger a cutscene.

Neji vs Zenigoke

This fight will be pretty much the same as before. Just grind his health down
and grab him immediately if he tries to heal. Neji's 64 Points Jutsu (up+up,
left+right) does some nice damage but finding a chance to use it can prove
difficult as Zenigoke does love his Kunai.

Once the fight is over a cutscene shall play. With the cutscene over, activate
Neji's Byakugan again and exit out of the small area that you are in. Head
left and jump over the gate trap. Follow the path and you'll come to a wooden
panel with some explosive notes above. Just spring over the panel before it
breaks and you'll be fine. Continue on the path until you come to another
small crater. Use Neji's Rotation Jutsu again, however this trap is more
difficult than the ones earlier and will require that you press A at a
faster rate.

After the trap has stopped continue on and spring over the wooden panel that
you come to. Continue until you reach the face of a small cliff. Locate the
brown section of the cliff and walk up it. Once you reach the top it's time
for another cutscene.

Naruto/Neji vs Mizugoke

Start by switching to Naruto as his improved stats will make light work
of Mizugoke. Just use your regular combos and Rasengan. Mizugoke is nowhere
near as annoying as his brother when it comes to dodging your attacks, meaning
that it's far easier to set him up for a Jutsu. With the fight over, another
cutscene shall begin.

When the cutscene has finished, turn right and approach the broken bridge.
Have Naruto use his Shadow Clone Jutsu to form a new one and then run across
it. Climb the tree marked with the blue arrow and complete the tree action
sequence to arrive back in Konoha. Enter the village and make your way to the
Hokage's building (the blue X). Enter via the main doors as usual and then
walk over to Tsunade and talk to her to see another dialogue.

Mission Compete

Rewards: 300 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


The Chip Conspiracy [WA14]

Head to the blue scroll on your map and walk into the small blue field to
start this mission. After the cutscene, you're thrown straight into the

Naruto vs Choji

Whilst Choji (being as his base level) won't really cause much damage, his
large health will mean that he can take quite a pounding before going down.
Just stick to your main combos and when given the chance use Rasengan to take
out a good chunk of his health. Beware that whilst Choji is slow, his combo's
do last for a bit so be ready to dodge his attacks at any point or you could
be in for a long combo. Once the fight is over Naruto and Choji will have a

After the discussion, you are now in control of Choji. You must find a crate
containing some chips. During this time a small circular dial (similar to the
one used in Neji's Hide and Seek games) appears on the bottom of the screen.
It works exactly in the same way. The only difference is that it does not
indicate the direction that you should travel. Luckily this crate is close by.
Simply follow the path around (behind you) to the crate. When you reach it,
use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu (up+up,left+right). Now you need to tap A
repeatedly in order to fill up the bar on the right. Once it is completely
full, Choji will smash the crate open. Then you can pick up the chips.

With that done, you now must find 7 other packets of chips scattered around

1. Walk out onto the main road and head to the right. The first crate is
straight ahead of you.

2. From the first crate, follow the path forwards right to the second crate.

3. Continue forward, one more. When you reach the worker with the pick axe
jump up onto the green building that's in front of you. The crate is
on the roof.

4. Hop back down from the roof to where you jumped up from. Jump up on top
of the yellow building in front of you. Head to your right a little until
the roof drops down, revealing the fourth crate.

5. Now head in the direction of the red arrow on your map. Jump up onto the
higher level of roofs again and run to the end. Drop down onto the road
near the starting point. There will be a green building near you (most
likely, it'll be in front of you). Jump up on top of it to find the fifth

6. Drop down from the roof and follow the path around the Hokage building in
the direction of the red arrow on your map. Continue past the main doors
on your right and then the water tank on your right. Take your next left
and jump up onto the roof of the second red building. Head forwards until
the roof drops down. There lies the sixth crate.

7. Head all the way to the hospital (the large building that you see after you
cross the bridge closest to the Ramen Shop). It's on one of the lowered
sections of the roof (to the rear).

With all your packets of chips found, head back to where you started the
mission (the blue X on your map) and talk to Naruto. After the dialogue you
will be back in control of Naruto so stock up on pills and then make your way
to the main gate marked by the blue X. Exit the village and talk to Choji.

Once the conversation is over, head to the tree marked with the blue arrow,
climb it and then complete the tree action sequence that follows. This will
lead you to the Temple Ruins. When you arrive there, head down the path to
your extreme right (not the one with the mesh gate). Head to the left and
have Choji stand on the switch. Split your team and change to Naruto. Head
forwards and hug the left hand side to avoid the Kunai. Wait for the gate trap
at the end to lower and then double jump over both.

Follow the path to the right making sure to double jump over the pit. Now pull
the lever to your right and regroup your team (calling Choji back to you). Now
you'll see a long strip of spikes ahead of you with a broken bridge covering
them. Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to form a bridge, then switch to Choji,
run across the bridge and use his Human Boulder Jutsu on the wall of stone at
the other end.

With the wall destroyed, run forward to the large building ahead and talk to
the guy with an exclamation mark above his head. With the conversation over,
turn around and follow the tracks along until you reach another wall of stone.
Once again, use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu to break down the wall. This will
trigger a cutscene and then a fight.

Choji vs Patato Chip Ninja

Choji won't be able to deal much damage so you'll just have to use the same
old tricks to grind down your opponents health. Use his Human Boulder Jutsu
if you can to inflict some real damage. Don't worry too much about Choji as
his starting health is very high.

After the fight will come another dialogue, between Naruto and Choji. Once it
is over you will be in control of Choji. Use his Body Expansion Jutsu
(right+left, down+down) and control will then switch back to Naruto. At this
point you should notice a bar on the left hand side of the screen with both
Choji's and Naruto's icons on it. So long as Naruto does not move too far away
from Choji (so much so that his icon disappears off of the top of the bar), he
will be protected from traps by Choji.

Now, as Naruto, continue forward. Wait for the Kunai trap to stop before
sprinting past it. Up ahead are 3 other Kunai traps. Use the same idea to pass
by each of them but beware: their patterns are very different from the that of
the first. Once you have passed all four, call Choji to you to regroup your
team. Have him use his Human Boulder Jutsu on the wall of stone. Run forward
towards the 3 Ninja standing in front of you to trigger another cutscene.

Naruto/Choji vs Potato Chip Ninja/Rival Company Boss/Potato Chip Ninja

Use Naruto in this fight. His improved stats will make light work of the
enemies. Only the company boss should provide any sort of challenge and even
then, with Choji as backup, you should be able to take him down quickly. Just
don't let him heal himself.

After the fight comes another cutscene. Once it has ended, continue along the
track and take your first left. Run forwards until you reach a broken bridge
over a large fall. Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to form a bridge and then
run across it. On the other side, head to the tree marked with the blue arrow,
climb it and then complete the tree action sequence. This will trigger a final

Mission Complete

Rewards: 300 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


Restore the Leaf Village [WA15]

To begin this mission you need to enter Naruto's apartment. You can find it
using either the blue scroll or the white bed icons on your map. Entering his
apartment will automatically start the mission as well as a cutscene. With
the cutscene over, exit the apartment. Make your way to the blue X on your map
and talk to Shikamaru.

You now have 142 seconds to deliver 4 sets of plans to the workers around
Konoha. Each worker is shown on your map as a blue X. The Kunai at the top of
your screen shows you not only their direction but also their height relative
to yours (i.e. if they are above you or below you) which is very useful. You
can find them really easily as such and the time limit is more than generous.

Once you have delivered the plans to all 4 workers a cutscene will begin. Once
it has ended you will find yourself in control of Choji. Walk forwards a
little and talk to the worker. Now you have to find four planks of wood. Just
like the previous mission, they are contained inside crates so you'll have to
use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu to smash each crate before you can grab the
wood that's inside. Don't worry; there is no timer for this task. The crates
can be found as follows:

1. The first is located on a section of raised grass just North of the scroll

2. The second is literally across the river to the East of the scroll shop.

3. The third crate is located in the middle of a back road to the North of
the weapons shop.

4. The final crate is located on a long strip of grass nearby the Southern

Once you have collected all 4 planks of wood, another cutscene will begin.
When it has finished control will, once again, switch; this time to Kiba. Now
walk forward and talk to this worker. This will begin a Ninja Race. Just
follow the checkpoints as usual to complete it (there are only 16). As soon as
you have completed that one, another race will being. Now you have to only get
through 13 checkpoints however they are located in much higher positions. If
you happen to fall off any of the buildings at any point, you can easily just
walk back up their sides. Completing the second race will trigger a cutscene
afterwhich control shall switch to Neji.

Once again, head forward and talk to the worker to find that 3 groups of staff
are missing and you must locate them. Remember to use Neji's Byakugan to make
finding them much easier and also to make them stand out.

1. The first group are located on the centre of the small island that's to the
North of where Sasuke is. Just walk across the water to reach the island.

2. The second group are not as easy to find. Start by heading to the fishing
challenge that's to the West of the weapons shop. Across the road from the
challenge is a small area of grass enclosed by walls. The workers are
standing here.

3. The final group are standing behind the Hokage's building. Just enter
through the gate and run round to either the left or the right. They're
standing in amongst the trees and bushes.

After that comes yet another cutscene before control is finally switched back
to Naruto. Head to the Hokage's building. When you get there, do not enter via
the main doors, just enter the complex and head around to the left. Enter via
the doors here (they're marked by a blue X). Follow the thin path up to the
roof of the building and then approach Tsunade to trigger a final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 1600 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


The Specialist [WA16]

To begin this mission, make your way to the Hokage's building, enter via the
main doors and then talk to Tsunade. With the cutscene over, exit her office.
Now for this mission you will be teaming up with Neji and Choji, so I suggest
that you make sure that you have trained them both in the Dojo. At this point
in the game you should be able to complete the first 2 fight and combo
challenges as well as the first Jutsu challenge for both of them. The extra
stat increases will really help you out.

Once you're ready, make your way to the gate marked with the blue X and exit
Konoha. Doing so, will trigger another cutscene. When that's been dealt with,
make your way to the tree to your right (bearing the blue arrow). As you've
no doubt done so many times before, climb it and complete the tree action
sequence that follows.

You'll now find yourself in the Hot Springs Resort. Run straight forward until
you reach a wall, with a path leading off to the left. Follow it until you can
see a floating plaform and an island ahead. Make your way across the water by
jumping from the first platform onto a small island, then onto a second
platform. From here jump onto another patch of land and then jump onto the
next floating platform. Finally jump onto the patch of land nearby before
jumping onto the mainland ahead.

When you are back on the mainland, head right and jump across the gap filled
with water. Then head left and immediately right. Take your next left after a
few steps and follow this path to the tree marked with another blue arrow.
Climb it and complete the next tree action sequence to take you to Tanzaku
Town. Cross the field and enter Tanzaku Town to trigger the next cutscene.

Now you're on your own and have to find someone who may know Kikusaki's
location. From your starting point in front of the main gates head to the very
rear of the town. Once you reach the rear, turn right and walk along here
until you see the entrance to an alley just a little ahead of you. Enter the
alley and sat right in front of you will be your target. You can't miss him,
he'll have a load of fireworks next to him and an icon above his head. Head
on over to him and talk to him.

Once you have spoken to him, make your way back to the main gate and exit
Tanzaku Town and watch the cutscene that follows. Once again, cross over
the field and climb the tree marked with the blue arrow. After you have
completed the tree action sequence you will find yourself in the Temple Ruins.

To your left is a merchant stall. If you're low on pills, then I suggest you
refill your stocks now. Head straight forwards until the path ends. Take the
path that branches to the right and follow it along. Follow it all the way
around before jumping over the gate trap at the end. Then turn left and you'll
see Kikusaki, standing in front of a small building. Walk over and talk to him
to trigger a cutscene.

You now have to find his four fireworks that have been discarded in the nearby

1. From where you are, head right and head into the path on your left. The
first firework will be right in front of you.

2. Double jump over the pit ahead and continue along the path. You'll come to
a large gap with two platforms fixed to the left hand cliff. Just jump from
platform to platform to cross the gap. When you land on the other side
you'll trigger a fight.

Naruto/Neji/Choji vs Chunnin Ninja

Just stick to Naruto here. Even if you have improved Choji's and Neji's
stats, Naruto's will still be better. Either way, this fight shouldn't take
any real amount of time - it's 3 on 1! Once you've beaten the Ninja, the
second firework will be right in front of you.

3. Follow the path around to your left where you'll see the third firework
being guarded by another Ninja.

Naruto/Neji/Choji vs Chunnin Ninja

Nothing new here. Once you have beaten your enemy, move forward and collect
the third firework.

4. Continue forwards along this path until you reach the area where by you
entered the Temple Ruins. Follow the either of the paths to the left back
to Kikusaki. When you reach him turn to your right (if you're facing him)
and head forwards as if you're going to head back into the area where you
found the first 3 fireworks. However, instead of heading left, continue
along to the end where you should see a broken bridge on your right.

Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to create a bridge of clones. Before you
begin to cross though, have Neji use his Byakugan as the area ahead
(including the bridge) is littered with traps. When crossing the bridge,
simply jump over the first explosive trap, run under the second and then
jump over the third to reach the other side. On the other side, take your
immediate right and make sure that Neji's Byakugan is still active.

Make your way along the path, taking care to jump over all the explosive
traps before you. Don't double jump as one or two have traps above them,
hidden in the trees. Once you have reached the end, follow the path as it
bends to the left.

Naruto/Neji/Choji vs Thief/Thief

Despite the increase in numbers, your opponents really won't be a problem
as their base stats are so low. Once you have dispatched with them, follow
the path past the worker with a saw and head to the right, through the mesh
gate and then right again to reach the fourth firework.

Continue forward to the broken bridge ahead and, once more, use Naruto's
Shadow Clone Jutsu to create a bridge. Cross over it and follow the path as it
twists round to the right. It will lead you all the way back to Kikusaki. When
you reach him, talk to him to hear that he's also missing the firework needed
for his grand finale. With your conversation over, head to your right again
and head down the path on your left (where you found the first 3 fireworks).
As before, double jump over the pit and then use the platforms to jump over
the larger pit. When you reach the other side, instead of heading to the left,
head to the right. You'll see a tree marked with a blue arrow. Climb it and
complete the tree action sequence that follows. When you arrive back in the
Hot Srings Resort, a cutscene shall begin.

Head to your right and follow the path past the small crater and through the
mesh gate. At the gate trap, head left and then immediately left again. Hop
over the log and follow the path right around to a pit. Jump onto the platform
in the middle before jumping onto the other side of the pit. Continue on this
path, around to the right. As before, jump onto the central platform and then
jump from it onto the other side of the pit. Continue around the embankment
and follow the path to a wooden panel next to a pit. Jump over it and you'll
see a long wooden bridge ahead leading across the water. Run along the bridge
but stop once you reach the small section of land in the centre connecting the
two bridges. Turn to your left and you'll see a small island. Sprint jump
(RT + A) over to it.

Jump down onto the floating platform ahead and then jump onto the small patch
of land on the right. From here jump onto the section of land on the left.
Run forward and use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu to break the wall of stone.
Head on through and turn left to find another broken bridge. Use Naruto's
Shadow Clone Jutsu to form and bridge and then switch to Neji. Use his
Byakugan but remain in control of Neji. Run across the bridge, making sure
to avoid the traps. On the other side, you'll see a crater. Run into it and
use Neji's Rotation Jutsu to defend yourself from the Kunai traps. Once it's
over head to your right and follow the path up to the summit of the small

At the top you'll find the firework needed for Kikusaki's grande finale, and
three Ninja standing guard. Approach them to begin a fight.

Naruto/Neji/Choji vs Chunnin Ninja/Genin Ninja/Genin Ninja

Choji's strength will make light work of the two Genin Ninja however his
attacks may prove to be too slow to work as well against the Chunnin. If so,
use Naruto's combos and his Rasengan to polish off the leader. With the fight
over, collect the large firework ahead of you. This will trigger another
cutscene. Now all that's needed is head back down the path and to the broken
bridge. Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu and run across. Head to your right and
jump across the small sections of land and the platforms until you reach the
large are of land. Sprint jump back over to bridge and head left. From here
just follow the path all the way back to the tree with the blue arrow.

Climb up it, complete the tree action sequence and you'll be back in the
Temple Ruins. From here head right out in the open area and then cross the
large pit on your left (using the platforms). Run along the path, jump over
the smaller pit and when you emerge from the path, turn right and run over to

With the conversation over, head right, back to the broken bridge and use
Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu, once again, to form a bridge. Remember to use
Neji's Byakugan in order to avoid the traps that will still be here. On the
other side, head to your right and make your way along the path. At the end,
follow it to the left.

Naruto/Neji/Choji vs Thief/Thief

It really shouldn't take any time for you to beat both opponents. When you
have done so, follow the path on the right to a merchant stall and a nearby
tree. Head left and jump over the spiked pit. Continue along to another spiked
pit. However don't jump across this one, instead jump onto the section of land
that's on your left (with a broken bridge coming out of it). Follow this path
around and take your first left. Head forward to the broken bridge. Cross it
using Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu and climb the tree marked with the blue

Complete the ensuing tree action sequence and you'll find yourself at the main
gates of Konoha. Run forward and enter the village. You should notice quite a
big difference at this point. Make your way across the village to the Hokage's
office and enter via the main doors as per usual. Talk to Tsunade to trigger
the final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 400 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


Guy's Mysterious Illness [WA17]

Head to the blue scroll on your map and talk to Guy Sensei (the one with the
bucket on his head!) to begin this mission. After a very endearing discussion
with Guy Sensei, stock up on your pills and Ramen before heading to the main
gate marked with the blue arrow. Exit Konoha and talk to Neji. After speaking
with him, head to the far tree (marked with another blue arrow), climb it and
complete the tree action sequence to arrive in the Enemy Camp.

Upon arriving in the Enemy Camp, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, make your
way forward, through the field until the blue X on your map is just to your
right. Approach it and have Naruto use his Rasengan on the wall of stone in
front of you. Continue on and follow the path as it leads you up to the right.
At the top, stop and have Neji use his Byakugan (Kiba's Beast Mimicry is also
alright). Head forward and sprint jump over the explosive trap and the pit
ahead. When you reach second pit, jump to the section of land on your right.
Then jump left over the next spiked pit.

Follow the path around until you reach a small crater. Make sure that you are
in control of Neji and walk into the crater. Use his Rotation Jutsu to protect
him from the Kunai traps. Run forwards and a little to the left and you'll
come to a wooden gate with a house to the left. A Ninja will be standing right
in front of the house, so approach him.

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Genin Ninja

A few quick combo's from Naruto and a Rasengan is all that's needed here.
After the fight, switch to Kiba, head to the orange bands on the house and use
his Transformation Jutsu. Now run under the house and pull the lever to open
the gate trap. Head through the gate and continue along to a pit filled with
water. There are two platforms here that you can use to jump across, however
they will collapse if you stand on them for too long so be quick when jumping
from one to the other.

When you reach the other side, head to the right and enter the small area
with many paths. Have Neji use his Byakugan and then head to the far left hand
path. Jump over the explosive trap and then the spiked pit ahead. When you
reach a whole section of explosive traps, head to the right and double jump
over the spiked pit and follow the path around. Switch to Neji and enter the
crater that you come to. Once again, use his Rotation Jutsu to protect him
from the Kunai traps.

Next, exit the crater but do not head forwards, instead head to your left
until you reach a small stone with a dent in it. Walk out onto the pier behind
the stone and turn to your right. You'll see a whole series of collapsing
platforms. Just jump from one to the other as you make your way along the wall
until you reach land again. Turn to your left and walk to the blue X and the

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Chunnin Ninja

Marginally more difficult than the Genin fight but the same still applies.
Just use Naruto's pace and power to wear him down and then finish it with a
Rasengan if you get the chance. After the fight, head up the hill to an area
with 2 houses. Approach the house on your right and have Neji use his Byakugan
and then have Kiba use his Transformation Jutsu. When you're under the house,
you just have to pull the lever as always however this time there are paper
bombs scattered around. With Neji's Byakugan active, they will stand out a lot
more. If you hit one, Kiba will take some damage and the Jutsu will
automatically cancel.

Once you have pulled the lever, head through the mesh gate ahead and follow
the path to the right. Walk over to the Ninja standing there.

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Chunnin Ninja

This is exactly like your last fight so it shouldn't prove too difficult. When
it's over, have Naruto use Rasengan on the wall of stone and then continue
into the next area. As soon as you enter it, have Neji use his Byakugan. Head
down the right hand path and jump over the explosive trap. Then when you reach
the centre of the area jump over the explosive trap on your left. Next, jump
over the explosive trap on your right and run forwards all the way to the blue
X. Pick up the flowers there to trigger a cutscene.

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Bandit Boss/Bandit/Bandit Boss

The only troublesome thing here is that the Bandit Boss' have a real habit of
blocking your combos so try to set up your attacks. Try hitting them into the
air and then executing an aerial combo to inflict some nice damage. As always,
use Rasengan whenever you get the chance. After the fight, another cutscene
will begin. When that is over, you'll have 108 seconds to get out of the Enemy

Start by running straight forward, through the main settlement. Have Naruto
use Rasengan on the wall of stone ahead and then continue on. Jump down from
the ledge and keep sprinting forward. Eventually, you'll reach a crater on
your right.

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Thief/Thief

Whilst you're fighting the timer is not running so you don't have to rush the
fights. That being said, this fight shouldn't take you long at all. It's
pretty basic by now. With the fight over, enter the area past the crater. Use
Neji's Byakugan and then take the left hand path. Sprint jump over the spiked
pit and the explosive trap on the other side. Run along the path until you
exit back into the main field.

Naruto/Neji/Kiba vs Thief/Thief

Again, this is very straight forward. Once the fight is over and done with,
head to your left and sprint across the field again towards the tree marked
with the blue arrow. Climb up it and complete the tree action sequence that
follows to arrive back in Konoha. Now enter the village via the main gates
ahead and make your way to the blue X on your map. There you'll find Guy
(still with a bucket on his head!). Head over to him and talk to him to
trigger one final cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou, 150 Friendship Points


Team 7 Returns [WA18]

To begin this mission, head to the blue scroll on your map and enter the
Hokage's office via the main doors. Talking to Tsunade will bring about a
cutscene. With the conversation over, stock up on the usuals (Ramen etc) and
make your way to the gate marked with the blue X. Exit Konoha via the gate and
talk to Sasuke who'll be standing along side Sakura, to your left. When he's
done talking, head to the tree marked with the blue arrow, climb it and
complete the tree action sequence that follows.

You'll now find yourself in the Enemy Camp once again. Proceed straight
across the field until you reach the far end where there are 3 paths. Head to
the left most path and a gate trap will block your way. Use Sasuke's Sharingan
to slow it down and then just jump over it. On the other side you'll be

Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura vs Genin/Chunnin/Genin

Nothing new here. A 3 on 3 fight seems equal but it is any but. Just keep
using double team moves with Sasuke and Naruto (execute a killer move and
then press LB and the d-pad button that corresponds to the character that
you wish to switch with). Once the fight is over, take your immediate left.
Double jump onto the platform and then quickly double jump off of it onto
the other side of the pit. Don't worry about the Kunai being spat at you, your
double jump will take you clean over them.

Continue along the path to a large field. Run straight across it and down the
path on the other side. As before, double jump onto the platform, then onto
the second platform before double jumping onto the other side of the pit.
Again, there's no need to worry about the Kunai. Follow the path until you
reach a large gate that is sealed shut (it's marked by another blue X).

Turn around so that you're facing a way from the gate. Run forwards past the
house on your left until you come to series of 4 switches positioned as

[2] [3]
[1] [4]

To your right you should be able to see a large river and four traps firing
Kunai down the length of the river. Unsurprisingly, the levers control the
Kunai traps. In order to turn off all four traps you have to pull the levers
in this order:


This will turn off all four traps. Now jump down onto the area below where you
currently are standing. Walk to the farest end of the from the main gate that
was sealed shut. There you'll see two floating platforms. Firstly, split your
team up and switch to Sakura. Now jump from one platform to the next to cross
the river. On the other side, run forward and stand on the switch. Be sure to
keep Sakura there for the time being. Now switch to Naruto. Walk along to the
the right until you come to the first of two broken bridges. Use his Shadow
Clone Jutsu to form a bridge. Switch to Sasuke and run across the bridge. When
you reach the other side, use his Chidori on the wall of stone and then step
on the switch behind it. As with Sakura, keep Sasuke on the switch.

Switch back to Naruto and approach the second broken bridge, to your right.
Again, use his Shadow Clone Jutsu to create a bridge of clones and then run
across it. Use Rasengan on the wall of stone on the other side and then follow
the small path round to another switch. Stand on it and you'll see the main
gate opening. Now run back to the broken bridge and using your Shadow Clones
once more, cross back over. Run to the other broken bridge - where Sasuke
crossed and form another bridge of clones here. Now regroup your team: Sasuke
will run across the clones and Sakura will simply jump back over using the

With you team reassembled, head through the main gate that you just opened. On
the other side you'll see a mesh gate in front of you however it is closed.
Instead follow the path on your right. Jump over the two logs and continue
forwards to another mesh gate. Run through it and over to the Ninja standing

Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura vs Chunnin

This fight shouldn't take long. Once it's over, pull the lever in front of you
to open the mesh gate back at the entrance to this area. Head back to the main
gate and head through the mesh gate opposite it. Jump up onto the ledge that's
ahead of you, turn left and cross the bridge. Use Sasuke's Chidori on the wall
of stone that blocks your path. Run forward to trigger a cutscene. When it's
finished run over to the blue X on your map to trigger another cutscene.

When it has also finished, use Rasengan on the wall of stone. This will be
followed by a third cutscene. Now head to the right of the town from where
you stand. You'll come to a split section where the path ahead drops down and
the path on the left consists of a series of collapsing platforms. You have to
run across the platforms (obviously before they drop you into the pit below)
however, there are two streams of Kunai being fired at you. Whilst you can
make it across using the normal jump, you best bet is to first use Sasuke's
Sharingan to slow down the Kunai traps. This will also give you more time on
each platform thereby allowing you to better time your jumps.

Once you reach the other side, drop down the two ledges and, if necessary,
stock up on supplies from the merchant stall. Follow the path around to 3
Ninja who are all clad in white. After a cutscene, a fight will ensue.

Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura vs Kagari/Oboro

Whilst Kagari and Oboro are more powerful than any of the Genins and Chunnins
that you have been facing on this mission, they still are rather minor enemies
and as such shouldn't pose too much of a threat. If you really want to finish
them off quick use Sasuke's left+XYYYX combo - it does some major damage and
it does look good too!

Once the fight is over, continue along the path and drop down another ledge
that appears before you. You'll be standing in front of a series of gate
traps. Once again, use Sasuke's Sharingan to slow down the traps making it
all too easy to jump over them one by one. Drop down yet another ledge that
present itself and run to the blue X where a Ninja will be standing. Before
you reach him, however, another Ninja appears.

Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura vs Mubi

Just stick to Naruto and, in particular, Sasuke and his left+XYYYX combo to
end this one quickly. Mubi is marginally more powerful than his two
subordinates but still should pose no threat. With the fight over a cutscene
shall begin. Once it ends, you'll start a Ninja Race. Start by using Sasuke's
Sharingan to slow down the gate traps ahead of you. Beware though; the timer
is not affected and will count down as per usual. Follow the checkpoints
through the gate traps and when you emerge on the other side run along until
you see a brown cliff on your right. Run up it to complete the race and
trigger another cutscene.

Sasuke vs Aoi

This is a simple 1 on 1 fight so you don't have Naruto or Sakura to help you
out if Sasuke's health is running low. Having said that, if you've kept your
supplies of health pills up, you don't have much to worry about. Stick to your
combos (namely left+XYYYX) to lower his health though use Chidori if you get
the chance. Once his health has reached around a third, his health bar will
disappear. At this point, the only way to end the fight is to use Chidori on
him. Don't bother about the level of it as a cutscene shall play when you
execute it.

Naruto vs Aoi

This fight is much the same as Sasuke's. Aoi will be a little bit faster and
will dodge the ocasional killer move but defensively he's not too good. Once
you have lowered his health down to around half way, his health bar will
disappear again. As before, just use Rasengan to end the fight and trigger
a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 750 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


Hatred [WA19]

This mission will automatically start once you have completed Squad 7 Returns.
After the cutscene, you'll find yourself back inside Sasuke's head once more.
Just as you did near the beginning of the game your objective is to reach the
light. Start by turning around and running straight forwards towards the
light. You move have to move slightly to your left and then slightly to your
right in order to avoid the walls but it's a pretty straight path. Once you
reach the light, the same minigame that you played when Itachi was using his
Mangekyo Sharingan will begin. Use the left and right analogue sticks to
overlap the blue and orange shadows (respectively) with Sasuke's body. Doing
so will fill up the bar on the right. Once it has completely filled the game
will end.

Now run forward to the light again. When you reach the wall, head left until
it ends and then head right and continue to the light. The Mangekyo Sharingan
minigame will start again. Once you've completed it, walk into the white
light to trigger a cutscene.

Sasuke vs Naruto

When this fight starts, you'll find yourself in control of Sasuke. Naruto's
health bar will not be visible. Instead you must first fill up your overdrive
bar completely by blocking Naruto's attacks and landing your own. Once the bar
is full, you'll receive a tutorial on the rage mode. Now pull both the right
trigger and the left trigger to enter rage mode. Whilst in rage mode, you'll
be faster and stronger. However, you cannot use any of your Jutsu. Also,
whilst in rage mode your health bar will be replaced by another bar which
shows you how long you have left in rage mode.

Every time you get hit, this bar will decrease. However, landing hits on your
opponent will slow the rate at which the bar decreases. All the same, just
unleash your best combo's on Naruto and he'll be beaten in mere seconds. This
will bring about a cutscene. With the cutscene over, make your way to the blue
X on your map to trigger another cutscene. After that head to the second blue
X on your map to end the mission.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 300 Ryou


The Path to Power [WA20]

This mission is a continuation of the previous mission, Hatred. It will start
with a fight straight away.

Sasuke vs Jirobo

This fight is, sadly, all too easy. Jirobo, being the stereotypical big guy,
is really slow meaning that you can both read his attacks and move around him
with ease. However, his increased damage (that's the plus side of his big guy
persona) isn't a problem thanks to Sasuke's massive health bar. Keep pounding
him with your combos (left+XYYYX and XXXY) to build up your overdrive meter.
To finish it quickly, you can then use Chidori at one of it's highest levels
and if he's still standing after that, just go straight into Rage Mode to
end it. After the fight, comes a cutscene (this game sure does love them).

With the fight over, make your way over to the coliseum. It's marked by the
blue X on your map. Head around to the entrance and enter to trigger another

Sasuke vs Kidomaru/Tayuya

This fight is more difficult than the Jirobo fight. For one, it's 2 against 1
and this time, it's not in your favour. On top of that, both Kidomaru and
Tayuya are much stronger than Kirobo. They're both fast and back quite a punch
however this fight still shouldn't be that hard seeing as how they won't use
their Jutsu. If your health is getting low, just take a health pill. Avoid
going into Rage Mode unless only one of them remains as you'll exit it without
any overdrive. After the fight comes, you guessed it, a cutscene.

The game will skip forwards by a small period of time. You'll still be Sasuke,
but you'll be standing on the fishing pier in Konoha at night. Before you do
anything, take a quick look at the sky - quite awesome but rather forboding.
Make your way across the village towards the blue X to trigger a cutscene.
With that over, continue forwards and exit the village. Head to the tree
marked with the blue arrow, climb it and complete the tree action sequence
that follows.

Now you'll be in the Enemy Camp. In you're low on supplies, stock up at the
merchants before heading straight across the field. At the bottom end, head
down to left most path and then take your second left. Use Chidori on the wall
of stone ahead of you and follow the path around to a small river, in the
centre of which you'll find a floating platform. Sprint jump onto the floating
platform and then sprint jump onto the collapsing platform ahead. From here,
double jump from one collapsing platform to the next as you make your way
along the side of the cliff. Don't worry about the traps, your double jumps
will keep you clear of them.

Once you land on the other side of the river, use Chidori on the wall of stone
ahead of you and then follow the path around to the right and to the blue X.
After the cutscene comes another fight.

Sasuke vs Tayuya/Kidomaru/Sakon

Tayuya and Kidomaru as exactly as before so they shouldn't be too much trouble
however Sakon can be a real pain. Like Neji, his individual attacks don't do
much damage but his combo's are long so it's quite common for him to take out
large junks of your life. If you haven't learned how to substitute effectively
by now, you may well need a whole host of health pills. Just grind him down as
per usual. Stick to your combo's and don't be tempted to use Rage unless he's
the last opponent. Just stick to Chidori. Once you've beaten all 3, another
cutscene shall play.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou


The Secret Triple Threat [WA21]

This mission will, again, begin automatically after you have completed the
previous one, The Path to Power. It is without doubt the most drawn out
mission in the whole game as well! But, you'll get through it soon enough.
You should be in the habit of replenishing your supplies by this point so
make sure that you have done so before you leave Konoha. When you're ready,
head to the gate marked with the blue arrow. Head over to your left and talk
to Choji. After the cutscene, walk forwards to the tree, climb it and complete
the ensuing tree action sequence.

You'll now find yourself in the Hot Springs Resort. Start by heading forwards
until you reach a large rock formation. Follow the path that leads off to your
right. Head to the blue X and watch the cutscene that follows. Now you have
to track down 5 mushrooms. Luckily, they're all nearby. Firstly, switch to
Shikamaru and approach the orange section of the house in front of you. Pick
up the first mushroom and then use his Shadow Strangulation Jutsu to crawl
under the house. Follow the linear path to pick up the second and third
mushrooms. Now cancel the Jutsu and head to your left. The fourth mushroom
will be right ahead of your. The fifth mushroom is just a little to your

Now you have to collect another 5 mushrooms. Make your way across the wooden
bridge. Run straight forwards until you see a wall of stone on your right with
a dent in it. Switch to Choji and use his Human Boulder Jutsu to smash the
wall and then continue on through. Head up the stairs ahead of you and follow
the path around to the left. At this point you'll reach a series of gate traps
that form 3 distinct zones as shown below:

|---------------G|<------------ Zone 2
|[2] [3]G|
| G||G------------|
|[1] [4]G||G (4) |
| (2) |
|(1) (3)|
|GGGGGGGGGGGGG| <--------------- Zone 1


[] = switch
() = lever
g = gate

First you have to split your team up. Now move both Choji and Shikamaru into
Zone 1 (making sure to pick up the first mushroom that is lying just to the
right of the entrance to Zone 1. Once inside Zone 1 pickup the second
mushroom. Then Select either one of them and pull lever 2, then lever 3. Pull
lever 3 again before finally, pulling lever 1. This will lower the gate into
Zone 2 but will also raise the gate leading into Zone 1, traping them. Move
both Choji and Shikamaru into Zone 2 and pickup the third mushroom. Have one
of them stand on switch 3 and the other on switch 4. This will lower the
outside gate into Zone 3. Switch to Naruto and enter Zone 3. Pick up the
fourth and the fifth mushrooms before pulling the lever. Now regroup your

Exit out of Zone 3, head left and follow the path back down to the bottom of
the stairs. Run forward until you see several sets of stairs on your right
that lead up to the small settlement. Make your way up them and towards the
bounty post on the East side of the settlement. A little further to the East,
is a wall of stone. Use Naruto's Rasengan to demolish it and then continue
into the next area. Straight ahead of you, you'll find the red mushroom. Now
exit the settlement by heading down the main stairs on the right and head
towards the tree marked with the blue arrow.

Naruto/Shikamaru/Choji vs Genin/Genin/Genin

This should be very simple by now. Once you've dispatched your enemies,
proceed to the tree and climb it. Complete the tree actions sequence to
arrive in Tanzaku Town. From here, cut straight across the field in the
direction of the blue X. Use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu to break down the
wall of stone. Enter into the small area that it marks. Head to the right
and split your team. Have Naruto stand on the switch. This will lower a gate
trap on the other side of the house. Switch to Shikamaru and head around past
the now lowered gate trap to the side of the house. Appraoch the orange banded
section and use his Shadow Strangulation Jutsu to crawl under the building.
Pick up the herb under here and then pull the lever.

Now switch back to Choji and use his Human Boulder Jutsu on the second wall of
stone. Regroup your team before heading forwards into the new area. Grab the
second herb that lies in front of you to trigger a small cutscene.

Naruto/Choji/Shikamaru vs Genin/Chunnin/Chunnin

Despite the slight upgrade in opposing power, this should still be easy. With
the fight and the cutscene over, exit back into the main field. Head straight
across the field until you can see the blue X on your right hand side. Head to
it to trigger yet another cutscene. With it over, you now have 143 seconds to
find 15 flowers but don't worry, that's plenty of time. Continue along to the
tree marked with the blue arrow, climb it and complete the tree action
sequence. Now you'll arrive in the Temple Ruins.

The locations of the 15 flowers are as follows (remember that you're being

1) Head right - it's straight ahead of you
2) Follow the path along
3) Follow the path along
4) Drop down into the first pit
5) Also in the first pit
6) To the right of a small stone with the Rasengan mark which is on the left
7) Opposite #6
8) Follow the path - stick to the right
9) Follow the path - stick to the right
10) Follow the path - stick to the right
11) Follow the path - stick to the right
12) Cross over to the left
13) Jump over the spiked pit and head into the alcove on the right. It's
hidden in some bushes on your right.
14) Opposite #13
15) Exit the small alcove and it'll be straight ahead of you

With all 15 flowers collected, the timer will stop. Head right and run towards
the broken bridge.

Naruto/Shikamaru/Choji vs Ninja/Ninja/Ninja

Just as simple and quick as the previous fights. Once the fight is over,
continue to the bridge and use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to cross over. On
the other side, run forward to trigger a cutscene. Now head through the mesh
gate on your left. Run forward until a gate trap blocks your path. Head right
and double jump over the two sets of Kunai traps. Pull the lever and then run
through the gate trap that's just lowered. Follow the path to the right to
series of Kunai traps. Run past the first one (don't jump as the area above it
is rigged with explosive traps). Jump over the second Kunai trap and then run
past the third and fourth. Run under the fifth and do the same for the sixth
but beware as the sixth has a completely different timing pattern to the
others. If you're finding it tough, remember that Choji's Expansion Jutsu can
protect your team from traps.

Pull the lever on your left and proceed through the gate trap ahead. Turn
right and just keep running forwards until you reach the blue X. After the
cutscene comes another fight.

Naruto/Shikamaru/Choji vs Ninja/Ninja/Ninja

Despite the opponents being the so called masterminds behind the theft, they
are just as easy to beat as the others that you've fought throughout this
mission. With the fight over, head East and turn left when you can. Run to
the broken bridge ahead and use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to cross it.
Approach the tree in the far right hand corner, climb it and then complete
the tree action sequence that follows. When you arrive back in Konoha, a
final cutscene will play.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou, 200 Friendship Points


The Broken Bond Part 1 [WA22]

Head to the blue scroll on your map and enter the Hokage's building. Talk to
Tsunade and then exit her office once the conversation is over. Now you will
have to undertake a whole host of missions once you leave the village so make
sure that you have plenty of health, chakra and strength pills. Make sure that
you've got a good supply of Ramen now. The Ramen pounch upgrades will allow
you to carry up to 15 bowls of Ramen which is very useful. Here are a few
other things that you may wish to do before leaving:

1. Equip some really powerful scrolls. If you are interested in doing so,
collecting the hidden scrolls (those that unlock after earning each
Ninja card) is well worth it! Zabuza's for example, effectively
doubles your strength!

2. You may also wish to complete all the minigames around Konoha to collect
any remaining Friendship Points to maximise Naruto's stats.

3. You should probably train each of Choji, Neji, Shikamaru and Kiba at the
Dojo in order to max out their stats.

When you're happy, make your way to the gate marked with the blue arrow and
exit the Konoha village. It's worth noting that you can, ofcourse, resume
any unfinished challenges (etc) after this mission. Once you have exited the
village, head over and talk to Shikamaru. Once you're done talking to him,
make your way to the tree marked with the blue arrow, climb it and complete
the tree action sequence that follows.

You'll emerge in the Enemy Camp. Run straight across the field and when you
reach the bottom, head down the left most path. From here, take your second
left and follow the path to lead you out into the area that you visited 2
missions ago with Sasuke. As before, sprint jump onto the floating platform
and then sprint jump onto the collapsing platform ahead. From here, just
double jump onto each platform to make your way along the cliff side. When you
arrive on the other side, sprint jump over the Jonin up ahead and then head
left and double jump onto the collapsing platform just above the spiked pit.
Then double jump from it onto the other side of the pit.

Now, run forward to the wall of stone ahead.

Naruto/Choji/Shikamaru vs Jonin

The Jonin will be must faster and stronger than anyone you've fought
previously but with it being 3 on 1 this fight shouldn't be too difficult.
With the fight over, use Choji's Human Boulder Jutsu on the wall of stone in
front of you. Run forwards and drop down twice before running to the blue X on
your map. Turn left and double jump onto the collapsing platform. Double jump
again onto the other side of the gap and then continue onwards. Jump over the
gate trap that you reach and then follow the path up the hill. Spring jump
over the Jonin standing ahead of you and then head right to the broken bridge.

Have Naruto use his Shadow Clone Jutsu to form a bridge and then have
Shikamaru use his Shadow Strangulation Jutsu to cross the bridge and then head
under the gate. Turn left and head under the house here. Follow the path
underneath it until you emerge back out. Head forwards and pull the lever to
open the gate. With the gate open, run across the bridge of clones into the
next area. There are a load of Jonin wandering about here. Try to avoid them
if you can by sprint jumping over them. Continue to the other side of the area
and stock up at the merchant stall if you need any pills etc. Then climb the
tree marked with the blue X and complete the ensuing tree action sequence.
This will trigger a cutscene.

Choji vs Jirobo

Jirobo is the same as he was when you fought him with Sasuke. Whilst Choji is
not as fast as Sasuke, you should still be able to move around Jirobo with
ease. To really do some damage, try doing the right+YYYXY combo and then
follow that up with AXXX. If you get the chance, use the Human Boulder Jutsu
as it can also deal out a lot of damage. Once you've beaten Jirobo another
cutscene will play.

Choji vs Jirobo

Now you're fighting Jirobo at his best (which still ain't much!). He'll be
marginally faster and a bit stronger too. Just stick to the same tactics to
grind his health down. Once it gets to about 2/3s it will disappear and you'll
have to survive his attacks for 90 seconds (much like the Naruto vs Kisame
fight). Don't try to be too defensive. Just keep executing the above combo
as it's length will run the timer down. You could also keep hitting Jirobo
away from you with a killer move and then moving to the opposite side of
the field. Use your Rage Mode whenever you can to protect you. Once the timer
reaches 0, another cutscene shall begin.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou, 275 Friendship Points


The Broken Bond Part 2 [WA23]

This mission will start off with a tree action sequence. After you complete it
a cutscene will play.

Neji vs Kidomaru

Kidomaru is a fast opponent and Neji's lack of sheer power is a problem. It
may well a good time to take a strength pill. Try using his right+YYYYX combo
and then follow it up with the trusty AXXX combo for some good damage. Or try
using right+YYXXY to inflict some good damage and put some distance between
you and Kidomaru allowing you to perform the 64 strikes Jutsu. This will
really dent Kidomaru's health. Once you've beaten him, another cutscene will

Neji vs Kidomaru

Beware as Kidomaru will be faster and stronger now. He will also use his Jutsu
at every oppertunity. Whilst it's an easy one to dodge, it can deal some real
damage to your health. If he does use it, just wait for the crosshair to near
you and then roll towards it. It'll overshoot you and then you can just keep
rolling past it until the minigame ends. As for offense, just stick to the
same tactics as before. Avoid using Rage Mode unless you're in a tight spot
as the empty Overdrive bar is a heavy price to pay. Once you've lowered his
health to around half way, he'll activate his cursed seal level 1, further
increasing his speed and damage. Once you've lowered his health enough,
Kidomaru's health bar will disappear altogether. At this point you must use
Neji's 64 strikes Jutsu to end the fight. This will trigger a cutscene.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Ryou, 275 Friendship Points


The Broken Bond Part 3 [WA24]

With the cutscene over, you'll find yourself in the middle of another tree
action sequence. Complete and after the cutscene that follows, head forward
to the Merchant stall and stock up on any supplies you are low on (Ramen,
pills etc). From the stall head around to the pit on the right and have Kiba
use his Beast Mimicry Jutsu as there are several traps up ahead. Take the
left hand path (the one without the spiked pit) and run past the Ninja before
jumping through the explosive traps that are to your right. Run forwards until
you reach a small area with a mesh gate to your left, a wall of explosive
traps in front of you and a path leading away to the right. Head right and
jump through the explosive traps. Follow the path round to the left and jump
through another set of explosive traps. Pull the lever up ahead to open the
mesh gate. Now just head back along the path to the mesh gate and continue
through it.

Follow the path as it bends to the right and have Naruto use Rasengan on
the wall of stone that blocks your way. Continue along the path as it bends
back to the left. It'll lead you through a fairly open area but just keep
running around to the left until you reach a broken bridge with a gate on
the other side of it. Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to form a bridge
and then use Shikamaru's Shadow Strangulation to cross over the bridge and
pass under the gate. Turn right and head under the house ahead. Making sure
to avoid the explosive notes (and there are quite a few), make your way
through the underside of the house and pull the lever to open the gate. Now
simply run over the bridge and through the gate.

Again, there are a few Jonin in the area so try to avoid them by sprint
jumping over them. You don't need extra fights at this point. The path ahead
will slit in two. Head down the left hand path which slopes downwards. At
the bottom of the slope, on your right, should be a switch on a slightly
elevated section of ground. Split you team up and have Shikamaru stand on the
switch. Now switch to Naruto and double jump up to the area above where the
switch is (to your right) to find another switch and a Chunin.

Naruto vs Chunin

Nothing new here. Once you've beaten your opponent, stand on the switch. This
will open the gate down below, so jump back down to where Shikamaru is, reform
your team and proceed through the gate which should be straight ahead of you.
As soon as you pass through the gate, hug the left hand side of this new area.
You'll notice that continuous streams of Kunai are being fired down the path.
They always come in waves of 3. So keep to the left, and sprint jump over each
wave of 3 as it comes to you. Avoid the pit in the middle of the path. Once
you reach the other side of the area, turn right and sprint jump across the
Kunai. Pull the lever on your right and proceed through the mesh gate ahead.

Run straight across the field that you now find yourself in. Stock up on any
extra supplies that you might need before climbing the tree on your left and
completing the tree action sequence that follows. This will trigger a

Kiba vs Sakon

For starters, Kiba is a brawler type fighter - in other words he really
doesn't have any good combos. They're all rather short so you'll need to be
able to switch between them in order to keep Sakon at bay. As for Sakon, he's
a lot like Neji. Most of his combo's finish with a flurry of attacks that,
whilst are individually weak, will still cause some good damage. To maximise
Kiba, try using a strenth pill. Combine this with his Beast Mimicry Jutsu and
his strength will increase massively. He'll also become slightly faster. If
you get the chance, use his Fang over Fang Jutsu to take a chunk right out of
Sakon's health. And don't worry, as with the previous fights, Sakon won't use
his Jutsu in this fight. Once you beat him, another cutscene shall play.

Kiba vs Sakon

Now Sakon will be faster and stronger. He will also try to use his Jutsu
whenever possible, so try to keep close to him unless you plan on using your
own Jutsu. If he does manage to use it, just employ the same tactics as you
did against Kidomaru - wait for the crosshair to near you and then roll
towards it. Do not use Kiba's Rage Mode unless you have no other choice. The
reason being, this fight ends in a similar manner to Kidomaru's. Once Sakon's
health has been lowered to around 1/4 it will disappear and the only way to
end the fight is to use Fang over Fang. Needless to say, an empty overdrive
bar as a result of using Rage Mode makes this more difficult. Once you've
unleashed your Jutsu, a cutscene shall begin.

Shikamaru vs Tayuya

Shika's main strength is his Jutsu power - even if you haven't increased his
abilities at all, it's still maxed out so use his Shadow Strangulation
whenever you can. In terms of combo damage however, he's not as good so it
may be a good idea to supplement your attacks with another strength pill.
Tayuya doesn't pack that much of a punch so this fight isn't as difficult
as previous ones. Defeat her to trigger a cutscene.

Shikamaru vs Tayuya

Now Tayuya will pack a punch and she's much faster. Whilst it was rather easy
to control the first fight, the second is much more difficult. And, as with
the previous fights against the Sound Four, she'll now use her Jutsu whenever
she can. The minigame is one of the best in the game and requires you to press
buttons as they pass through a circle. It's effectively a rythm game so if you
have any, it won't be a problem. As before, use Shadow Strangulation to
inflict your main damage and use a strength pill to power Shikamaru's combo
attacks. Once her health drops to 1/2 you'll have to survive against her for
90 seconds. It's at this point that I hope you've upgraded Shikamaru's health!

Remember not to be too defensive - she's much faster than Jirobo. Keep
fighting her as if her health was there to keep her under control. At this
point use your Rage Mode whenever you can. Whilst in Rage Mode go all out
to damage her as this will lengthen how long your rage lasts for and will
run the timer down more. Once the timer hits 0, another cutscene shall play.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 750 Ryou, 300 Friendship Points


The Broken Bond Part 4 [WA25]

This mission, like the previous, will start off with a tree action sequence.
Complete it to arrive in the River Crossing area. Run forward avoiding the
Jonin ahead of you and sprint jump onto the floating platform on the river.
From here, sprint jump onto the next floating platform before finally sprint
jumping onto the other side of the river. Now if you need supplies continue
straight ahead and you'll come to Merchant. If you don't then head to your
right and have Naruto use Rasengan on the wall of stone (obviously this will
be on your left if you went to the Merchant).

Sprint jump onto the rock in the middle of the river and then sprint jump,
again, onto the other side of the river. Sprint jump over the Jonin ahead and
then run forward and sprint jump onto the first rock ahead of you, in the
river. Sprint jump from here onto the rock in front of you and then sprint
jump onto the third. Timing doesn't need to be anything near perfect to
dodge the Kunai. From the third rock, jump onto the land ahead. Now turn left
and run toward the Jonin standing in front of a wall of stone.

Naruto vs Jonin

Even without your team, this shouldn't prove too difficult. A full Rasengan
will nearly take out his health along. With the fight over, use Rasengan on
the wall of stone and continue on through it. Run forwards until you have to
head either left or right. Head right and continue on to find another merchant
stall. Stock up and then climb the tree to the left. Complete the tree action
sequence to trigger a cutscene.

Naruto vs Kimimaro

Kimimaro is much stronger than the Sound Four. One look at his health bar will
tell you this. However, like his former squad-mates, his powers are limited in
this first fight. You're basic combos combined with the devastating power of
Rasengan will be enough to deal with him just now. Once you beat him another
cutscene shall play.

Mission Complete

Rewards: N/A


Rock Lee's Rescue [WA26]

Rock Lee vs Gaara

When the cutscene ends you'll find yourself in control of Rock Lee. The fight
with Gaara will start immediately. Gaara's attacks are all based around the
sand that lingers around his body. His attacks have quite a good range so
it'll do you no good to keep your distance. Rock Lee's only 'Jutsu' is his
heavenly gates move which increase his speed and power massively but also
continously reduces his health. Try to avoid using it - you'll find that
Rock Lee's combo speed is deadly. In particular his right+XXXYYXX combo
will cause a huge amount of damage. Once you'e beaten Gaara, a cutscene
will begin.

After the fight with Kimimaro and Gaara, your supplies may be low. If so,
make sure that you stock up by visiting the Ramen Shop and the Weapon Shop
before heading to the gate marked with the arrow. Exit Konoha and head over
to the tree marked with the blue arrow. Climb it and complete the ensuing
tree action sequence to arrive in the Enemy Camp region. As you've done
so many times before, run straight across the field and choose the left most
path at the far end. Head down it and take your second left. Follow the path
around to the area with several platforms above small body of water. There's
a Jonin blocking your path.

Rock Lee vs Jonin

You should find this even easier than with the likes of Naruto or Sasuke as
Rock Lee's speed will allow you to dominate your poor opponent. Once the fight
is over, sprint jump onto the floating platform and then sprint jump, again,
onto the collapsing platform ahead. From here simply double jump around to
your right and keep doing so, from one platform to the next, until you
reach the other end of the river. Sprint jump over the Jonin ahead of you and
head down the left hand path. Use the collapsing platform to cross over the
spiked pit. On the other side of the pit, head left and walk up the wall. Head
to your right and walk over the platform. Then sprint jump over the Jonin
ahead of you before dropping down to another merchant stall. Again, stock up
if you're low on pills and then climb the tree and complete the tree action
sequence that follows.

Now you'll be in the River Crossing area - though you'll have entered from
the opposite side that you did so with Naruto. Run forward until you can see
an opening on your left. Run into the gap.

Rock Lee vs Jonin

After beating the Jonin, sprint jump onto the rock in the middle of the river
and the sprint jump onto the section of land in front of you. Turn right and
use your sprint jump to make your way from rock to rock until your cross the
river. On the other side, turn left and sprint jump over the Jonin. Run
forwards until you are unable to do so and then turn right and continue on to
another merchant stall. This is your last chance to stock up so make sure you
have plenty of supplies! When you're ready climb the tree and then complete
the tree action sequence. This will trigger a cutscene.

Rock Lee vs Kimimaro

Seeing as this is Rock Lee's first fight with Kimimaro, Kimamaro's abilities
are still limited. He also won't use his Jutsu. Stick to your combo's and in
particular use the right+XXXYYYX combo. Once you reduce Kimimaro's health to
0, another cutscene shall begin.

Rock Lee vs Kimimaro

You guessed it, now Kimimaro's stronger, faster and he'll use his Jutsu. As
Jutsu go, it's quite nasty in terms of damage but worse still, it's
very difficult to win the minigame that acompanies it. In other words, if you
want to defend against it, don't let Kimimaro use it. Keep close to him and be
ready to block his attacks. If he does start a combo, get ready to dodge the
Killer Move (move up or down twice). Aside from this, stick to the same
tactics as before. Do not use Rock Lee's Jutsu and do not use his Rage Mode.

Once you get Kimimaro's health down to around halfway, another timer will
appear and you'll have to survive for 90 seconds against. Due to his Jutsu,
you can't afford to stay away from him, so your only option is to keep on
attacking. Use your Rage Mode whenever you can but don't bother with Rock
Lee's Jutsu - the fact that it drains your health will only make matters
worse. Once the timer hits 0, a cutscene shall play.

Mission Complete

Rewards: 500 Royu, 350 Friendship Points


The Broken Bond Part 5 [WA27]

This mission will start off with you in control of Naruto and in the middle
of a tree action sequence. Complete it and you'll arrive in a very narrow
pathway made of overhanging branches. This is your last chance to adjust
Naruto before the final fight. Spend any remaining Friendship Points, make
sure that he's healed and equip your best scrolls. When you're ready run
forward and straight into the black cave. You now seem to be in Naruto's
mind - much like you were with Sasukes. Keep running forward to trigger
several small cutscene. When each finishes keep on running until your
finally reach the white light to trigger another cutscene.

Naruto vs Sasuke

Now, Sasuke's health is maxed out so you'll need to inflict quite a bit of
damage. Just stick to your main combos and use Rasengan whenever you can. This
fight really isn't too difficult. Once you've lowered Sasuke's health right
down, a cutscene shall begin.

Naruto vs Sasuke

Now you'll be fighting on the lake itself. Continue the same tactics as last
time but do not use Naruto's Rage Mode. Once you get his health down to about
halfway, Sasuke will keep using his Sharingan. At this point, you won't be
able to land a hit on him. Worse still, if you wait too long, he'll use his
Fireball Jutsu which is the most devastating Jutsu that you'll have faced. It
can wipe you out! However, as soon as he uses Sharigan he'll become much more
defensive, so use your Shadow Clone Jutsu to inflict damage to him. Keep doing
so until his health has emptied. If you run out of Chakra, use a Chakra pill.
Once you've beaten him another cutscene shall begin.

Demon Fox Naruto vs Sasuke

This fight is so one-sided. Your attack power has increased as much as
ten-fold meanwhile Sasuke's attacks will do next to no damage to you. To
further emphasise Naruto's strength, by pressing the last button of a combo
again, Naruto will unleash an even more powerful Killer Move. Just mess about
and learn his new Killer Moves. Reduce Sasuke's health to 0 to trigger a

Demon Fox Naruto vs Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke

Now this is an amazing fight. You'll both be doing incredible damage to each
other whilst your healthbars will only empty, slowly. At this point try using
Naruto's right+XXXYXX combo. It does some real damage. Keep battering away at
Sasuke - use Rasengan if you want. Once his health gets to around 1/4, it will
disappear. Now, timing is everything here. You have to use Rasegan before he
uses Chidori. However, if Sasuke use Chidori before you, you'll have to do the
fight all over again. Use Rasengan and an iteractive cutscene will begin.

When prompted to do so:

Hammer A repeatedly
Press X
Hammer A repeatedly

This will trigger one final cutscene. Watch the credits and then one more

Mission Complete

Rewards: 300 Friendship Points

Congratulations! You've completed Naruto: The Broken Bond.


Collectibles [CO00]


This section details how to find each of the collectibles in Broken Bond. From
the massive amount of gold coins to the incredibly rare Ninja cards. Don't
forget to track down the hilarious lovelorn villagers - poor guys.


Golden Coins [CO01]

There are a total of 1533 coins to be found in and around Konoha. When you
complete the game, each and every coin will be revealed on your map to show
you where to find them. The only 2 coins that may cause some trouble are the
2 hidden in Sasuke's secret room and Orochimaru's lair. For locations to each
of these, just check the FAQ section. The coins are split into the regions as

Konoha - 261
Gate of Leaves - 5
Gate of Branches - 10
Remote Forest - 81
Enemy Camp - 210
River Crossing - 77
Tanzaku Town - 47
Tanzaku Town Entrance - 76
Temple Ruins - 170
Hot Spring Resort - 221

This gives you a total of 1158 coins. The remaining 375 coins are offered as
first prize in the tree action sequences and the Tanzaku town minigames. Each
gold medal that you aquire (by beating the top score) will net your 15 gold

18 tree action sequences - 270
7 Tanzaku town minigames - 105

And that's all 1533 of them.


Lovelorn Villagers [CO02]

There are a total of 35 lovelorn villagers spread around Konoha and it's
immediate regions. You must use Naruto's Sexy Jutsu to satisfy each one. The
locations are as follows:

Konoha - 19
Tanzaku Town - 7
Hot Springs Resort - 4
Temple Ruins - 3
Enemy Camp - 2

Satisfying each villager will earn you 15 Friendship Points for a total of
525 Friendship Points.


1. Very North East corner of the map.

2. Near the closed East gate.

3. On top of a spiral tower near the close East gate. You'll have to walk up
the side of the tower and then run down the stairs at the top to reach

4. East of the closed South gate.

5. Right next to the close South gate.

6. West of the open South gate.

7. South of the coliseum, just down by the water.

8. Near the building West of the Hide & Seek challenges.

9. Just West of the entrance to the Hokage's compound.

10. Near the building south of the Hokage's compound (on the East side).

11. Near the building just South East of Hokage's compound.

12. Just South West of the gathering missions.

13. Near the cirular building just South of the gathering missions.

14. Across the water from number 13.

15. Across the river from Sakura.

16. Near the building North of the Ramen shop.

17. In the alley East of Naruto's apartment.

18. On the other side of the river from the closed South gate. He's
standing in a group of 3.

19. Near the building East of the open South gate.

Tanzaku Town

1. In the South West corner of the map. He's standing in a group of 4.

2. In the South East corner of the map. He's standing in a group of 4.

3. Just in front of the Kingo Sukui stall located in the South West of
the town. He's in a group of 3.

4. In front of the most Northern Snake Smash stall. He's in a group of 3.

5. To the West of the Northern Scroll shop. He's standing alone.

6. Next to the circular building in the North of the town. He's in a group of

7. In front of the entrance. He's in a group of 4.

Hot Springs Resort

1. A little to the East of the bounty hunter board.

2. Standing only a metre or two from No 1 (in a South East direction).

3. Standing to the West of the Snake Smash stall.

4. Standing right behind the bounty hunter board.

Temple Ruins

1. East side of the river, he's standing on the porch of a building located
in the very North.

2. Head to the chip factory located in the North West of the map. Follow the
tracks round to the loading area. He's standing there.

3. He's standing on top of the water tank tower that's to the left of the
chip factory. Use the chip factory roof to get to him.

Enemy Camp

1. Head to the settlement just East of the main bridge. He's standing by a
tower with a water tank on top.

2. Standing the by the East pier.


Ninja Cards [CO03]

There are a total of 10 Ninja cards to be found in the regions surrounding
Konoha. Upon finding each card, you must defeat the Ninja on the card in order
to claim it. However, the fight will be played on the Jonin difficulty
regardless of what difficulty you are playing on. In addition to this, each
opponent will have a very powerful scroll that will give them an ability. You
will gain these scrolls once you have defeated the opponent who uses it. These
scrolls are much more powerful than those found in the scroll shop.

Below you'll find the 10 Ninja, the locations of their cards and the scrolls
that you unlock by defeating them. Remember, the Ninja will be using the
scroll's effect during the fight.


Card Location: Head to the Enemy Camp. To the very East of the region is a
huge waterfall. Head down to the bottom of it and sprint jump
onto the rock in the middle of the water. From here, double
jump onto the rock ahead (slightly to your right) and then
double jump again onto the rock in the corner which is
slightly behind the waterfall to find the card.

Scroll Unlocked: Shark Skin - 65% of the damage of all blocked attacks is
reflected onto your opponent.


Card Location: Head to the Enemy Camp. Make your way to the pier located in
the North East corner of the map. There is a barge tied up with
the card sitting on top of it.

Scroll Unlocked: Rapid Eye - subsitute 40% of attacks automatically.

Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke

Location: Head to the River Crossing. Sasuke's card is located in the grey
Octagon found in the South West of the region.

Scroll Unlocked: Fox - Transform into Demon Fox Naruto when fighting.


Location: Head to the River Crossing. Orochimaru's card is located inside his
lair. If you don't know where it is, check the Seed of Evil
achievement in the achievement guide.

Scroll Unlocked: Snake Skin - 75% of the damage you recieve is taken from your


Location: Head to the Remote Forest. Make your way to the very North West to
find a tower. Use the nearby crate to jump on to the tower and find
the card.

Scroll Unlocked: Wind Master - Increases damage done by area attacks by 150%.


Location: Head to the Remote Forest. Near the Merchant stall in the East of
the region is a building. Jump on top of the roof to find this card.

Scroll Unlocked: Sand Shield - Reduces damage taken from combos by 50%


Location: Head to the Temple Ruins. Make your way to the Chip Factory found in
the very North West corner and jump on top of the building. The card
is next to a water tank.

Scroll Unlocked: Way of the Third - Increases Jutsu damage by 100%.


Location: Head to the Temple Ruins. Make your way to the Chip Factory found in
the very North West corner and follow the tracks to a mining cart.
The card is inside the cart.

Scroll Unlocked: Granny - Your teammates will heal whilst they're on the


Location: Head to the Hot Springs Resort. Make your way to the very North West
corner of the region. You'll need to pass by a Kunai trap to enter.
The card is around to your left from the trap, hidden behind a tree.

Scroll Unlocked: Freezing Kunai - Kunai damage is increased by 150%.


Location: Head to the Hot Springs Resort. The card is located on a tiny island
found near the South East corner of the area.

Scroll Unlocked: Mist - Combo damage is increased by 100%.


Shops [SH00]


Ramen Shop [SH01]

Ramen 1

Cost - 50 Ryou
Effect - Heals your team by 300 points

Ramen 2

Cost - 75 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Ramen Upgrade 1
Effect - Heals your team by 500 points

Ramen 3

Cost - 125 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Ramen Upgrade 2
Effect - Heals your team by 700 points

Ramen Upgrade 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins
Effect - Unlocks Ramen 2

Ramen Upgrade 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins
Requirements - Must have Ramen Upgrade 1
Effect - Unlocks Ramen 3

Ramen Pouch Upgrade 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins
Effect - Increases Ramen pouch capacity to 10

Ramen Pouch Upgrade 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins
Requirements - Must have Ramen Pouch Upgrade 1
Effect - Increases Ramen pouch capacity to 15

Scroll Shop [SH02]

Attack Scrolls

Chakra Leech 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Converts 25% of damage you inflict into Chakra

Chakra Leech 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Leech 1
Effect - Converts 50% of damage you inflict into Chakra

Chakra Leech 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Leech 2
Effect - Converts 75% of damage you inflict into Chakra

Steel Mastery 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Increases your Kunai damage by 15%

Steel Mastery 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Steel Mastery 1
Effect - Increases your Kunai damage by 25%

Steel Mastery 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Steel Mastery 2
Effect - Increases your Kunai damage by 50%

Jutsu Mastery 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Increases your Jutsu damage by 20%

Jutsu Mastery 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Jutsu Mastery 1
Effect - Increases your Jutsu damage by 30%

Jutsu Mastery 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Jutsu Mastery 2
Effect - Increases your Jutsu damage by 40%

Inner Fox 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Increase the rate at which your overdrive meter fills by 20%

Inner Fox 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Inner Fox 1
Effect - Increase the rate at which your overdrive meter fills by 40%

Inner Fox 3

Cost - 50 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Inner Fox 2
Effect - Increase the rate at which your overdrive meter fills by 60%

Wind Strength 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Increases your aerial attack damage by 25%

Wind Strength 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Strength 1
Effect - Increases your aerial attack damage by 25%

Wind Strength 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Strength 2
Effect - Increases your aerial attack damage by 25%

Iron Fist 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Increases your combo damage by 30%

Iron Fist 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Iron Fist 1
Effect - Increases your combo damage by 30%

Iron Fist 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Iron Fist 2
Effect - Increases your combo damage by 40%

All for One 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Increase co-op attack damage and the amount of time you have to
execute one

All for One 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have All for One 1
Effect - Increase co-op attack damage and the amount of time you have to
execute one further

All for One 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have All for One 2
Effect - Increase co-op attack damage and the amount of time you have to
execute one further still

Killer Impact 1

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Effect - Increases the damage of Killer Moves by 40%

Killer Impact 2

Cost - 35 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Killer Impact 1
Effect - Increases the damage of Killer Moves by 60%

Killer Impact 3

Cost - 50 Gold Coins, 1200 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Killer Impact 2
Effect - Increases the damage of Killer Moves by 80%

Stun 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your Killer Moves
by 50%

Stun 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Stun 1
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your Killer Moves
by 75%

Stun 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Stun 2
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your Killer Moves
by 100%

Wind Impact 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your aerial attacks by

Wind Impact 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Impact 1
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your aerial attacks by

Wind Impact 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Impact 2
Effect - Increases your opponents recovery time from your aerial attacks by

Seal Mastery 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Effect - Increases the speed of your Jutsu charge by 15%

Seal Mastery 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Seal Mastery 1
Effect - Increases the speed of your Jutsu charge by 30%

Seal Mastery 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Seal Mastery 2
Effect - Increases the speed of your Jutsu charge by 45%

Rage 1

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1200 Ryou
Effect - Increase the duration and damage of your Rage Mode by 25%

Rage 2

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Rage 1
Effect - Increase the duration and damage of your Rage Mode by 50%

Rage 3

Cost - 80 Gold Coins, 5000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Rage 2
Effect - Increase the duration and damage of your Rage Mode by 100%

Defensive Scrolls

Inner Strength 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Increases Chakra regeneration rate by 20%

Inner Strength 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Inner Strength 1
Effect - Increases Chakra regeneration rate by 40%

Inner Strength 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Inner Strength 2
Effect - Increases Chakra regeneration rate by 60%

Windfall 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Increases the amount of Ryou you receive by 50%

Windfall 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Windfall 1
Effect - Increases the amount of Ryou you receive by 75%

Windfall 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Effect - Increases the amount of Ryou you receive by 100%

Chakra Touch 1

Cost - 10 Gold Coins, 350 Ryou
Effect - Your opponents Chakra decreases by 35% of the damage he takes

Chakra Touch 2

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Touch 1
Effect - Your opponents Chakra decreases by 55% of the damage he takes

Chakra Touch 3

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 650 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Touch 2
Effect - Your opponents Chakra decreases by 75% of the damage he takes

Reflex 1

Cost - 15 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Gives you a 10% chance of blocking enemy attacks automatically

Reflex 2

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Reflex 1
Effect - Gives you a 20% chance of blocking enemy attacks automatically

Reflex 3

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Reflex 2
Effect - Gives you a 30% chance of blocking enemy attacks automatically

Chakra Sponge 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Increase the Chakra cost of enemy's Jutsu by 50%

Chakra Sponge 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Sponge 1
Effect - Increase the Chakra cost of enemy's Jutsu by 100%

Chakra Sponge 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Sponge 2
Effect - Increase the Chakra cost of enemy's Jutsu by 150%

The First 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Slows the increase of your enemu's Overdrive meter by 25%

The First 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have The First 1
Effect - Slows the increase of your enemu's Overdrive meter by 50%

The First 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have The First 2
Effect - Slows the increase of your enemu's Overdrive meter by 75%

Chakra Skin 1

Cost - 20 Gold Coins, 500 Ryou
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from Jutsu by 15%

Chakra Skin 2

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Skin 1
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from Jutsu by 30%

Chakra Skin 3

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Chakra Skin 2
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from Jutsu by 45%

Iron Skin 1

Cost - 25 Gold Coins, 750 ryou
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from combos by 10%

Iron Skin 2

Cost - 35 Gold Coins, 1000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Iron Skin 1
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from combos by 20%

Iron Skin 3

Cost - 50 Gold Coins, 1200 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Iron Skin 2
Effect - Reduces the damage you receive from combos by 30%

Quick Feet 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 750 Ryo
Effect - Get up from being knocked down 35% quicker

Quick Feet 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Quick Feet 1
Effect - Get up from being knocked down 55% quicker

Quick Feet 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Quick Feet 2
Effect - Get up from being knocked down 75% quicker

Wind Speed 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Effect - Recover from aerial attacks 35% quicker

Wind Speed 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Speed 1
Effect - Recover from aerial attacks 55% quicker

Wind Speed 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Wind Speed 2
Effect - Recover from aerial attacks 75% quicker

Substitution 1

Cost - 30 Gold Coins, 750 Ryou
Effect - You'll automatically subistitute 10% of the time

Substitution 2

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1250 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Substitution 1
Effect - You'll automatically subistitute 15% of the time

Substitution 3

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Substitution 2
Effect - You'll automatically subistitute 20% of the time

Blade Skin 1

Cost - 40 Gold Coins, 1500 Ryou
Effect - Reflect 15% of damage back on an opponent when your block his attacks

Blade Skin 2

Cost - 60 Gold Coins, 2500 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Blade Skin 1
Effect - Reflect 25% of damage back on an opponent when your block his attacks

Blade Skin 3

Cost - 80 Gold Coins, 5000 Ryou
Requirements - Must have Blade Skin 2
Effect - Reflect 35% of damage back on an opponent when your block his attacks


Frequently Asked Questions [FR00]


Q: How do I find Sasuke's secret room?

A: First you need to head to Konoha. Once you arrive, bring up your map. In
the bottom left hand corner of the map (well near it) you should see a
fishing challenge. Make your way to and when you get there, face the pier.
To your right you should see a section of flat ground. Use it to run across
the water to the island ahead of you. You should be on a section of sand
now. Climb up the cliff face in front of you and then run forwards to the
broken fence ahead. Jump over it so that you drop down to another section
of sand below.

If you look across the water you should see a small alcove (it's slightly
to your left). You need to run across the water and into the alcove.
However, it's a fair journey so after a few seconds of being on the water,
you will really need to hammer the X button to keep Naruto afloat. Once
inside the alcove, head left and follow the path until it splits. Head
right and run straight into the darkness ahead of you to reach Sasuke's

Q: How do I find Orochimaru's lair?

A: Start off in Konoha. This way it's easier for me to direct you. Make your
way to the Enemy Camp and then from there head to the River Crossing area.
Use your map to see which trees you need to climb. Once you arrive in the
River Crossing area, run forward until you see a small opening to your

Note: If you haven't completed the game yet, there may be a wall of stone
there, in which case just use Rasengan on it.

It will be marked by a small path on your map. Run to it and sprint jump
onto the rock that's sitting in the middle of the river. From here, sprint
jump onto the section of land ahead of you. Now head up the paved stairs to
your left. When you reach the top, run forwards, across the paved area and
down the other flight of stairs.

Follow the path here, down to the right to a section of flattened ground.
If you look across the river, you should be able to see another flattened
section of ground. Run across the water to the next small area. Beware as
there are Jonin all over this area. Follow the path up and round to the
right to find a small camp. Again, watch out for the Jonin. You should
notice 2 buildings ahead of you. Head to the farthest away one approach the
door. Defeat the 2 Jonin that attack you and then walk to the door again to
enter Orochimaru's lair.

Q: Can I max out all of Naruto's stats?

A: Yes. There are 10,000 Friendship Points available in the game and maxing
out all of Naruto's stats requires exactly 10,000 points.

Q: How do you unlock the character next to ANBU Itachi?

A: This character is Chunnin Exams Sasuke. In order to unlock him you need to
sign into Xbox Live and from the main menu, choose the Exclusive Content

Q: I've collected all the coins on my map but it still says that I'm missing
several coins from the total?

A: Of the 1533 coins in the game, only 1158 are scattered around in each area.
The remaining 375 are given out for getting the gold in all 18 tree action
sequences and the gold in all 7 Tanzaku town minigames.


Achievement Guide [AC00]


I've split the achievements guide into three sections; the first section
details all the achievements barring the story based ones. The second section
deals with those that unlock as you complete missions within the story mode.
As you may expect, even reading the names of story mode achievements that are
farther ahead than your current point in the game may reveal spoiler so do so
at your own risk. The third section details all the achievements that must be
unlocked online.


Section 1 (Non-Spoiler) [AC01]

King of the Iron Fist 5G

"Win a fight using a killer combo"

A Killer Combo is a combo in which the final button in the combo is shaded
(and as such looks different from the other buttons). You have to lower an
opponents health done and finish him off with a complete killer combo. The
easiest one is the simple XXXY combo.

Note: You have to complete the combo. It must be the final attack of the combo
i.e. the Killer Move that beats your opponent.

Solo Champion 25G

"Win a tournament in solo mode"

From the Main Menu, select tournament and then select 1 player. Choose your
character and then simply win the tournament. Through the Fight Settings, you
can lower the difficulty.

Team Champion 25G

"Win a tournament in tag fighting"

From the Main Menu, select tournament and then select 2 player. Choose your
two characters and then win the tournament. Through the Fight Settings, you
can lower the difficulty.

Note: You don't need a second player for this achievement.

Untouchable 20G

"Win a fight without losing any health"

First off, this achievement can only be unlocked in Story Mode. You must
defeat your opponent without taking a single hit. Unfortunately, blocking hits
still counts towards taking them even if they don't deal any damage. This is
simple enough on Genin diffulty. Just explore the areas around Konoha until
you find a lone Genin/Chunnin Ninja. Try to stick to lower enemies and don't
take on more than 1. This will make things much more easier.

Just unleash your most powerful combos, though avoid killers. This will allow
you to keep your opponent close making it much easier to avoid their attacks.
Build up your overdrive meter and finish them with your Jutsu.

Naruto's Creed 25G

"Complete all of the bounty hunter missions"

There are 10 bounty hunter missions that require you to track down and defeat
a target. You can access these mission via the notice boards located in
Konoha, Hot Springs Resort and Tanzaku Town. These are denoted by question
marks on your map.

For more details on each mission, see the Bounty Hunter section of this guide.
The code is [MI01].

Card Collector 40G

"Find all of the ninja cards"

There are 10 ninja cards scattered around the areas of the game world. Each
card has an associated Ninja. Upon finding a card, you will have to beat the
associated Ninja in order to claim the card.

Note: Despite what difficulty you are playing on, these fights will all be set
at the Jonin difficulty (the hardest).

For more details on each card, see the Ninja Cards section of this guide. The
code is [CO03].

Delivery Boy 10G

"Complete all delivery missions with Shikamaru"

In Konoha you will see a an envelope icon on your map. Head to it and talk to
Shikamaru to start the delivery missions. There are 9 in total. For more
details on each mission, see the Delivery section of this guide. The code is

World's Fastest Ninja 15G

"Win all of the gold medals in the tree action sequences"

A tree action section is the minigame that you play, when travelling from one
region to another and involves you jumping from branch to branch. There are
18 of these in total and you must win a gold medal in all of them to net
this achievement. To earn a gold medal, you must beat the fastest time of that

Note: The sequence from Konoha to Enemy Camp is different to the sequence from
Enemy Camp to Konoha. In other words, you can pick up 2 medals here.
This is true for all sequences.

For more details, see the tree action sequences section of this guide. The
code is [MI08].

Fisherman 15G

"Win a gold medal in any fishing game"

Throughout the regions in and around Konoha are 23 fishing minigames. To earn
a gold medal in any of them you have to catch more fish (and net a higher
score) than the highest score. For more details, see the Fishing section of
this guide. The code is [MI04].

Gifted Eye 15G

"Complete all the hide & seek missions with Neji"

Head to the hide & seek icon that you can find on your map of Konoha and tak
to Neji to begin these missions. There are 9 of them in total. For more
details, see the hide & seek section of this guide. The code is [MI05].

Gold Collector 35G

"Collect 50% of the gold coins"

Scattered throughout Konoha and it's surrounding regions are 1533 gold coins.
Many of these will be lying around, hidden in rocks, under houses or guarded
by Ninja. However, some are only available by recording the highest score in
certain games. You simply have to collect 767 gold coins to unlock this
achievement. For more details, see the Gold Coins section of this guide. The
code is [CO01].

Gold Digger 50G

"Collect all of the gold coins"

Scattered throughout Konoha and it's surrounding regions are 1533 gold coins.
Many of these will be lying around, hidden in rocks, under houses or guarded
by Ninja. However, some are only available by recording the highest score in
certain games. For more details, see the Gold Coins section of this guide. The
code is [CO01].

Legendary Fisherman 25G

"Win all of the fishing gold medals"

Throughout the regions in and around Konoha are 23 fishing minigames. To earn
a gold medal in any of them you have to catch more fish (and net a higher
score) than the highest score. For more details, see the Fishing section of
this guide. The code is [MI04].

My Taijutsu Coach 20G

"Learn all of the combos in the Dojo"

Head to either the Dojo in Tanzaku Town or the one in Konoha. Choose one of
Naruto, Kiba, Neji, Choji and Shikamaru. Then complete all five of the
challenges under the Combo section. Now do so for the other four characters.
You will not be able to attempt all the challenges until after you have
completed The Secret Triple Threat mission.

Note: You don't have to complete the fight or Jutsu challenges.

Naruto Raving Ninja 25G

"Win all of the gold medals in the Tanzaku Town festival games"

You need to travel to Tanzaku town and earn the highest score in each of
the 7 games there. For more details, see the festival games section of this
guide. The code is [MI07].

Pervy Nation 20G

"Make all of the Lovelorn Villagers happy by performing the sexy Jutsu"

Scattered around Konoha are 35 lovelorn villagers. To make each of them happy
you must stand in front of them as Naruto and use his Sexy Jutsu. Lovelorn
villagers can be identified by their books which will be covered in hearts.
For more details on lovelorn villagers, see the lovelorn villagers section
of this guide. The code is [CI02].

The Last Chip is the Best 20G

"Complete all collecting missions with Choji"

There are 9 collecting mission in total. Head to the icon on your map
and speak to Choji to begin these missions. For more details, see the
collecting section of this guide. The code is [MI02].

Top Dog 20G

"Complete all races with Kiba"

Head to the race icon on your map in Konoha and talk to Kiba to start these
missions. There are 9 in total. For more details, see the Ninja Race section
of this guide. The code is [MI06].

Way of the Tree 20G

"Win a gold medal in a Tree Action Sequence"

A tree action section is the minigame that you play, when travelling from one
region to another and involves you jumping from branch to branch. There are
18 of these in total and you must win a gold medal in one of them to net
this achievement. To earn a gold medal, you must beat the fastest time of that

Path of Darkness 10G

"Visit Sasuke's secret room"

First you need to head to Konoha. Once you arrive, bring up your map. In the
bottom left hand corner of the map (well near it) you should see a fishing
challenge. Make your way to and when you get there, face the pier. To your
right you should see a section of flat ground. Use it to run across the water
to the island ahead of you. You should be on a section of sand now. Climb up
the cliff face in front of you and then run forwards to the broken fence
ahead. Jump over it so that you drop down to another section of sand below.

If you look across the water you should see a small alcove (it's slightly to
your left). You need to run across the water and into the alcove. However,
it's a fair journey so after a few seconds of being on the water, you will
really need to hammer the X button to keep Naruto afloat. Once inside the
alcove, head left and follow the path until it splits. Head right and run
straight into the darkness ahead of you to reach Sasuke's room.

Seed of Evil 10G

"Visit Orochimaru's secret lair"

Start off in Konoha. This way it's easier for me to direct you. Make your way
to the Enemy Camp and then from there head to the River Crossing area. Use
your map to see which trees you need to climb. Once you arrive in the River
Crossing area, run forward until you see a small opening to your left.

Note: If you haven't completed the game yet, there may be a wall of stone
there, in which case just use Rasengan on it.

It will be marked by a small path on your map. Run to it and sprint jump onto
the rock that's sitting in the middle of the river. From here, sprint jump
onto the section of land ahead of you. Now head up the paved stairs to your
left. When you reach the top, run forwards, across the paved area and down the
other flight of stairs.

Follow the path here, down to the right to a section of flattened ground. If
you look across the river, you should be able to see another flattened section
of ground. Run across the water to the next small area. Beware as there are
Jonin all over this area. Follow the path up and round to the right to find a
small camp. Again, watch out for the Jonin. You should notice 2 buildings
ahead of you. Head to the farthest away one approach the door. Defeat the 2
Jonin that attack you and then walk to the door again to enter Orochimaru's


Section 2 (Spoiler) [AC02]

Tsukuyomi: ANBU Itachi Unlocked 30G

"Complete Sasuke's Labyrinth"

Unlocked after you complete the Mangekyo Sharigan Minigame for the second

The Last Stand 30G

"Keep Orochimaru from destroying the Leaf Village"

Unlocked after you complete beat Orochimaru, the First and the Second with

Green Beast: Rock Lee Unlocked 20G

"Defeat Kimimaro as Rock Lee"

Unlocked after you beat Kimimaro as Rock Lee.

Red Sand: Gaara Unlocked 20G

"Defeat Gaara"

Beat Gaara as Rock Lee during Rock Lee's memory of the fight.

Broken Bones: Kimimaro Unlocked 20G

"Complete the Naruto vs Kimimaro fight"

Unlocked after you beat Kimimaro with Naruto.

Special Someone: Temari Unlocked 20G

"Complete the fight against Tayuya"

Unlocked after you beat Tayuya with Shikamaru

Guy's Fan: Green Suit Unlocked 25G

"Complete Guy Sensei's Quest"

Unlocked after you complete the mission Guy's Mysterious Illness.

Pervy Sage 30G

"Arrive at the Hot Springs Resort with Jiraiya"

Unlocked after you complete the mission Road to Tanzaku Town Part 1.

Twisted Music: Tayuya Unlocked 20G

"Complete the fight against Sakon"

Unlocked after you beat Sakon with Kiba.

Deadly Web: Kidomaru Unlocked 20G

"Defeat Kidomaru"

Unlocked after you beat Kidomaru with Neji.

Rock and Roll: Jirobo Unlocked 20G

"Complete the fight against Jirobo"

Unlocked after you beat Jirobo with Choji.

New Hokage: Tsunade Unlocked 20G

"Tsunade is the new Hokage"

Unlocked after you beat Orochimaru with Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Mad Scientist: Kabuto Unlocked 20G

"Defeat Kabuto"

Unlocked after you beat Kabuto with Naruto

Brothers: Itachi Unlocked 20G

"Complete the Itachi fight"

Unlocked after you beat Itachi with Sasuke.

Lone Shark: Kisame Unlocked 20G

"Survive the Kisame fight"

Unlocked after you complete the Naruto vs Kisame fight.

Hell Twins: Sakon Unlocked 20G

"Defeat the Sound Four as Sasuke"

Unlocked after you beat Tayuya, Kidomaru and Sakon as Sasuke.

Nine Tails: Fox Naruto Unlocked 60G

"Transform into Fox Naruto"

Unlocked after you beat Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke as Fox Naruto.

Broken Bond: New Sasuke Unlocked 35G

"Complete the fight against Sasuke"

Unlocked after you beat Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke as Fox Naruto.


Section 3 (Online) [AC03]

Academy Graduate 15G

"Reach the Graduate rank online"

Acquire 500 experience points by fighting online in ranked matches.

Genin 15G

"Reach the Genin rank online

Acquire 1000 experience points by fighting online in ranked matches.

Chunin 20G

"Reach the Chunin rank online"

Acquire 2000 experience points by fighting online in ranked matches.

Jonin 30G

"Reach the Jonin rank online"

Acquire 5000 experience points by fighting online in ranked matches.

Hokage 0G

"Reach the Hokage rank online"

In order to unlock this achievement you need to amass enough points in order
to make it onto the leaderboard. In other words, you have to beat the points
total of whoever is bottom of the leaderboard but beware - this total will
keep rising a new players find their way onto the board.

Don't Be Shy 5G

"Play a match online"

Quite simple, just play someone through xbox live. This will unlock even if
you lose.

Save the Trees 15G

"Win an online match without performing a subsitution Jutsu"

All you have to do is beat someone through Xbox Live without substituting
(i.e. disappearing and then reappearing behind them). You can still block so
it shouldn't take you long to find someone who isn't that great. Then just
beat them.


Contacting Me [CN00]


My email address is Scott_wilson6290[at]live[dot]co[dot]uk. Feel free to
contact me if you are in need of help or have questions about Naruto: Broken
Bond. I also, gladly, accept corrections. It's easy to make a few mistakes!
When emailing me, a simple "Naruto: Broken Bond" in the subject field will
allow me to identify your email amongst all the junk I receive. Please be
aware that whilst I try to check my emails on a daily basis, at hectic periods
this may not be possible so please be patient if I have not responded to your


Legal [LE00]


This guide may be not be reproduced under any circ*mstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

The following site(s) have permission to host this guide:


Please contact me first in the event that you wish to host this guide on your
website; details can be found above. If I give permission to host this guide
then you may, provided that no changes are made to this guide except for the
purposes of reading.

All logos, trademarks and copyrights of Naruto: The Broken Bond are property
of their respective owners.

This guide is Copyright (c) 2009 Scott Wilson. All rights reserved.


Thanks to [TH00]


Thanks to the following companies for Naruto: Broken Bond:

Ubisoft Montreal (Developer)
Ubisoft (Publisher)

Thanks to the following individuals for hosting this guide and keeping it up
to date:

SBAllen (GameFAQs)
Dave Allison (CheatCC)
Dennis (SuperCheats)
Paul Ryan (CheatPlanet)

Thanks to the following communities for various discussions:

GameFAQs Naruto Broken Bond Board
Ubisoft Naruto Broken Bond Board

Thanks to the following individuals for corrections, information and

BreakX5 - online ranks information
kozinaruckus - online ranks information

And finally, thanks for reading my guide. Hope you found it to be worthwhile.
Remember that if you wish to contact me, my e-mail address can be found in the
Contacting Me section.


"You just can't see a dream"


cpgenialixgames - naruto:the broken bond walkthrough en ingles (2)

cpgenialixgames - naruto:the broken bond walkthrough en ingles (2024)


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