Bioshock 2 Chapter 5 Siren Alley (2024)

Bioshock 2 Chapter 5 Siren Alley (1)

Chapter 5:

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Bioshock 2 Chapter 5 Siren Alley (2)

2021: Walkthrough by: LouisKoot

Part One

A: At the bottom of the ocean:

In the Atlantic Express train you drive over the bottom of the ocean to the next level. Suddenly some fanatic priest roars in your ear.

It is Father Wales and this priest is an accomplice of Sofia Lamb and he will try to prevent you from reaching Eleanor at all costs.

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To start with, the crazy priest blasts a torpedo at the train and ....... well ..... a train has no evasive options, so it is not surprising that the torpedo hits the target. The Atlantic Express explodes and you are thrown out and land unsoftly at the bottom of the ocean. Well ........ Priests ....... either they are pedophiles or they are fanatical madmen who play with torpedoes. And then we say here in the West that Islam is a degenerate religion/ideology. Whatever ..... you have ended up at the bottom of the ocean again andyou are quite groggy when that damn Sinclair starts chattering in your ear again.

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Sinclair reports that he also survived and that he has reached the Dionysus Park in the meantime. Unfortunately, the Dionysus Park is now completely underwater and is therefore closed. Sinclair tells you to look for apump station to dry the Dionysus Park with it. You can find Pumping Station 5 in Siren Alley.

By now you have come to your senses again and you see that you are standing right in front of the Airlock of the Dionysus Park

. Continue to the door of the Airlock. The door won't open and Sinclair checks in again.

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Sinclair reports once again that the Dionysus Park is closed and that you can not enter it. So if you would please go to Pompstation 5, in Siren Alley, to pump the park dry. The Dionysus park is therefore not accessible now. Turn around and now follow the bottom of the Ocean to the Airlock of Siren Alley.

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While you walk on the bottom of the ocean, keep your eyes open because here and there you can pick up ADAM.

Start walking forward with it to the spotlight you see shining in the distance.

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Under the spotlight is an ADAM fish. Press your "E" button to pick up the ADAM and then continue your walk. You walk past the big round window, where you can pick up ammo, and then it goes down and left. Crazy Sofia Lamb comes in and says that Father Wales will deal with you soon.

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Take a look around because you can still pick up 2 ADAM fish here.

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When you turn around to the stairs you will see an ADAM fish hanging on the right. So go grab the ADAM.

Turn back and you will see a pipe that also contains ADAM. Continue to the pipe and take the ADAM out.

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In the distance you can now see the Airlock of Siren Alley, so walk further and enter the Airlock.

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Inside the airlock, go to the Airlock Control. Activate the Airlock Control to pump the water out of the lock.

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When the water has been pumped out, the door to Siren Alley will open. Walk through the door. You end up in a small intermediate hall. You will probably see 2 Freaks running to the right and hear that a shooting is in progress. To the right is a Gene Bank, but forget it for now. Above the next door you will read that you are about to enter the "Little Eden Plaza". Well......what are you waitng for????......

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B: Siren Alley:

LittleEden Plaza:

Immediately look to the right and ..... you see those 2 Freaks, who you just saw running away. The 2 Freaks are fighting a Rumble Big Daddy standing above the street on the bridge. That Big Daddy has a Little Sister with him, but he is very capable of protecting himself and his Little Sister. So don't get involved in the fight and leave that Big Daddy alone for now.

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Turn left. On the corner are signposts pointing to "Pump Station 5", "Plaza Hedone" and "Maintenance Station".

There is a very large painting on the left wall and an Audio Diary is pasted on that painting.

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Further on you will also see the VITA CHAMBER. Go grab that Audio Diary and listen to it and then continue to the VITA CHAMBER and then look to the left.

In the left corner is an "El Ammo Bandito" and there is an Auto-Hack Dart and some other items on the floor.

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If you find it necessary, pick up the Dart and the ammo and hack the "Bandito".

Go back to the beginning of the street, where those 2 Freaks have already lost the fight with the Big Daddy.

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This Little Eden Plaza has 1 street and it's going around. But you can also go up to the balconies via 2 flights of stairs. To the right is the Mermaid Lounge and to the left is the Poisoned Applestore. Just past the Mermaid Lounge is the 1st staircase where you can go up to the balconies.

That Big Daddy and his Little Sister will come down the stairs to the street. And that's great because you really need his Little Sister to harvest some ADAM for you again. So you can now kill that Big Daddy, but I warn you ...... This Big Daddy not only fires rockets but alsoMINI-TURRETS and those are annoying bitches. It's not just about the Little Sister that you have to take down the Big Daddy, but also to get hold of those MINI-TURRETS. If you want to earn Research Points then record this Big Daddy with the Research Camera, but you don't have to if you've recorded a Rumble Big Daddy before.

So now wait until the Rumble Big Daddy and his Little Sister have come down the stairs and have come approximately at the height of the Mermaid Lounge.

Then fight the Big Daddy and make sure you survive.

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As I have already have pointe out .... the Big Daddy fires missiles at you but also Mini-Turrets. Such a Mini-Turret lands on the floor in front of you and then opens up and will fire at you and it also has an unlimited supply of bullets. So come up with a strategy to survive both the missiles and the Mini-Turrets, which also includes killing the Big Daddy. If you have the Electrobolt (1 or2), use it to temporarily electrocute the Big Daddy. But the Winterblast can also help you here.

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Once you've got the Big Daddy down, loot the corpse to get your first Mini-Turret.

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You fire mini-Turrets with the Hacktool. You can place Mini-Turrets everywhere and from now on they are also available in the "Circus of Values" and in the "El Ammo Bandito". A Mini-Turret that you fire is green and will therefore fire at your enemies. So if you have Mini-Turrets it is wise to place them in strategic places. To place Mini-Turrets, pull the Hacktool and select the Mini-Turret with your [ or ] keys. Then fire the Mini-Turret away with the Hacktool. Freaks and other enemies aren't completely crazy though and will try to take out your Mini-Turrets by shooting them or throwing grenades at them. Placed Mini-Turrets can also be taken back to reuse elsewhere, provided they have not been blown up by the Freaks of course.

The Big Daddy is "Down and Out", so his Little Sister no longer has daddy and is crying by the corpse. So adopt the Little Sister, so put her on your shoulder and see ..... This Little Sisterloves you inmidiatly. You now have a Little Sister again and can now look for 2 ADAM Corpses again. But I advise you to hold off on that for now.

Look to the left. If you are just in front of the Mermaid Lounge, you are now looking through the alley that connects this street with the other street. You will then see the signboard of the Poisoned Applestore. On the corner is a "Circus of Value" and a Health station hangs from the red building. From the other side, Freaks will notice you and attack you. You can now place a Mini-Turret here to keep those Freaks busy. But it's very likely that your Turret will only last a short while because those Freaks are going to throw grenades at it.

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Anyway, take out the Freaks and then go Hack the Health station and, if you need fresh supplies, also the "Circus of Value".

However, don't cross the alley to the other side but go back to the Mermaid Lounge but don't go in there now either.

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Opposite the Mermaid Lounge is the entrance to the Poisoned Apple store, but you can't get in there. Walk through and past the stairs the street turns left. So follow the street and when you are at the corner then turn left and ...... In the distance you will see the Oceanview Pharmacy and, on the right, is a Freak at a Securis door. On the corner you will read on the sign that to reach "Pump station 5", "Hedone Place" and the "Maintenance Station" you have to go through that Securis door.

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That Freak, who's on the right sidewalk, screams at you and then jumps up to reach the roof through the balconies.

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Sinclair then reports and says that the Freak you just saw jumping up was Simon Wales, the fanatical priest who torpedoed your Atlantic Express train.

Sinclair also reports that Simon Wales has set up a kind of church in Pumping Station 5.

On the left is the right facade of the Poisoned Apple and there is a Gene Bank and a Gatherer's Garden. However, you need ADAM if you want to buy Plasmids and/or Tonics, so you will need to harvest ADAM first. So on the right is the Securis door that you have to go through to reach Pompstation 5.

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However, don't go through the Securis door yet, because there is still a lot to do here in Little Eden Plaza.

Continue to the Oceanview Pharmacy, but do not enter it.

Just in front of the Oceanview Pharmacy is ADAM Corpse 2, but don't harvest ADAM yet.

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Follow the street further to the left. To the left, under the 2nd staircase, is another "El Ammo Bandito", which you can hack and loot.

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Hack the "El Ammo Bandito" and then at least buy as many Mini-Turrets as possible

You must first hack the "El Ammo Bandito" to be able to buy Mini-Turrets.

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Continue to the end of the street. On the right is the Pink Pearl, which you cannot enter.

On the left is the alley through which you can cross to the beginning of the street.

The street ends here at the Pink Pearl and a large altar has been decorated here.

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Turn left. You look again through the alley and to the 2nd staircase.

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Now go up the stairs here. You end up at the top of the stairs on the balconies. At the top of the stairs is the steaming ADAM Corpse 1.

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Ho......wait a minute......Don't harvest ADAM here yet. This is a difficult place to protect your Little Sister because the Freaks will attack here from all sides. It is better to wait a little longer with the harvest. Right behind the corpse you can enter a room. Enter that room and go right in the room and then jump down through the hole in the floor


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You end up in the pantry of the Poisoned Apple store. Enter the retail space. Watch out because through the windows a Freak will fire at you

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On the counter is an Audio Diary, a Cash Register and ...... the "Handyman" Tonic.

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Grab and listen to the Audio Diary and get the Handyman Tonic. The explanation screen explains what this Handyman Tonic does.

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The Handyman ensures that you can repair Securitybots and Turrets with a little bit of Eve, if such a Securitybot or Turret hs been shot to pieces. Equip the Handyman immediately in an empty Tonic Slot. If you don't have an empty Tonic slot, you exchange 1 of your other tonics for this Handyman. Loot the cash register and then exit theshop room to the pantry again.

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In the pantry are 2 large freezers that you can loot. There are also 2 mounds of ice that also contain useful items.

If you have Incinerate, use it to melt the ice so you can pick up the stuff afterwards. Continue to the front shop area.

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The front door of the Apple store is locked, so hack the Door control to open the doors. If you still have Auto-Hack Darts, I wouldn't use them for this now. Just hack the Door control via your B-key and the Hack minigame. If you have successfully hacked theDoor control, the doors will slide open, so step outside and see ..... you are back in the starting street and right in front of the Mermaid Lounge.

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Now enter the Mermaid Lounge:

DeMermaid Lounge:

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When you enter you see that a Freak is busy destroying the jukebox. like the music from the 60's/70's, so you don't want that Freak nailing the jukebox. Kill the Freak. As soon as you have sent that Freak to the Freaking Hell, a fresh Freak immediately storms in from the right room who thinks he can finish the job of the 1st Freak.

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So show that 2nd Freak that he/she is very wrong about this. You can then enter the right-hand room, but you won't find many. This Mermaid Lounge is therefore an old-fashioned Saloon, complete with bar and jukebox, and it also has an upper floor. Down here there is a cash register on the bar counter and an "El Ammo Bandito" in the back.

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Loot the cash register. Behind the bar is a large freezer and there is also the passage to the side corridor and a side room. Take a look in that side room.

The side room is closed by a gate, but through the gate you can see a "Power to the People" hanging on the wall.

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Go back to the main hall and now to that "El Ammo Bandito". Hack the "Bandito" and if that thing has it then buy some Hack Darts and/or Mini-Turrets. At the "El Ammo Bandito" are also the toilets and in the toilets you can melt the icebergs, if you have Incinerate, and then take the stuff that was hidden in the ice. Go back to the entrance and now go up the stairs to the top floor.

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On the top floor is the "counter" of the canteen. Walk past the "counter" to the back. You will then see that the "kitchen" is also closed by a gate.

You will also see the doors of the office and, further to the right, the entrance to the Gambling room:

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Enter the office. In the office is a corpse behind the desk. The bookcase has shifted. Look behind the bookcase and you will look into a security room.

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Enter the Security Room. Through the window you look into the Gamblingroom and you see 2 Freaks who are fighting with each other.

Right next to the window are 2 red buttons. Those 2 red buttons are the "Turret Control" buttons

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Stand with your nose against those 2 red "Turret Control" buttons and then press your "E-key" to press them and ......

Well .... look through the window to see what happens..........

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In the wall 2 niches open up and in those niches are 2 Turrets. The right turret fires on those 2 Freaks and 1 of the Freaks dies while the other Freak retreats. Loot these 2 rooms again and then go back to the hall and then left to theGambling room. Watch out because that 2nd Freak is still alive, so take care of that yourself. In the Gambling room you can play with the slot machines, but that will always cost you 10 Dollars, while your profit will be nil. Continue to the back

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On the table is an Audio Diary. Grab the Audio Diary and listen to the recordings. You MUST listen to this Audio Diary because you will hear Jamie Byass talk about a shipment of new Plasmids that can be found in the Lab under the Hedone Plaza. Jamie Byass also reports that there is a hidden switch to open the back door of that lab. The switch is located under the cash register in the front store.

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Return to the hall and to the "counter" of the canteen. In the canteen you see a safe and above the safe you see the Door control hanging.

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Stand against the counter and pull the Hacktool. If you still have an "Auto-Hack Dart" fire it into the Door control. If you no longer have an Auto Hack Dart, you will have to use a "Remote Hack Dart" to hack the Doorcontrol. If you don't have a "Remote Hack Dart" anymore, you can't hack the Door control and you will have to skip the next part, or first go to a "Circus of Value" or an "El Ammo Bandito" to buy hack darts. When you successfully hacked the Doorc ontrol, the gate of the cafeteria, and the gate of the side room below, will have been pushed open. So go into the cafeteria and continue to the back room.

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In the back room you loot the freezer and then you fall down through the hole in the floor.

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You are then downstairs again, but now in the room that was also closed by a gate. An Audio Diary leans against the wall, which you pick up and listen to.

Then activate the "Power to the People" and choose 1 of the possible weapon upgrades.

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Personally, I have now chosen the "Drill Fuel Efficiency" upgrade for the Drill.

Make your own choice and then close the screen and turn around. So here too the gate is now up, so walk to the exit and ..... sh*t .... the gate closes again. Quickly retreat to the wall because a Freak ignites the Oil that floats on the ground and this also sets the pool of oil in front of the fence on fire.

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You are locked in and it looks like the fire will slowly but surely suffocate you. A barrel crashes through the hole in the ceiling, followed by the Freak who threw the barrel down. Well .... this must be about the dumbest of all Freaking Freaks because the barrel flies on fire and the Freak is seton fire and dies. The fire goes out and the gate slides open again, so you can OUT , so leave the Mermaid Lounge now because you are done here. It's time to start harvesting ADAM.

Harvesting ADAM:

Once you've stepped out of the Mermaid Lounge back into the street, head down the alley to the other side, where the Pink Pearl is.

Then go up the stairs at the Pink Pearl to the Adam Corpse 1.

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So this Adam corpse is in front of the room where you jumped through the hole in the floor into the Poisoned Apple. This place is hard to defend because the Freaks can attack from all sides. The Freaks can come out of the room, but will also come up the stairs and appear on the various balconies. The Freaks will also open fire from the street. You can consider placing a few of your Mini-turrets around the corpse, but that won't help much. Better save your Mini-turrets for later at the 2nd Adam Corpse.

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Place your Little Sister next to the Adam Corpse and she will start harvesting the Adam . While the Little Sister is busy you must protect her again from the Freaks who will open fire from all sides and come at your Little Darling. So do your best and keep you and your Sister alive. When your Little Sister is done with the harvest, pick her up again. This was the first Adam Corpse, so on to the 2nd. The 2nd Adam corpse is therefore in the street in front of the Oceanview Pharmacy, where the Securis door and the Gatherer's Garden are also located. So make sure you end up there again, it's not that complicated.

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Before you put your Little Sister next to the corpse, I advise you to set up some defenses. The Freaks will come here again from all sides, so from the direction of the Mermaid Lounge, from the direction of the Pink Pearl, but they will also come from the balconies and jump down. If you followed my advice, you now have at least 4 Mini-Turrets in yourHack tool arsenal. So pull the Hack tool and get it to fire the Mini-Turrets. Now place a Mini-Turret on both sides of the street, so on the corner to the Mermaid and on the corner to the Pink Pearl. About as in the screenshot below

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Just make sure the Turrets can fire freely in all directions.

Also place a Mini-Turret at the Gatherer's Garden and in front of the Securis Door. Pretty much like in these screenshots

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The Mini-Turrets will help you fight the Freaks, but they really aren't an absolute guarantee that no Freaks can "slip through". So you will have to stay alert yourself and help your Turrets to kill the Freaks. You can always pick up placed Mini-Turrets again, so if you're not happy with the positions of your Turrets, pick them up and put them down differently. The point is that the Turrets can protect you and your Little Sister from all sides, but again ...... Freaks may be mad, but not crazy so they have the ability to destroy your Turrets.

Place your Little Sister near the ADAM Corpse and then protect her again until she finishes the harvest.

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Run back and forth and try to keep your Mini-Turrets a live by quickly and skillfully taking down Freaks who can still slip through.

When your Little Sister has finished harvesting, pick her up again.

This Little Sister has proven her worth again so you have to discharge her again. Don't cry ...... because there are even more "fish" swimming in the great ocean. On the right you see the Little Sister ventilationshaft, so take your Little Sister to the ventilation shaft and then decide what you want to do with her. You can kill or save her.....It's your Choice.

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This time no Big Sister appears. I think the Big Sister clan is still gasping for breath because after all you've already killed about 3 of them.

You've collected another batch of ADAM, so you can start buying Plasmids and Tonics again. So go to the Gatherer's Garden and activate the thing.

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Buy at least a new Plasmid Slot and about 4 Tonic Slots. You can only buy 1 Plasmid Slot per Gatherer's Garden, but you can buy multiple Tonic Slots. However, keep enough Adam to also buy the Incinerate 2 and the Winterblast 2, or the Electrobolt 2, but DO NOT place it in your new Plasmid Slot. The Winterblast 2 is very useful because it allows you to freeze Security Cameras, Turrets and Securitybots so that you can hack them more easily afterwards. Whatever you buy, make sure you have at least 1 empty Plasmid Slot. Plasmid and Tonics that you buy but do not activate right now are stored in the Gene Bank, where you can always exchange your Plasmids and Tonics.

Across the street from the Gatherer's Garden is the Securis door which you must pass through to continue on your way to Pump station 5. Here in Little Eden Plaza, however, a Big Daddy with a Little Sister is still waddling around. You can now choose to take that Little Sister with you, before you continue on your way toPump station 5, and you should actually do that. But first you have to kill her Big Daddy. I'm not doing that now, because you still have a few big fights to survive and then having a Little Sister on your shoulder is difficult. So I'm now waiting to adopt the 2nd Little Sister until I kill Daniel Wales and survive the fight at the Securis door to Plaza Hedone.

If you want to take the Little Sister then find her and her Big Daddy and fight the Big Daddy and when your Big Daddy is down put the Little Sister on your shoulder.

Then return to the Securis door and go through it. If you don't want to take a Little Sister with you, go through the Securis door right now.

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When you have gone through the Securis door, you are in a small hallway and ...... you will receive a message from Eleanor.

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Eleanor reports that Lamb now knows that she is helping you and that Lamb has therefore accelerated Eleanor's treatment.

Eleanor has left you another present here... the "Security Command" Plasmid,

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Grab the Security Command Plasmid and read what you can do with it.

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With this Plasmid you can take control of red Security Cameras and red Securitybots and Turrets so that they then focus their "attention" on the enemies. Red Cameras etc, as well as your own green cameras and bots, will follow the blue ball if you throw it at an enemy. So equip this Security Command Plasmid right now in the free Plasmid Slot youhave just bought in the Gatherer's Garden.

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A short comic video further explains how the Security Command works.

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Do not go straight through the gate into the next larger hall. Stand in the gate and then peek left around the corner and look up.

There is a red Security camera on the wall and when that thing sees you, the alarm bells will ring and 4 red Securitybots will come after you.

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If you have another "Auto-Hack Dart" I'd pump it into the Camera. If you don't have an "Auto-Hack Dart" anymore, you can use a "Remote Hack Dart" but first freeze the camera with your Winterblast 2 so that hacking is a lot easier. This is an intermediate hall on the way to the "Plaza Hedone" and "Pump station 5". At the stairs is a Health station and on the left is a Circus of Value. On the left is also a hall where the VITA CHAMBER is located and there is also a staircase. There are a few Freaks here and at the top of the stairs is a red Turret, so be warned.

Hack the Health station first and try to get the blue bonus while hacking so that this Health station stays hacked for good. This can help you a lot to survive the big fight against a gang of Spider Freaks. Make sure you have Winterblast 2 in your left hand and then run up the stairs and then quickly freeze the Turret that is on top of the balcony with Winterblast. It does not have to be the case that you also have those 2 Freaks at the Turret, because Freaks naturally roam around and so those 2 Freaks can also have come down via the stairs.

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Once you've frozen the Turret, quickly run over to it and press your "B button" to start hacking the Turret. You shouldn't linger too long because the Turret only stays frozen for a short time. You will see that the needle now moves a lot slower so that thehack has become a lot easier.

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If the hacking is successful, the Turret will be green and will therefore target Freaks. Look to the left and you will see the Securis door to "Plaza Hedone".

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Unfortunately, the door is locked with a code lock. Walk to the door and .......

...... you will receive a new assignment and that is to find the code for this door.

To the left of the door is a suitcase and an Audio Diary leans against the suitcase.

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Grab Audio Diary and listen to it because you'll hear where to find the code for the door. You hear Father Simon Wales

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Simon Wales has recorded this Audio Diary for his brother Daniel Wales and you will hear that you can find the code for the Securis door in Daniel Wales's office, inside the Pink Pearl. Continue to the corner, where the stairs lead down to the VITA CHAMBER.

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Sinclair reports but has nothing important to say. Pick up the Hack Dart and the ammo and loot the corpse and go back down the stairs. So now you have to go to the Pink Pearl to find the code for the Securis door. But the Pink Pearl is closed. Leave this intermediate hall back to Little Eden Plaza and then follow the street to the Pink Pearl and ...... A BRUTE is kicking in the front door of the Pink Pearl and he succeeds.

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It's nice that Brute has opened the Pink Pearl for you, but he will turn to you then, so you have to fight a bit with the Brute. The Winterblast 2 or the Electrobolt 2 can do you good services, but of course you can also use Telekinesis 2 to bombard the Brute with all kinds of heavy equipment that is scattered here and there. Inshort.....come up the best strategy for you to deal with this Brutej and then enter the Pink Pearl.

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Inside the Pink Pearl:


As soon as you enter the Pink Pearl you will receive a message from Grandma Grace Holloway.

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Grace Holloway has left you a present in the entrance hall of the Pink Pearl and that is the SPEARGUN. Get the Speargun.

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With the Speargun you fire metal spears with which you nail the enemies to the walls. The Speargun isn't the most effective weapon in the game, but it is the one whose ammo can be reused. There are 4 different types of spears for the Speargunand you can reuse 3 types unlimited. So if you've nailed an enemy to the wall with a spear, you can pull the spear out of the corpse and use it again. However, the Speargun is not very accurate, which means you often miss a shot, so you often have to fire at an enemy multiple times to nail them down with a spear.Speargun ammo is scarces so it is advisable to always pick up your fired spears or pull them out of the corpses.

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You can practice this right away because on the left and right there are 2 corpses that are nailed to the walls with a spear.

On the left hangs such a "Speargun corpse" next to the Gene Bank

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And on the right hangs another corpse from which you can pull 2 Spears.

There is also a Spear loose in the wall. So pull those spears out of the corpses and the walls.

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Go left, or right, to the large lobby of the Pink Pearl. Sinclair comes in and reports that Daniel Wales's office is on the top floor.

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The Pink Pearl used to be a 5 star hotel, but during the war it has become a whor*house, with f*ck rooms and peep shows. Ho.....wait a minute.....take a rest and SAVE YOUR GAME. Things are going to get hectic here at the Pink Pearl and things are going to happen in quick succession. I won't be able to tell you everything in detail here and also taking good screenshots will be difficult because things are going to be very hectic in a moment.

You are in the Pink Pearl to hunt down and to kill Daniel Wales, the crazy brother of the even crazier Father Simon Wales. Daniel Wales has the code for the Securis door of the Plaza Hedone and you will have to kill him to get that code. Sinclair has reported that Daniel Wales's office is on the top, second, floor. If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about going through all the rooms of the Pink Pearl,you can do that later. Now focus on that Daniel Wales first and on killing Daniel to get the door code. I do recommend that you place some Mini-Turrets here and there with your Hacktool.

If you still want to achieve the highest Research Level, it is important that you always have the Research Camera ready to make recordings with it. Here in the Pink Pearl not only the "regular" Freaks roamthe rooms but also Spider Freaks. Spider Freaks crawl along the ceiling and through the ventilation ducts and jump on you from nowhere. Try to record a fight with a Spider Freak at least once with the Research Camera. Eventually you will find that crazy Daniel Wales in his office on the 2nd floor.

However, Wales does not stand still but runs away, so you will have to chase after him. Also include Daniel Wales with your Research Camera to earn extra Research points. Wales will jump through a large hole in the floor in his office and then continue down to the ground floor where you will finish him and then you will be told, via an Audio Diary, the code for the Securis door.

A: Find Daniel Wales office:

You are downstairs in the main hall of the Pink Pearl. On the left is the stairs you have to take to go to the 1st and then to the 2nd floor. So run up the stairs to the 1st floor. You will probably see a Spider Freak crawling along the ceiling. On the 1st floor you go right and right again at the corner mom and you continue to the large hall. Turn right again to the stairs and stay at the bottom of the stairs and look up.

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At the top of the stairs to the 2nd floor is that crazy Daniel Wales. Watch out, because Wales throws down some grenades and he also shoots 2 Trap Spears into the walls of the stairs. Daniel Wales then disappears and you will not meet him again until in his rooms. Carefully continue up the stairs until you are right in front of the 2 Trap Spears, which now make the top steps of the stairs completely deadly for you.

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The game tells you how to deal with this type of Trap Spears. Trap Spears are not reusable, so you can't pick them up again. You can pull them out of the wall with Telekinesis and then, for example, squeeze them into another wall in a safe place for you. Or you just shoot the spears, but do so from a safe distance.

Anyway .... make sure you remove the 2 Trap Spears or else you can't go any further. Once you've removed the 2 Trap Spears, have the Research Camera ready so you can shoot a Spider Freak in a minute. Walk further up and turn right and ...... A Spider Freak jumps down and attacks. Well with the Spider Freak and make sure you survive this.

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When you kill the Spider you will receive the Research Bonus.

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Just follow the hallway to the main hall and you will undoubtedly have to survive even more Spider Freaks, but also "regular" Freaks.

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You are now completely upstairs. Walk to the back and then peek left around the corner. A Freak stands guard in front of the doors of Daniel Wales's rooms and there is also a security camera. If you still have an "Auto-Hack Dart" then fire it with the Hacktool into that camera to hack the camera automatically.

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How to do it is up to you, but Hack the camera and kill the Freak and then go through the Daniel Wales doors.

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You have completed part 1 because you have found the rooms of Daniel Wales.

Look to the right into the hallway and see ..... there is Daniel again.

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B: Hunt down and kill Daniel Wales:

Watch out because Wales will throw a few grenades at you and then he will jump down through a hole in the floor.

So also walk to the back and ignore the room on the left. Immediately jump down through the floor hole and you will end up back on the 1st floor in an apartment.

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It's dark here. Carefully walk to the hallway and peek through the hallway into the next room.

Ouch ...... there are 2 Turrets set up and those Turrets are aimed exactly at the corridor.

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On the bookcase is an "Auto-Hack Dart" and by the chair is your reward for Researching a Spider Freak and that is the Hacker's Delight 2 tonic.

However, you can't go through the hallway because then you will be mowed down by the 2 Turrets. What to do? Well....I solved this like this.

Pull back and then carefully peek back into the hallway. Make sure you are stooped. Have Telekinesis 1 or 2 ready, then pull that "Auto-Hack Dart" with Telekinesis. Press your "E" key to get the Dart. Pull the Hack Tool and then fire the "Auto-Hack Dart " in the left Turret. The chair in front of the Hacker's Delight protects you against the right Turret. The left Turret is then hacked. Now quickly crawl to the bookcase and then crawl to the Hacker's Delight tonic and then grab the Tonic and "Equip" the tonic right away.

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Then quickly run into the room where the 2 Turrets are and then quickly disappear through the door into the hallway. Look to the left and ..... In a glimpse you see crazy Daniel Wales again, but he immediately disappears again. Wales will go to the ground floor, so run further into the hall and stop worrying about Freaks. Just jump from the 1st floor down to the ground floor and ..... Well ... Daniel Wales is already there, so now fight Wales and if you hadn't done that before, Research him with the Research Camera.

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This Daniel Wales is basically your first ENDBOSS in the game and he's pretty tough. He also keeps hopping away, so you have to keep chasing him. But the whole fight takes place on the main floor of the Pink Pearl. You make up your own strategy, and combination of Plasmid and weapons, to defeat Daniel Wales. If you have succeeded, you will receive the congratulations of the game and Wales will lie in the corner like a golden yellow corpse.

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Go to the corpse of Daniel Wales and loot the corpse and .....

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..... you will automatically hear an Audio Diary from Daniel Wales in which you also get the code for the Securis door to Plaza Hedone and that code is 1919.

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The game immediately gives you the new assignment and that is to open that Securis door now.

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We go on with this chapter on the:

Nex Page

2021: Walkthrough by: LouisKoot

Bioshock 2 Chapter 5 Siren Alley (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.